I would like to have a bibliography with both Cyrillic and Latin and the main document language being English. How can I make biblatex to automatically switch between languages? (without using XeTeX as suggested by some) The minimal example returns an error if the main language is English. However, with the main language being Russian the document works.
\usepackage[backend = biber,babel=other]{biblatex}
%\selectlanguage{russian} %if the main document language is Russian the bibliography is compiled without any problem.
This is a test. \parencite{Bara2006,Baranov2001}
The .bib entries are
address = {New York},
author = {Bara, Judith},
publisher = {Routledge},
title = {{English Citation entry}},
year = {2006}
address = {Санкт-Петербугр},
author = {Баранов, Николай А},
title = {{Эволюция взглядов}},
year = {2001}
key in each of your bibentries (ex:language=russian