Linked Questions

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Is it possible to convert vector graphics files into tikz? [duplicate]

I've not really used tikz much (to say the least); and I'm used to working on my diagrams in LibreOffice Draw and Inkscape, saving them as .osd or .svg files. Is there a way I could convert those ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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177 votes
16 answers

Can we make a love heart with LaTeX?

I understand that this post may cause some down votes because it seems a bit off-topic, but having seen the discussions on Christmas Tree with LaTeX I am still willing to try. How do you draw a red ...
Sibbs Gambling's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

TikZ- Draw a cooking pot

I am trying to reproduce the following picture in tikz I am able to draw something that looks like that but it's not the same... Any chance to draw it or make it even more fancy? My code is \...
Thanos's user avatar
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27 votes
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Converting an SVG image to TikZ code

I am to convert an SVG image to TikZ code. I have never done that before thus I have a few questions. First of all do I need Inkscape or any other program like this? Maybe there is a method using just ...
Hendrra's user avatar
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copying a screenshot image with tikz

Is there a package that can be used to draw images that resemble a screenshot with tikz. For example, if I take the following screenshot Is there a package that does this in tikz or is it a case of ...
KatyB's user avatar
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How do I make a dashed or dotted checkmark?

How do I get a dashed or dotted checkmark in LaTeX (either math mode or text mode is fine). I'm looking for a symbol approximately like
Jason Gross's user avatar
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Converting a image file into a TikZ figure

Is there any possibility to convert an image file into TikZ/qTikZ code? May be I can give the image I want. Not only this picture, I have to convert lot. Because if we are working with JPG files it ...
David's user avatar
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PNG/JPEG to tikz code converter

I was wondering if there is a converter, a program, that lets you upload or create an image and then gives you the tikz code to create it in LaTeX? I found a similar problem here, but none of the ...
Vebjorn's user avatar
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Make a Tikz figure (a hypersurface figure made by Inkscape)

I am interested in drawing this figure through tikz: I made this figure myself though Inkscape. What is the best strategy to make this figure through tikz? Ans: The best way, for us, seems to be ...
wonderich's user avatar
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How to Produce a Replica of This Chapter Decoration with Latex

Can someone either produce, or tell me how (the steps involved) I may produce the following book chapter decoration with Latex (preferably, pdflatex)? I know there exist external sources that allow ...
DDS's user avatar
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correctly scaling the output of svg2tikz for using in a tikzpicture

I am pretty new to tikz. I would like to use a simple external image inside a tikzpicture environment, like in the following mwe \documentclass[tikz,border=5]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{...
PFB's user avatar
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Making a tikz vector drawing code from png

I have a .png image I would like to convert the edges into a vector drawing code from the path. An example where I have seen this done is in this poster template:
Allentro's user avatar
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