In this minimal example





    \setlength{\TestLength}{\widthof{\tikz \node {bla};}} 
    \showthe\TestLength% MEASUREMENT 1 

            \setlength{\TestLength}{\widthof{\node {bla};}} 
            \showthe\TestLength% MEASUREMENT 2 


\TestLength is calculated correctly in the first time (MEASUREMENT 1), but too small in the second time (MEASUREMENT 2). I'd like to calculate it within a tikzpicture environment, so that I'm fixed to the second way of calculation. is there any workaround?

Thanks a lot for any kind of comments or ideas.

  • What do you need this length for exactly? Most of the times it is enough to give the node a name and use the various anchors of that node.
    – Caramdir
    Commented Jan 11, 2011 at 19:28

2 Answers 2


If you want to measure the size of a node that has already been typeset and named, you can use the following code:



% \getwidthofnode will measure the width of the node given as its second
% parameter and store it into the first parameter.
    \pgfextractx{\pgf@xa}{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{west}}% \pgf@xa is a length defined by PGF for temporary storage. No need to create a new temporary length.


    \node (mynode) {bla};

  • Thanks for the reply. What I actually want to do is to center a bunch of an arbitrary number of nodes with arbitrary shapes and texts on another longish object with defined length. To accomplish this I use an expandable command that is executed in the very end of the code, drawing the nodes on top of the other object. Into this command I put sequentially the code for the nodes. In parallel I want to calculate the overall length of the nodes to calculate their positions. Therefore I would like to calculate the overall length of the nodes before drawing them.
    – Robert
    Commented Jan 11, 2011 at 23:31
  • @Robert: I see. Then you might be interested in section 75.2.3 “Deferred Node Positioning” of the TikZ v2.10 manual. This describes how to create a node and get its bounding box without placing it immediately.
    – Caramdir
    Commented Jan 11, 2011 at 23:58
  • Thanks for this hint. I'll test this as soon as i find the time. I'll let you know whether it'll solve my problem.
    – Robert
    Commented Jan 13, 2011 at 9:16

The solution to my problem was to use the \pgfpositionnodelater command of the pgf-package (version 2.10). Thanks to Caramdir for the hint to this possibility.






    \setlength{\TestLength}{\widthof{\tikz \node {bla};}} 
    \showthe\TestLength% MEASUREMENT 1 

      \setlength{\TestLength}{\widthof{\node {bla};}} 
        \showthe\TestLength% MEASUREMENT 2 

                \node {bla};%
        \showthe\TestLength% MEASUREMENT 3


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