Cursor position on build error
I am using TexStudio with Beamer and TikZ graphic. In general it does a good job to sync TeX and PDF. Anyway, when there is a build error, it tries to move the cursor to the point, but it only seems to go to the end of the guilty slide.
For a general lecture build, going here seems enough. BTW, say I am playing with a complex TikZ figure, I do many intermediate builds just to check if I am mistyping something. If this happens, the fact that the cursor slides away every time there is an error results in a loss of productivity.
So I'd like the cursor to remain where it is in case of build errors. How can I do this?
Temporary build directory
As many others, to reduce the clutter I set this temporary directory.
I set the PdfLaTex command as:
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory temp-dir %.tex
and, checking Additional search path
in the build dialog, I set both Log File
and PDF Viewer
to temp-dir
Everything is apparently fine, but by chance I noticed that, if, in the root of the TeX file I am going to compile, there is a PDF file with the same basename, then the internal viewer uses this one, despite temp-dir\%.pdf is properly built.
This is not a great annoyance, but I wonder if I set up properly the temporary build directory. Could it be that TeXStudio searches in the TeX root directory first and on a "second thought" in the temp-dir? If this were the case, I suspect that this could slow down the compilation.
There is not much documentation concerning temporary build directories, so I am seeking for your help.