There seems to be a problem with the implementation (probably of \tldatelabelcventry
) in moderntimeline.sty
; the second entry in the following example is shifted to the left:
\tldatelabelcventry{2008}{Okt. 2008}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
\tldatelabelcventry{2008}{Okt. 2008}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
\tldatelabelcventry{2012}{Okt. 2012}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
Using a proper bounding box in the definition solves the problem with the alignment (but the labels overlap with the following text):
\useasboundingbox (0,-1.5ex) rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,1ex);
\fill [\tl@runningcolor] (0,0)
rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,\tl@runningwidth);
\fill [#1] (0,0)
node [tl@startyear] {#3}
node {$\bullet$};
\tldatelabelcventry{2008}{Okt. 2008}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
\tldatelabelcventry{2008}{Okt. 2008}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
\tldatelabelcventry{2012}{Okt. 2012}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
With the code in the original question, besides adding a proper bounding box, some work with the position of the labels will have to be done:
\useasboundingbox (0,-1.5ex) rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,1ex);
\fill [\tl@runningcolor] (0,0)
rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,\tl@runningwidth);
\fill [#1] (0,0)
node [tl@startyear,yshift=5pt,anchor=east] {#3}
node {$\bullet$};
\tldatelabelcventry{2008}{Okt. 2008}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
\tldatelabelcventry{2012}{Okt. 2012}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
Finally, to get the desired alignment, one can produce a command similar to \tldatelabelcventry
but with another optional argument, allowing to specify the anchor for the label; this can be easily done with the help of the xparse
\useasboundingbox (0,-1.5ex) rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,1ex);
\fill [\tl@runningcolor] (0,0)
rectangle (\hintscolumnwidth,\tl@runningwidth);
\fill [#2] (0,0)
node [tl@startyear,yshift=5pt,anchor=#1] {#4}
node {$\bullet$};
\tldatelabelcventryn[west]{2008}{Okt. 2008}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
\tldatelabelcventryn[center][red!70!black]{2010}{Okt. 2010}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}
\tldatelabelcventryn[east]{2012}{Okt. 2012}{Test}{}{}{}{}{}