Linked Questions

46 votes
1 answer

How can I create entirely new data types with BibLaTeX/Biber?

The title is pretty self-explanatory. I need something similar to Add new field to biblatex entries, but for completely new entry types. (IIUC, the linked just shuffles one type onto another.) I'm ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

BibTeX fields for DOI, MR, Zbl and arxiv?

I have seen on several occasions in some texts nicely formatted bibliographies which included hyperlinks to MR, Zbl and arxiv, sometimes doi, for example, something that looked approximately like this ...
Martin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Data model macro cannot be used in preamble

I'm using this answer to create an annotated bibliography with biblatex, with the following code: \documentclass{article} % This just makes a dummy bib file \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @...
NVaughan's user avatar
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4 votes
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Switching from amsrefs to biblatex

I always used amsrefs as my references package. However, it seems like biblatex is better supported, and more widely used (at least in this community). Compare 37 posts with the amsrefs tag to 3.6k ...
Bach's user avatar
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9 votes
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Biblatex: Add a second URL where content is archived

Is there a possiblity to add a second URL to @online entries? I would like to display 1. the original URL and 2. an entry in an archiving service ( or in case the original ...
arved's user avatar
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Compilation fails with biblatex source map but works if bib file is modified

Somewhat complex problem: For simplicity I have a single large bib file that I modify with biblatex source maps to customize for different papers. To help readers find some harder to locate papers, ...
Ben Trettel's user avatar
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How to use eprinttype with medrxiv?

When I publish a preprint on arXiv, I use eprint and eprinttype fields in my bibtex citations. This nicely converts the identifier into a link and the reference is not cluttered with the whole URL of ...
Paloha's user avatar
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JHEP style citations using biblatex

I am trying to build a CV which will contain two seperate list of papers I have authored, one for published papers and the other for preprints. I know I can do this quite easily using biblatex but I ...
noir1993's user avatar
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Unable to Call "Publisher" or "Location" in Biblatex

I am trying to add the final touches to a customisation of Biblatex. However, for book I am unable to call publisher or location. I am using \DeclareBibliographyDriver{book}{% \printnames{author}%...
Sam OT's user avatar
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2 votes
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In biblatex-chicago, what is the appropriate field/entry type for an online database?

I use JSTOR and Google books/scholar a lot for my essays, and while they provide bibtex-style citations, chicago style dictates that the database name be in the citation. I've read through the ...
Bret Barkley's user avatar
2 votes
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Biber and PubMed/PubMedCentral IDs with Bibdesk default field names

I would like to modify the MWE presented in Biblatex and Pubmed/Pubmed Central IDs The working example presented there works perfectly, but now I'd like to modify it to work with a BibDesk-...
Daniel E. Weeks's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Add a new field to bibliography items with biblatex+biber

I'm using biblatex and biber with the following definitions: \usepackage[ backend=biber, sorting=none, backref=true, % firstinits=true, style=numeric-comp ]{biblatex} \...
SU3's user avatar
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