The memoir
class is a popular choice for writing nice looking documents. Memoir gives you a lot of control over how section headings and so on look. Memoir doesn't, however have the nice shortcuts that change all the commands at once, so you have to have, for example:
\setbeforesecskip{-1.5ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}
\setaftersecskip{1.3ex plus .2ex}
\setbeforesubsecskip{-1.25ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}
\setaftersubsecskip{1ex plus .2ex}
That is, you need a styling command for each level, plus two spacing commands for each level (note even this doesn't change paragraph styling or, in fact, spacing for subsubsec).
So what I'd like, as answers to this question are collections of memoir section styling commands that look nice and are consistent. The idea would then be to collect them, give them names, and offer them as a package, or suggest they be included in a future version of memoir. How exactly the restylings would be called in the document is as yet undetermined (simplest would be just to have each one a macro: \def\makesectionssc{\setsecheadstyle{etc...
For chapter headings, memoir does contain nice quick commands for globally modifying the chapter headings, but it doesn't extend to lower levels. So ideally, I'd like the suggestions below to also have a "serving suggestion" of which chapter styles they fit with.
The titlesec
package provides nice package options for a quick way to modify all section commands consistently. So \usepackage[small,compact]{titlesec}
makes all the sectioning commands smaller, and shrinks the spacing. Titlesec is sort of compatible with memoir. If you use titlesec, it overwrites all your memoir commands, however. So a memoir only solution is preferred.