Instead of redefining the \maketitle
command, you can use \parbox
es to produce the desired layout; something along these lines:
\sffamily {\LARGE Latest Developments in Evolutionary Biology--A New Perspective\par\bigskip}
{John Doe\par\smallskip}
{\footnotesize Theoretical Science Department, Nice University\par}
The demo
option for graphicx
simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.
And, just for fun, an option using TikZ to replicate the logo:
\node[draw=gray,line width=4pt,fill=bgcolor,rounded corners=3pt,minimum width=0.34\textwidth,align=center,inner sep=0pt,minimum height=3.3cm] (rect)
{ \sffamily
\parbox{.34\linewidth}{\color{myred}\footnotesize LECTURE \\ NOTES IN}%
\parbox{.4\linewidth}{\color{myred}\Large\bfseries Science}
\draw[gray,line width=1pt] ([xshift=-8pt,yshift=-1.2cm]rect.north) -- +(0,-30pt);
\sffamily {\LARGE Latest Developments in Evolutionary Biology--A New Perspective\par\bigskip}
{John Doe\par\smallskip}
{\footnotesize Theoretical Science Department, Nice University\par}