I'm trying to draw a fully connected network diagram. I've been using the source code from this answer ( Neural Network representation) however, if I create new nodes the nodes do not attach themselves to each other node automatically.
I have this so far (this code is modified from the answer that I have linked to above):
%%Create a style for the arrows we are using
\tikzset{normal arrow/.style={draw, thin}}
%%Create the different coordinates to place the nodes
\path (0,0) coordinate (1) ++(0,-2) coordinate (2) ++(0,-2) coordinate (3);
\path (1) ++(-3,-.2) coordinate (x1);
\path (3) ++(-3, .2) coordinate (x2);
%%Use the calc library and partway modifiers to generate the second and third level points
\path ($(1)!.5!(2)!3 cm!90:(2)$) coordinate (4);
\path ($(2)!.5!(3)!3 cm!90:(3)$) coordinate (5);
\path ($(4)!.5!(5)!3 cm!90:(5)$) coordinate (6);
\path (6) ++(3,0) coordinate (7);
%%Place nodes at each point using the foreach construct
\foreach \i/\color in {1/Magenta!60,2/MidnightBlue!60,3/CadetBlue!80,4/CadetBlue!80,5/CadetBlue!80,6/CadetBlue!80}{
\node[draw,circle,shading=axis,top color=\color, bottom color=\color!black,shading angle=45] (n\i) at (\i) {$f_{\i}(e)$};
%%Place the remaining nodes separately
\node (nx1) at (x1) {$\mathbf{x_1}$};
\node (nx2) at (x2) {$\mathbf{x_2}$};
\node (ny) at (7) {$\mathbf{y}$};
%%Drawing the arrows
\path[normal arrow] (nx1) -- (n1);
\path[normal arrow] (nx1) -- (n3);
\path[normal arrow] (nx2) -- (n1);
\path[normal arrow] (nx2) -- (n3);
\path[normal arrow] (n1) -- (n4);
\path[normal arrow] (n1) -- (n5);
\path[normal arrow] (n2) -- (n4);
\path[normal arrow] (n2) -- (n5);
\path[normal arrow] (n3) -- (n4);
\path[normal arrow] (n3) -- (n5);
\path[normal arrow] (n4) -- (n6);
\path[normal arrow] (n5) -- (n6);
\path[normal arrow] (n6) -- (ny);
%%Drawing the cyan arrows including the labels
\path[normal arrow,Cyan] (nx1) -- node[above=.5em,Cyan] {$\mathbf{w_{(x1)2}}$} (n2);
\path[normal arrow,Cyan] (nx2) -- node[below=.5em,Cyan] {$\mathbf{w_{(x2)2}}$} (n2);
The problems with my solution is that it has unnecessary labels, as well as a node at the very end, which is unnecessary. I can't find a way to position the nodes cannot be positioned in a circular pattern in my solution.