it's been awhile since I last used LaTex to produce some document. Right now I'm trying to help my wife with producing PhD thesis. And I ran into a problem with a quite big table. I've never used rotated table and found sidewaystable environment that could work for me. But the content is still too big to fit on the page and I'm affraid that she doesn't allow me to break the table on multiple pages.
Here is the output:
The code for producing table is as follows:
\begin{tabular} {llllll}
\textbf{Combination sand fly - Leishmania} & \textbf{Infective dose for sand flies} &\textbf{Used method} & \parbox{3.5cm}{ \textbf{Size of total prefeeding load}\\
&\textbf{No. Promastigotes transmitted
per fly}
&\textbf{\% of transmitting flies} \\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{P. papatasi - L. Major}\\ \textbf{\citep{War86}}} & $2\times10^6$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{forced feeding by microcapillaries}} & unknown & \parbox{3cm}{range 0--1000 \\ 80\% females 1--100 \\ 20\% females 100--1000 \\ 5\% more than 1000 } & 11.4--35\%\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. mexicana}\\ \textbf{\citep{Rog04}}} & $2\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{artificial feeding through membrane}} & unknown & \parbox{3cm}{1086* \\ (86-96\% metacyclic promastigotes) } & unknown\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum}\\ \textbf{\citep{Rog10}}} & $2\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{artificial feeding through membrane}} & \parbox{3cm}{$1.06\times10^4 \pm 2.1\times10^4$ \\(35\% metacyclic promastigotes)} & \parbox{3cm}{$457\pm122*$ \\ (95\% metacyclic promastigotes) } & unknown\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{P. duboscqi - L. major}\\ \textbf{\citep{Kim08}}} & $4\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on mouse ears}} & $1\times10^4 – 1\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{range 0--100000 \\ 75\% females 600 and less \\ 25\% females more than 1000 } & 19.26\%\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum chagasi}\\ \textbf{\citep{Sec12}}} & $4\times10^6$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on mouse ears}} & $1\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{1002 \\ range 10--10000 \\ 75\% less than 300 } & unknown\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum dermotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $8\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{1127/13** \\ range 10--11100 } & 58\%\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum viscerotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $1.5\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{104*/24**\\ range 0--1250} & 14.5\%\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. perniciosus - L. infantum dermotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $5\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{2350*/29**\\ range 0--42000} & 65\%\\
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. perniciosus - L. infantum viscerotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $6.6\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{88*/28** \\ range 0--500} & 33\%\\
$^*$ an average dose of transmitted parasites per sand fly \\
$^{**}$ median of transmitted parasites per sand fly
\caption[table caption]{Table description}\label{rotfloat2}
For the side note I'm using memoir
class. I'm also having problem with coloring the rows. Most notably the header contains white margins.
Any advice or help with tuning the table is much appreciated.