I have noticed that when I have "itemize" environments defined within blocks in beamer, that they introduce more vertical spacing between the top and the bottom of the blocks, than vertical text. Since I have a slide with some text filled blocks and directly after, a slide with only "itemize" holding blocks, I would like the spacing between the itemized text and the block to be the same as for regular text.
On this question I have read about "squeeze" option, but it doesn't seem to work...
Additional info:
The problem is in the additional vertical space that is included by the "\itemize" environment. I have found this answer on how to remove vertical spacing from the itemize list, and I am using this approach. However, it is a brute force approach. What I would like to know if it is possible to have the same vertical space between the end of the itemize list and the bottom of a block, as the one set between the normal text and the bottom of the block.
% -- Modifications that enable the footline and set black color for the fonts
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,right, rightskip=1mm, leftskip=1mm]{titlelike}
Something\hfill Something Else \hfill\insertframenumber%
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[square]
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=black}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=white}
% END Modifications
\frametitle{text blocks}
block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block blockk
block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block
block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block
\frametitle{itemize blocks}
\item item
\item item
\item item
\item item
\item item
\item item
\item item
\item item
\item item
in way similar to tex.stackexchange.com/q/87249/15925