Linked Questions

7 votes
4 answers

Using `\input` to insert a section of a document into another [duplicate]

Is there any way one can use \input to insert only a specific section of a document into another? I intend on using this to improve the readability of an article with lots of pgfplots graphs in it, by ...
DividedByZero's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does LaTeX support including a specific part of an \input, like a specific environment and ignoring everything else? [duplicate]

Can LaTeX natively include only specific expressions from an input file (ignoring the rest)? I am not sure how to best word my question. Below is an example of what I'd like to do. Situation For ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
36 votes
4 answers

Full path of current file

This question led to a new package: currfile-abspath (subpackage to currfile) How can I display the full path of the tex file that I compile? It is a simple file, no include or input present. Edit:...
digital-Ink's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Including parts of a LaTeX document in another document WITHOUT splitting up original document

I'm working on a paper with some collaborators. At the same time, I'm writing my dissertation for my defense next month. I need to include the paper in the dissertation, but it doesn't just become a ...
Paul's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Creating multiple language versions from single latex source by fetching translation from file

I could not really find anything matching, maysome someone got an idea or a starting point: I want to maintain a collection of documents written in Kile, Using LaTeX converted by xetex into pdf ...
arkascha's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

copy and reuse the content of an environment

is there a way to embed an text in several environments (or structures, \chapter, \section etc.) in one file and "copy"/insert the content of single environment items in other files? i've noticed the ...
Mike's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

catchfilebetweentags package swallows end of line

I would like to include only a part of a .tex file into a different .tex file. The part I want to include is delimited by some comment tags, as it is used by catchfilebetweentags package. I tried the ...
digital-Ink's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Can I use a function inside LaTeX to alter portions of \input{}?

I have a table in a LaTeX file, named tabular.tex which contains a tabular environment: \begin{tabular}{rr} Number & Name \\ 1 & John \\ 2 & Mary \\ \end{tabular} and I input ...
Konstantinos's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Long wide table vertically overflows

I am trying to typeset a long and wide table using this code. Whatever I do the table is not page-breaked. Instead it vertically overflows the space allocated for it. As you can see the last rows of ...
truthseeker's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Combining different projects into one (papers into PhD Thesis)

My question is similar to this one, but I have a problem with relative paths when including files. Assume I have three projects which all start with \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[...
cherep's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Input a parameter from another file

Thank to the people asking and answering this question for how to import a part of a file into Latex. I want to extend this question a bit more. What if you have such a file resulted from a C++ ...
ar2015's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I input part of a file in verbatim?

I'm writing the documentation to a large piece of Matlab code. I would like include tags in my Matlab code and then read the lines of code between the tags into Latex and output them as verbatim (or ...
john's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

pgfplots: Using a column header as the plot title [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Use first row of a table as legend entry in pgfplot graph ? I am creating a number of very similar plots using pgfplots. The raw data for these is provided in a single .csv ...
Joseph Wright's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

"\input only part of a file" and keep numbering

I would like to create an excerpt from a script that I have TeX'ed as a compendium of the most important statements (theorems & definitions). The question \input only part of a file has an ...
BadAtLaTeX's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

catchfile(betweentags) and obeylines

I'm writing two large documents, both containing much of the same text. To ease the maintenance, I'd like no redundant paragraphs, but rather to use catchfilebetweentags. Everything works well, ...
Thomas's user avatar
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