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how to rotate wide table in page thatnot outside of page [duplicate]

My table is very wide and gets the outside of the page how to rotate table that placed landscape. \begin{table}[!h]‎ ‎\centering‎ ‎\footnotesize‎ \caption{}\\‎ ‎\label{tab11}‎ ‎\begin{tabular}{ccccc}...
tahora's user avatar
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80 votes
3 answers

How to place a table on a new page with landscape orientation without clearing the current page?

I'd like to place a table on a new page with landscape orientation. To do so, I use \usepackage{pdflscape} ... \pagestyle{empty} \begin{landscape} \begin{table}[htbp] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{...
Marco's user avatar
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44 votes
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Label and caption without float

I’d like to have an environment that works much like a float, except that it doesn’t float. That is, in fact, I’d like to be able to define an environment that has a label and a caption. I ...
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Wider tables in LaTeX, which is the best solution?

Hi I have a LaTeX table code generated from R like the following \usepackage{rotating} ... \begin{sidewaystable} \begin{center} \small\addtolength{\tabcolsep}{-7pt} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|...
alex's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How can I rotate a large part of the page?

I'm trying to "hide" and answer by rotating it 180 degrees. Using \rotatebox works fine if I have a short answer: \rotatebox{180}{The answer is $\pi$} However, if I want to put a \begin{equation}......
Yossi Farjoun's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Fix rotation orientation using sidewaystable

I am trying to rotate two tables using sidewaystable but one of them was rotated clockwise while the other was rotated counterclockwise. Both of them use the same code, only the cell values are ...
Marcos Guimaraes's user avatar
4 votes
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Table is too wide to fit in one page

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{dcolumn} \begin{document} \begin{table}[htbp]\centering \def\sym#1{\ifmmode^{#1}\else\(^{#1}\)\fi} \caption{Cross-sectional regression} \...
user50270's user avatar
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How to rotate a Markdown table to landscape? Solutions I've tried print the markup instead of the rendered table

I'm using Markdown to create a PDF via xelatex and pandoc. Here's my command line: pandoc -s combined.markdown --from markdown+table_captions+auto_identifiers --filter mermaid-filter.cmd --pdf-engine=...
muteboy's user avatar
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A problem with table in landscape mode

I have a wide table that i wish to place in landscape mode to make it readable. Additionally, i use tabulary to autofit column width. \begin{landscape} \begin{table}[p] \caption{Candidate ...
Andrey Pro's user avatar
1 vote
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How to rotate a large matrix in Lyx?

I have a large adjacency matrix in LyX. How can I rotate it to fit the page? Alternative: you see that the commands such as the \begin{landscape}...\end{landscape} are not interpreted as commands ...
hhh's user avatar
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Sidewaystable with non-sideways caption

I am using the sidewaystable to display a rather long table sideways on a new page. The table is not so wide that it fills the long side of the paper but it has too many rows to fit the short side -- ...
Radio Controlled's user avatar
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How to display too broad table? Not fit to one page as a normal-sized

I use the KOMA-script (sudo apt-get install koma-script -- suggests you the thing in Ubuntu). I think options: make font even smaller (eg with KOMA -script) make it on two pages, perhaps here make it ...
hhh's user avatar
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Creating a large table in one without overlapping text in latex

I have used the following code to create a large table with vertical column names. However, the table overlapped on my text. I need to have a table on the whole page. I appreciate any help about this ...
kiana khademi's user avatar
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Landscape table and notes

Two questions I have seven tables, two of them should be landscape instead of portrait. How do I make the landscape ones? What do I need to change/add to the below for the landscape tables? I am ...
Bird_1991's user avatar
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Code problems for rotating a table

This questions is related with another one - Spooky behaviour of siunitx in a table -, and it pertains to the need of rotating a table due to the data not fitting the paper width. I've came across ...
Strelok's user avatar
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