Here is the exact webpage I want to cite:

    \bibitem{BrouwerSRG}A. Brouwer.
    Strongly Regular Graphs table

Now, if I type this in and compile, the ~ does not show up at all. A professor recommended using $\sim$aeb and then later said he was mistaken to use that and instead I should use \~{}aeb. When I use $\sim$aeb, it seems to look correct, though perhaps the ~ is a little big. If I use \~{}aeb, it does not look right at all, it looks like a superscript ~. If I do \~aeb only, it puts the ~ above the a, so definitely not right.

I don't know much about bibliographies, but I'm just using \begin{thebibliography}{45} to start up my references, in case that matters.

Any ideas?


1 Answer 1


If you use the \url command from the hyperref package, the tilde works without having to modify the URL. It becomes clickable, too, if you compile with pdflatex.

In LaTeX, ~ just means "non-breakable space". No line break is allowed between words that are connected with a tilde.

Have you considered using bibtex or biblatex for your bibliography? This will make sure that references are formatted consistently, and the reference style can be changed without having to reformat the entire bibliography.

  • If I add in the line to use the hyperref package, and do nothing else at all, now my file errors out.
    – GeoffDS
    Dec 18, 2012 at 21:55
  • 1
    @Graphth: Could you try the url package? If the error persists, please post a new question.
    – krlmlr
    Dec 18, 2012 at 22:03

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