In several documents I'm creating with LuaLaTeX (using MacTeX2012 on a Mac that's running MacOS X 10.7.5), I primarily use the Adobe-issued font Garamond Premier Pro as the main text font. I use this font because it provides a slew of

  • "Common" ligatures: These comprise not only the five TeX-standard f-ligatures, viz., ff, fi, fl, ffi, and ffl, but also ligatures for ft, fft, fb, ffb, and a few more; and

  • "Rare" (aka "Discretionary") ligatures: For this particular font, "rare" ligatures are available for the character pairs ct, st, sp, and ft (but not fft; see also below) in both upright and italic shapes, as well as for the character pairs as, is, us, at, et, th and a few more in the italic font shape only.

If just the "Common" ligature set is enabled (via the option Ligatures=Common), the ft and fft groups, in both upright and italic shapes, are typeset like this:

enter image description here

Just in case this matters, the Unicode character representations for these ligatures are U+E18D and U+E187, respectively. In the upright font shape, the "glyph id" numbers are 277 and 271 and the "character codes" are 57742 and 57735, respectively. In the italic font shape, the Unicode character representations are the same, but the "glyph id" and "character code" numbers are 283 and 276, and 57864 and 57857, respectively.

However, if the "Rare" ligature set is enabled -- irrespective of whether the "Common" ligature set is enabled as well -- the ft and fft character groups are rendered as follows:

enter image description here

(Aside: For another rendering of the "rare"-style ft-ligature, check out the web page Garamond type ft-ligature.)

Not only does the "Rare"-style ft ligature look rather different from its "Common"-style counterpart, the fft ligature no longer exists at all: the fft character triple is now rendered as a plain "f" followed by the "Rare"-style ft ligature. For my purposes, the absence of a ligature for the fft character triple if "Rare" ligatures are enabled is rather unfortunate. The fact that the crossbars of the "f" and "ft" glyphs don't line up properly in the italic font shape is also rather problematic. Separately, I also prefer the look of the "Common"-style ft-ligature to that of its "Rare"-style counterpart, but that's only a secondary concern. (Incidentally, the Unicode character representation for the "Rare" ft-ligature is U+E18E. In the upright font shape, its "glyph id" and "character number" codes are 278 and 57742, resp.; in the italic font shape the latter two numbers are 283 and 57864, resp.)

My question is: Is there a way -- preferably using macros provided by the fontspec package -- to disable the "Rare"-style ft ligature globally in order to re-enable the "Common"-style ft ligature -- while still being able to use all other "Rare" ligatures as well as the "Common" ligatures?

Just for completeness, here's the code that generates the first example above:

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
    ItalicFont={Garamond Premier Pro Italic}]
    {Garamond Premier Pro}
ft fft \em ft fft

To generate the second example, replace the option Ligatures=Common with Ligatures={Common,Rare}.

  • 13
    One consideration is that typesetters historically eschew ligatures when they span components in a compound word, and the only English words I can think of that include "fft" ("offtrack", "offtake") are such...I think typesetters would use the "ff" ligature and liberate the "t" in both cases. I know this is not an answer, but it may explain why some foundries don't bother with "fft"...?
    – commonhare
    Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 6:52
  • 4
    @commonhare - I think your conjecture is correct. I should have mentioned, maybe, that some of my documents are either in German or mixed German/English. In German, there's definitely a need for an fft ligature, for words such as "gerafft" and "geschafft", to go along with the ft ligature. Of course, historically accurate typesetting of old German documents would call for the use of blackletter (e.g., "Fraktur") fonts...
    – Mico
    Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 11:55
  • 4
    small warning ... the unicode values cited here are in the "private use area", so don't expect that the shapes found at those locations in other fonts will necessarily be the same. Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 14:33
  • 5
    That is a font bug, the ligature lookups are ordered wrongly; the longer ligature lookups should precede the shorter ones (in the font) or they will not get applied. One possible way way to fix this is using an OpenType feature files, defining lookups that revert the unwanted ligature. Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 15:26
  • 1
    @KhaledHosny - Many thanks for providing this insight. If you wouldn't mind writing this up as an answer (preferably with an example of an applicable OpenType feature file), I'd very much appreciate it (and will upvote&accept it).
    – Mico
    Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 15:59

3 Answers 3


Some thing like this using feature files should work:

First the feature file:

# scripts and languages, if the font use others they should be defined here too
languagesystem DFLT dflt;
languagesystem latn dflt;

# this undoes the effect of rare ligature on ft
feature liga {
  sub f_t.alt by f t;
} liga;

# move rare ft to historic ligatures
feature hlig {
  sub f t by f_t.alt;
} hlig;

# apply the regular ligature on ft and fft
feature liga {
  sub f f t by f_f_t;
  sub f t by f_t;
} liga;

The order of the above is important, this way regular “ft” and “fft” are used even with Rare ligatures, but not with Historic.

The glyph names should match those in the font with f_t.alt being the name of the unwanted “ft” ligature, and f_t & f_f_t being the names of the wanted ones.

The full feature file syntax is documented by Adobe (but LuaTeX supports v1.6 f the syntax + FontForge extension, not the current one, so there are some differences).

Then it can be applied to the font by using FeatureFile fontspec option:


\fontspec[Ligatures={Common,Rare},FeatureFile=test.fea]{Garamond Premier Pro}
ft fft \em ft fft

\fontspec[Ligatures={Common,Rare,Historic},FeatureFile=test.fea]{Garamond Premier Pro}
ft fft \em ft fft
  • Thanks! This answer certainly looks like it should work. Unfortunately, your conjecture that "uniXXXX (with XXXX being the hex Unicode value) might work" for the glyph id doesn't seem to apply, at least not for the font at hand (Garamond Premier Pro). Any other suggestions on how I can pass the correct glyph ids to the feature file? (I listed the unicode codes, character codes, and glyph ids in the body of the question.)
    – Mico
    Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 14:49
  • You need glyph names not ids, you can get the correct glyph names by opening the font in a font editor. Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 15:23
  • Success at last! I had to install fontforge (which, in turn, necessitated downloading and installing Xcode and macports...), and learned that the glyph names I need are f_t, f_f_t, and f_t.alt, respectively. I'll modify your code to include this information, just in case someone else ever has to undertake something similar. Incidentally, it turns out that it's not possible to assign f_t.alt to the "historic" ligature group as no such group is currently set up for this font...
    – Mico
    Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 19:08
  • @Mico: Even if there is no hlig feature in the font, adding one in the feature file will work (I tested that with another font and I know it works). Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 19:45
  • Thanks for clarifying the relationship between the work of the feature file and the (prior) absence of an hlig feature for a given font. Maybe I got misled by yet another bug in the font Garamond Premier Pro when I concluded that it couldn't be done? (I've been aware of at least one more bug with this font: the italic font that's selected by default is the "Italic Semibold" variant, not the regular-weight variant.)
    – Mico
    Commented Jan 13, 2013 at 20:32

My answer is essentially the same as that given by @svenper but it’s too long to be a comment and it may address Mico’s questions to svenper.

Perhaps I have a more recent version — version 2.000 — of Garamond Premier Pro than you, because with Ligatures=Rare, I get the rare “ft” and the common “fft” in both the upright and the italic. (Some foundries notify customers of updates or even send free updates; Adobe doesn’t, as if its reputation were enhanced by leaving lesser versions of its products to roam the wild.)

If you’re stuck with a defective version of the fonts and dislike their discretionary “ft” ligature (it does nothing for legibility), and if you want a convenient way to use all discretionary ligatures except for the “ft,” you can define f\_t.alt into oblivion:

    name = "mlig",
    type = "substitution",
    data = {
      ["f_t.alt"] = "f_t",
\setmainfont{Garamond Premier Pro}[
  Ligatures=Rare,% placing this before the new feature may be important; please test
  RawFeature=+mlig]% mlig = “Mico’s ligatures”
ft fft ct sp st

\em ft fft as at ct et ij is ll sp st ta th us


If you want to restore the discretionary “ft” in one spot, simply use {\addfontfeatures{RawFeature=-mlig}ft}.

Please test this; it works for me, but then my copy of the fonts doesn’t show the original problem.

Another approach is to refrain from specifying Ligatures=Rare, and instead to define a new feature with only th discretionary ligatures you like. For example, suppose you like many of the discretionary ligatures but not “ct,” “sp,” and “st.” In that case, the common ligatures suffice for the upright fonts, but you need a new feature for the italics — let’s call it ilig, for “italic ligatures.”

    name = "ilig",
    type = "ligature",
    data = {
      ['a_s'] = { "a", "s" },
      ['a_t'] = { "a", "t" },
      ['e_t'] = { "e", "t" },
      ['i_j'] = { "i", "j" },
      ['i_s'] = { "i", "s" },
      ['l_l'] = { "l", "l" },
      ['t_a'] = { "t", "a" },
      ['t_h'] = { "t", "h" },
      ['u_s'] = { "u", "s" },
\setmainfont{Garamond Premier Pro}[
ft fft ct sp st

\em ft fft as at ct et ij is ll sp st ta th us


Finally, suppose you need to avoid dlig because of its effect on the f-ligatures, but you want the upright and italic “ct,” “sp,” and “st” ligatures, along with a selection of the discretionary italic ligatures. You can simply proceed as above with ilig, and also add the discretionary ligatures found in both upright and italic to liga, which is already on by default.

    name = "liga",
    type = "ligature",
    data = {
      ['c_t'] = { "c", "t" },
      ['s_p'] = { "s", "p" },
      ['s_t'] = { "s", "t" },
    name = "ilig",
    type = "ligature",
    data = {
      ['a_s'] = { "a", "s" },
      ['a_t'] = { "a", "t" },
      ['e_t'] = { "e", "t" },
      ['i_j'] = { "i", "j" },
      ['i_s'] = { "i", "s" },
      ['l_l'] = { "l", "l" },
      ['t_a'] = { "t", "a" },
      ['t_h'] = { "t", "h" },
      ['u_s'] = { "u", "s" },
\setmainfont{Garamond Premier Pro}[
Th γγ λλ ffi ffj ffl ft fft ct sp st

\em Th γγ λλ ffi ffj ffl ft fft as at ct et ij is ll sp st ta th us


(Don’t try adding ligatures found only in the italic to liga. With my newer version of Garamond Premier Pro and an up-to-date TeX Live 2017, TeX seems forgiving, but I’ve played with typefaces in which TeX looked for, say, l_l in the upright font and, not finding it, produced “aegory” where I wrote “allegory.”)

  • Many thanks for this answer! The second solution, which you've dubbed the "ilig feature", works for me! It turns out that the version of the Garamond Premier Pro font family that's shipped with MacOS 10.13 "High Sierra" is still version 1.000, copyright 2005. (This information is courtesy of the FontForge utility.) I have no idea why Apple isn't shipping version 2.000 of this font (and probably all sorts of other fonts from Adobe...).
    – Mico
    Commented Mar 18, 2018 at 8:12
  • What I'll end up doing is to use your second solution (i.e., enable certain ligatures explicitly for italic and bold-italic text), along with a second font feature that enables the ct, sp, and st ligatures globally (i.e., enable these three ligatures for upright, italic, bold, and bold-italic text). For sure, much cheaper than to buy the up-to-date versions of the four font faces from Adobe! :-)
    – Mico
    Commented Mar 18, 2018 at 9:20
  • 1
    Thanks, Mico! But there’s still no hope that I’ll ever catch up with egreg ;-)
    – Thérèse
    Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 23:54
  • Have a quick look at tex.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Reputation&filter=week : Who's in the top-left box at the moment?! :-)
    – Mico
    Commented Mar 19, 2018 at 23:58

With recent versions of TeX Live feature files are deprecated. With LuaLaTeX, another way is to change the glyph of the ligature.

    fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature {
        name = "norareft",
        type = "substitution",
        data = {
            ["f_t.alt"] = "f_t",

And then add the fontspec option RawFeature=+norareft.

A full MWE:

enter image description here

    fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature {
        name = "norareft",
        type = "substitution",
        data = {
            ["f_t.alt"] = "f_t",
        [RawFeature=+norareft,   % <-- the new feature
         Ligatures={Common,Rare},% enable both common and rare ligs        
         Extension     = .otf,
         ItalicFont    = GaramondPremrPro-It,
         BoldFont      = GaramondPremrPro-Smbd,
         BoldItalicFont= GaramondPremrPro-SmbdIt]

ft fft \textit{ft fft}

\bfseries ft fft \textit{ft fft}
  • Many thanks for this! One small issue remains: How to (re)enable the "common" f_f_t ligature? With your present setup, the "rare" f_t ligature is indeed disabled (and thus the "common" f_t ligature is re-enabled); however the "common" f_f_t ligature does not seem to be re-enabled. How to enable it?
    – Mico
    Commented Mar 17, 2018 at 21:43
  • I've taken the liberty of adding an MWE that employs the Garamond Premier Pro font family, mostly because it provides both "common" and "rare" form of the "ft" ligature, as well as (at least in principle) the "common" form of the "fft" ligature. (Garamond Premier Pro is a system font on a MacOSX system.) As you can see, the "fft" ligature isn't (re)enabled. What to do? (If you have access to a MacOSX system, do run the MWE both with Ligatures={Common,Rare} and with Ligatures={Common}. You'll see that that the "common" "fft" ligature shows up once again.)
    – Mico
    Commented Mar 17, 2018 at 22:03
  • 1
    Thanks for the addition. With Garamond Premier Pro 2.061 (2.000 has some issues so I would not mitigate this) and LuaLaTeX 1.0.4, it gives me proper fft ligatures. I suppose you could add an otherwise similar type = "multiple" feature and add rules like ["f_f_t"] = { "f_f", "t" }, and ["f_f_t"] = { "f", "f_t" }, but cannot test this as I don't have the problem.
    – gnucchi
    Commented Mar 18, 2018 at 17:22

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