I'm trying to typeset multiline numbered examples with John Frampton's expex package (version 4.1). Since I'm using XeLaTeX (TeXLive 2012), I've picked unicode-math to typeset maths. The following MWE illustrates the problem, which is that the first and second lines of the multiline example are no longer separated properly:



\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}


\gla See on lühike tekst {eesti keeles}.//
\glb This is short text {in Estonian}//
\glft `This is a short text in Estonian.'//


The only warning I get is the innocuous xparse/redefine-command warning, and once I remove unicode-math, the output looks as desired. What's going on here and is there a solution? I should probably add that the same behaviour is observed when I compile with LuaLaTeX.

1 Answer 1


The unicode-math package defines a \gla command for a (quite rare) character.

You can do it with the following trick:


\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}



\gla See on lühike tekst {eesti keeles}.//
\glb This is short text {in Estonian}//
\glft `This is a short text in Estonian.'//


The definitions of unicode-math happen at begin document, so you need to redefine \gla to the saved version after that.

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