I created a table in LaTeX, but there are some problems with the borders. The borders remain open whereas I want them closed. Also, in the last row, I want the vertical line gone, ie I want just one column in the last row. Can someone please fix it? Here are my code and my table:
\begin{table} [h!]
Parameters & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Model 1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Model 2}\\
& Coefficient & 95\% CI
& Coefficient & 95\% CI \\
$\beta_{concern_2}$ & $0.190^{\ast}$ & (0.113, 0.268) & 0.171 & (0.100, 0.241)\\
$\beta_{concern_3}$ & 0.117 & (0.043, 0.191) & 0.117 & (0.050, 0.183)\\
$\beta_{concern_4}$ & 0.210 & (0.139, 0.281) & 0.190 & (0.127, 0.253)\\
$\beta_{concern_5}$ & 0.204 & (0.135, 0.273) & 0.111 & ( 0.049, 0.173)\\
$\beta_{breath_2}$ & 0.157 & (0.07,8 0.236) & 0.208 & (0.136, 0.280) \\
$\beta_{breath_3}$ & 0.115 & (0.041, 0.189) & 0.100 & (0.034, 0.166) \\
$\beta_{breath_4}$ & 0.236 & (0.160, 0.311) & 0.301 & ( 0.234, 0.368)\\
$\beta_{breath_5}$ & 0.092 & (0.020, 0.163) & 0.079 & (0.015, 0.144) \\
$\beta_{weath_2}$ & 0.164 & ( 0.092, 0.236) & 0.137 & (0.071, 0.203) \\
$\beta_{weath_3}$ & 0.160 & (0.089, 0.231) & 0.199 & (0.135, 0.263) \\
$\beta_{weath_4}$ & 0.141 & (0.067, 0.215) & 0.133 & (0.066, 0.199) \\
$\beta_{weath_5}$ & 0.176 & (0.103, 0.249) & 0.257 & (0.191, 0.323)\\
$\beta_{sleep_2}$ & 0.111 & (0.036, 0.187) & 0.135 & (0.068 0.203) \\
$\beta_{sleep_3}$ & 0.110 & (0.036 0.184) & 0.176 & 0.110 0.242 \\
$\beta_{sleep_4}$ & 0.131 & (0.056 0.205 & 0.162 & 0.095 0.229 \\
$\beta_{sleep_5}$ & 0.011 & (-0.064, 0.086) & 0.034 & (-0.033, 0.101) \\
$\beta_{act_2}$ & 0.135 & (0.060, 0.209) & 0.033 & (-0.033, 0.100) \\
$\beta_{act_3} $ &0.195 & (0.121, 0.269) & 0.203 & ( 0.137, 0.268)\\
$\beta_{act_4} $ & 0.214 & ( 0.139, 0.290) & 0.254 & (0.186 0.321) \\
$\beta_{act_5} $ & 0.224 & (0.154, 0.294) & 0.158 & (0.095, 0.221) \\
& *statistically significant at 5\% level \\
\caption{Regression Coefficients of model 1 and model 2 }
also in the\multicolum
s (i.e:\multicolumn{2}{c|}{Model 1}
work correctly only in absence of vertical rules. Remove them and your table will be better (use also\toprule
, though).$\beta_{\text{concern}_2}$
, to do that just add\usepackage{amsmath}
to your preamble.booktabs
documentation? It discourages\hline
. Perhaps that's why the output looks so bad.