I recently discovered the less known cals package for defining tables HTML-style.
Here is all the documentation that I found:
- http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/cals (demo & doc)
- http://tug.org/TUGboat/tb32-2/tb101parashchenko.pdf (user's manual)
I can create nice tables but following the directions to delete vertical cell borders does not work. Can anybody help?
Here is a working example:
%tables in CALS markup
%calculate with \textwidth etc.
\caption{Aantal uitgangen}
\def\cals@cs@width{0pt} %this should delete column borders but is does not!
\alignL\cell{} \alignC\cell{\vfil Aantal uitgangen}\erow
\alignL\cell{\vfil$aantal\ gebruikers < 50$}
\alignC\cell{\vfil 1 of 2 uitgangen (cfr. 7.1.2)}
\alignL\cell{\vfil$50 \leq aantal\ gebruikers < 500$}
\alignC\cell{\vfil 2}
\alignL\cell{\vfil$500 \leq aantal\ gebruikers < 1000$}
\alignC\cell{\vfil 3}
\alignL\cell{\vfil $1000 \times n \leq aantal\ gebruikers < 1000 \times (n+1)$
\\met $n = 1, 2, 3, \dots$}