Linked Questions

65 votes
9 answers

Fit text into given box by adjusting the fontsize

I would like to fit text (potentially several paragraphs) into a box of given size. This should be done by adjusting the fontsize of the contained text. Clarification edit: The given dimensions are ...
kongo09's user avatar
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50 votes
24 answers

All uses of LaTeX (I never use LaTeX except for ...)

I am designing a comical T-shirt about LaTeX and I would like it to boast about all the purposes that one can use LaTeX for. I started with I never use LaTEX except for typesetting documents. and ...
Vid Merljak's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

Book on a Single (Poster) Page

There are commercially available posters which give the whole text of a book all at once, with some clever text flowing, like this one: Supposing I had the text of the book Kafka's Metamorphosis and ...
Sean D's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Ugly \usepackage{times} examples

I looked at the LaTeX template for a scientific journal and found that they are using the discouraged \usepackage{times} See, for example l2tabuen where it says times.sty is obsolete (see ...
Nico Schlömer's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Making the text fit in a specific space in Latex

I'm trying to fit my text in a specific space, as it's a Graph explanation. I would like to make something like the graph below: Is it possible to make the text fit in that space? LaTex does it by ...
Josh's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Fitting text to exact specific size

I would like to make my text fit a certain size "box" at a specific location. The two problems I am encountering are as follows: This long string should wrap when it hits the 4.5 inch limit but it ...
user2547279's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to concatenate a whole paper into one big line of text + footnotes

I've helped my girlfriend typeset her Bachelor's degree paper with LaTeX. I'd like to create a single-page poster version of the whole text. Cf. "All the World's a Page" posters, e.g. http://www.all-...
ctietze's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Text added on top of \includepdf

I am trying to include a a PDF file in my latex file, but it turns to background page and all new text and caption lines are written on the same page as my image from PDF. Here is my code: \...
Beh Beh's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Squeeze entire document into two page

I am trying to create a two page (legal) cheat-sheet containing all relevant mathematical formulas for an upcoming exam. My document consists of formula after formula, split under sections (e.g. ...
Wet Feet's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Change glyph for quotes

One should quote with `` and '', for example ``quote'' will produce "quote" with the correct glyphs, that is the glyphs on the left are a rotation of 180° of the glyphs on the right. ...
dadexix86's user avatar
  • 651
2 votes
1 answer

How to put whole of a text on a single page? [duplicate]

I want to put whole of a text on a single page. I don't have constraint on the text font. So if the text was too long, the text font should be small. How can I do this automatically using LaTeX? For ...
Mas ooD's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Including sample output as whole pages

What would be the best way to include sample LaTeX output, in the form of (reduced) whole pages, into another document that discusses its typesetting? I am thinking of creating one ("example") ...
alexis's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Tabular form wrapped around article [closed]

I have a strange beast of a technical report format for my job that I would like to port to TeX to help formatting. The problem is I'm not sure where to start. The essential problem is this: every ...
D_Forsman's user avatar