Linked Questions

12 votes
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conflicting options errors

I have in the preamble: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amssymb,amstext,amsmath,latexsym,mathtools} \usepackage[italian,british]{babel} \usepackage{pdfpages} \usepackage[utf8,latin1]{inputenc} \...
Aya's user avatar
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Computer Modern in XeLaTeX

I love XeLaTeX for things like $a≠b$ ⇔ $ a⊧a↑Ω$ All days before I used DejaVu fonts and Asana-Math for unicode-math. But today I have to get visual compability with LaTeX. So I installed Computer ...
KAction's user avatar
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Problem with siunitx and T1 fontenc

I'm having a slight problem with siunitx and fontencwith T1 encoding (I write a lot in Swedish and most people suggest that I should use T1). When I compile to PDF with \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} the ...
Johan's user avatar
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.pdf font rendering

My friend and I are working on the same subject and I asked her to see her work. I noticed that her pdf rendering (if it's really that) is a lot different than mine even though we use the same "...
AdrienNK's user avatar
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Any way to strengthen font weight/darkness/heaviness?

I use TeTeX with fairly basic packages: \usepackage [koi8-r] {inputenc} \usepackage [russian] {babel} \usepackage {cmap} \usepackage {amssymb} \usepackage {verbatim} \usepackage {titlesec} \...
Ordev Agens's user avatar
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Why aren't there well-hinted Type1 Computer Modern fonts supporting the T1 encoding yet?

Given the popularity of PDF, the pain that is OT1, and the bad on-screen rendering of bitmapped fonts in Adobe's software, I would have expected that someone would have undertaken conversion/extension ...
SamB's user avatar
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Consecutive commas with ae package

How do I output two (or more) consecutive commas inside \texttt{} ? ,, displays a black square, \,\, displays nothing, \verb{,,} display three consecutive commas (what the heck!), \verb{\,\,} ...
Norswap's user avatar
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Distortions caused by LaTeX?

First of all, here is a code to compile : \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{palatino} % for font \usepackage{fancyhdr} % for header+footers \usepackage{...
abel413's user avatar
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How to set Computer Modern as the font in ConTeXt?

I watched a video interview in which Donald Knuth complained about the changes made to Computer Modern in the Latin Modern font. ConTeXt appears to use Latin Modern instead of Computer Modern, as the ...
Village's user avatar
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Pixelated PDF output [duplicate]

The PDF output of my LyX documents is rather pixelated as can be seen on the image. Does anyone know how to fix this? This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (MiKTeX 2.9) (preloaded format=...
EssexPN's user avatar
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Vector fonts with UTF-8 support?

In fact the situation I find myself in is a bit more complicated than the question might suggest. I need to typeset a document with various accented characters and would like some hyphenation support ...
Count Zero's user avatar
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13 votes
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Why does Latin Modern make strange-appearing output? [duplicate]

In Should I use fix-cm? the issue came up of strange output from Latin Modern. Here is an MWE to get this issue: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{lmodern} \begin{document} TRUE FALSE \end{...
Nick Matteo's user avatar
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exported PDFs are different in windows and ubuntu [closed]

I am using Texmaker with PDFLaTeX build option in both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 14.04. The .tex uses my institute's template which is said "using scrreprt class of KOMA-Script". The problem is: I can ...
scmg's user avatar
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Broken display of 11pt typewriter text in Acrobat Reader [duplicate]

I set some all-caps words in my document as typewriter. Using scrartcl as documentclass, with a default fontsize of 11pt, yields a PDF that looks rather bad in Acrobat Reader. Here is an example: \...
Stefan Nobis's user avatar
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Smallcaps "Đ" (đ) corrupted [duplicate]

The title says it all. How do I fix it? he letter works fine when "normal" (including bold, italic, bold-italic). I use these: \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{currvita} \usepackage[serbian]{...
Lazar Ljubenović's user avatar

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