A chart with data in the range of 200,000 and small difference between max and min values, will be assigned a 10^5 multiplier to the entire axis. This results in the ticks becoming meaningless, since all become 2.
\addplot coordinates {
When this is plotted the y-axis has 5 ticks, all of which are 2. The y-axis has a multiplier of 10^5. This has effectively removed all information from the graph.
I may use the below to set the explicit value of the tick values but this does not implement change in the display "style" of the axis ticks.
ytick = {200000, 200005, 200010}
I have also tried increasing the precision of the tick label to 5. However this only results in the graph showing labels such as 2.00000, 2.00005, 2.00010 with a 10^5 axis multiplier.
yticklabel style={precision = 5,}
My question is "How do I remove/change this 10^5 multiplier, such that the y-axis ticks are displayed in the form 200000, 200005, 200010.