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2 answers

Splitting equations using \begin{split} generates errors (again)

I have been successfully using "split" to split up long equation, but now I get a new error: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \alpha_0=\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}F(y)\text{d}y=\frac{...
Superunknown's user avatar
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Hi, any one can tell me how to write long subscript in latex? example F_a_m_a_m [duplicate]

Writing long subscript in latex example F_A_M_A_M
Smitha JV's user avatar
20 votes
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Typesetting multi-letter variable names in math mode

In many applications variable names in formulas have more than one letter. In order not to mess up kerning, one cannot simply write $nameff=123$. People seem to use different approaches: \...
sheß's user avatar
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non-italic font for equation when we use "Subscript"?

I read this answer about non-italic font for equation, however, it does not work when we use Subscript in our equation: \begin{equation} \mbox{$ abc_{d} $} \end{equation} Is there a solution to ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Awkward spacing in regression equation

My regression equation is not done yet, but the look of it is a but odd. Can someone help me with the spacing? \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx} \...
texmex's user avatar
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Defining upright codimension math operator [duplicate]

How to write $\text{codim}(Y)$ without \text{codim}? Is there command like \dim that I can use to write codimension?
Zzz's user avatar
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text format in math mode and none-math mode

I have one problem when I want to align my text font in and out math mode, here is the code: \documentclass[xcolor=x11names,compress]{beamer} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{...
How Chen's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Indices with German Umlaut ä - \mathrm{} or \text{}?

I'm wondering about the correct use of \mathrm{} and/or \text{} (or similar) in formulas. I've read these topics (and some more): Is there a preference of when to use \text and \mathrm? and ...
zaddo's user avatar
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Failure of \text within theorem environment

I have an equation within the statement of one of my theorems. Within this equation, I have some text to name a function. However, when this equation appears within the theorem environment, the ...
user1577636's user avatar
6 votes
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Why and since when does \mathrm render ligatures?

As explained in answer to this question and several others as well as in various other ressources, \mathrm is for setting upright math symbols (and may thus cause problems when used for text). So if, ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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What is space in a math environment? [duplicate]

I want to get a space to the phrase "1\times 8 \mathrm{ matrix}", how can I get it inside the math environment? \begin{align*} C_{D_{1\succ 2}, \mathrm{increasing}} &= \underbrace{\begin{...
hhh's user avatar
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How do I make \text{} in math mode fit the math font?

I am having a problem with text in formulas. I am setting tables in sans-serif in order to improve the readability. The math font stays serif for formulas or symbols within the table, when I switch ...
LaRiFaRi's user avatar
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10 votes
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Math-mode kerning/spacing of letters

Take the following two equations: \begin{equation} o^{AR}_{i,t} = w^{AR}_i x_t + o^{AR}_{i+1,t-1} \end{equation} \begin{equation} o^{MA}_{i,t} = w^{MA}_i x_t + o^{MA}_{i+1,t-1} \end{equation}...
thornate's user avatar
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66 votes
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Which command should I use for textual subscripts in math mode?

Textual subscripts like in W_{total} should be typeset in an upright text font (so that code isn't good practice), as has been discussed in various questions here. Now there are several ways to ...
Hendrik Vogt's user avatar
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Is \mathrm really preferable to \text? [duplicate]

It seems to be the de facto standard to use \mathrm for upright letter notation in math mode as opposed to \text. Would it not be better to use \text in general? One particular problem I am thinking ...
Thomas Arildsen's user avatar

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