When I started using a unix based system it was very natural to install MacTeX, since the installation of it is more "windows-like", though the installation package is huge. Later I was introduced to MacPorts, and recently Homebrew, which also provide easy ways of installing LaTeX on my system. However, I find myself unable to distinguish the practical differences between these alternatives and argument for using one or the other.
- Does MacTeX, MacPorts and Homebrew provide different versions of LaTeX?
- Downloading and maintaining tex-libraries with MacTeX is quite easy and automatized through the TexLive utility. Are there similar solutions if one choose to install LaTeX with MacPorts or Homebrew?
- Are there advantages/disadvantages with using one or the other solution?
but most linux-like package managers are not ideal for installing and updating a TeX distribution because of a fundamental misunderstanding about what a TeX "package" is. See Adding a CTAN package to a MacPorts-maintained TeX install for some discussion.