I want to create a curved single arrow inside some circles indicating rotation. Currently I'm doing it using the \draw arc
but the result is very ugly, the arrow tip is very weird when I make the arrow thick. Since each of the arrows must have different thickness, I can't just make them thin.
This is what I have right now:
I'd like the arrows to look like the arrow at the bottom but with varying thickness, which is created with the single arrow
from the tikzlibrary shapes.arrows
This is my current code:
\begin{tikzpicture} %[>=latex]
% cross
\draw[gray,line width=3pt,opacity=0.5,line cap=round] (-2,0) -- (2,0);
\draw[gray,line width=3pt,opacity=0.5,line cap=round] (0,-2) -- (0,2);
\draw[inner sep=3pt,outer sep=0,fill=blue,fill opacity=0.3,draw=blue] (-2,0) circle [radius=1cm];
\draw[inner sep=3pt,outer sep=0,fill=blue,fill opacity=0.3,draw=blue] (2,0) circle [radius=1cm];
\draw[inner sep=3pt,outer sep=0,fill=red,fill opacity=0.3,draw=red] (0,-2) circle [radius=1cm];
\draw[inner sep=3pt,outer sep=0,fill=red,fill opacity=0.3,draw=red] (0,2) circle [radius=1cm];
% rotation direction arrows
\draw [->,line width=5pt] (-2.4,0.3) arc[x radius=0.5cm, y radius =.5cm, start angle=-220, end angle=40];
\draw [->,line width=1pt] (1.6,0.3) arc[x radius=0.5cm, y radius =.5cm, start angle=-220, end angle=40];
\draw [<-,line width=2.5pt] (-0.4,-1.7) arc[x radius=0.5cm, y radius =.5cm, start angle=-220, end angle=40];
\draw [<-,line width=2.5pt] (-0.4,2.3) arc[x radius=0.5cm, y radius =.5cm, start angle=-220, end angle=40];
% rotors asterisk to indicate front and side
\draw plot[mark=asterisk,mark size=5pt,mark options={color=red}] coordinates {(-2,0)};
\draw plot[mark=asterisk,mark size=5pt,mark options={color=green}] coordinates {(2,0)};
\draw plot[mark=asterisk,mark size=5pt,mark options={color=cyan}] coordinates {(0,-2)};
\draw plot[mark=asterisk,mark size=5pt,mark options={color=red}] coordinates {(0,2)};
% translation direction
\node[fill=black,single arrow,minimum height=3cm] (arrow) at (0,-3.5){};
curved single arrow
shape does not exist... but it may be possible to create one.-latex
andline width=5ex
. This arrow head is not curved.