Here's one possibility using TikZ; \chapterdecoration
is automatically invoked using the last optional argument of \titleformat
for \chapter
as given in arsclassica.sty
\hspace{10pt}\vline} }{10pt}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,shorten >= -10pt]
\coordinate (aux1) at ([yshift=-15pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux2) at ([yshift=-410pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux3) at ([xshift=-4.5cm]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux4) at ([yshift=-150pt]current page.north east);
\begin{scope}[halfgray!40,line width=12pt,rounded corners=12pt]
(aux1) -- coordinate (a)
++(225:5) --
++(-45:5.1) coordinate (b);
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
(aux3) --
(a) --
\draw[opacity=0.6,halfgray,shorten <= -10pt]
(b) --
++(225:2.2) --
\draw[halfgray,line width=8pt,rounded corners=8pt,shorten <= -10pt]
(aux4) --
++(225:0.8) --
\begin{scope}[halfgray!70,line width=6pt,rounded corners=8pt]
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
(aux2) --
++(225:3) coordinate[pos=0.45] (c) --
(aux2) --
(c) --
++(135:2.5) --
++(45:2.5) --
++(-45:2.5) coordinate[pos=0.3] (d);
(d) -- +(45:1);
\chapter{graphic test}
\section{graphic test}
In a comment, FormlessCloud asked for a change so that the decoration will always appear in the outer margin (this, of course, if the openany
class option is active); here's the necessary modification:
\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example
\hspace{10pt}\vline} }{10pt}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,shorten >= -10pt]
\coordinate (aux1) at ([yshift=-15pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux2) at ([yshift=-410pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux3) at ([xshift=-4.5cm]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux4) at ([yshift=-150pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux1) at ([yshift=-15pt]current page.north west);
\coordinate (aux2) at ([yshift=-410pt]current page.north west);
\coordinate (aux3) at ([xshift=4.5cm]current page.north west);
\coordinate (aux4) at ([yshift=-150pt]current page.north west);
\begin{scope}[halfgray!40,line width=12pt,rounded corners=12pt]
(aux1) -- coordinate (a)
++(\angleiii:5) --
++(\anglei:5.1) coordinate (b);
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
(aux3) --
(a) --
\draw[opacity=0.6,halfgray,shorten <= -10pt]
(b) --
++(\angleiii:2.2) --
\draw[halfgray,line width=8pt,rounded corners=8pt,shorten <= -10pt]
(aux4) --
++(\angleiii:0.8) --
\begin{scope}[halfgray!70,line width=6pt,rounded corners=8pt]
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
(aux2) --
++(\angleiii:3) coordinate[pos=0.45] (c) --
(aux2) --
(c) --
++(\angleiv:2.5) --
++(\angleii:2.5) --
++(\anglei:2.5) coordinate[pos=0.3] (d);
(d) -- +(\angleii:1);
\mbox{}\newpage%just for the example
\chapter{graphic test}
\section{graphic test}
\chapter{graphic test}
\section{graphic test}
An image of the two pages containing the beginning of a chapter, illustrating the alternancy in the margin: