Linked Questions

52 votes
5 answers

How to include multimedia files in beamer

A quick survey of the unanswered beamer questions suggestions that about 20% of them are about problems with including multimedia files, such as videos or sound files. Many of them are about either ...
18 votes
1 answer

Animations with movie15 and swf files

I am trying to use movie15 to embed vector animations in my presentation. The trouble is that embedded SWF files refuse to display on Acrobat Reader X sometimes with a "This Media requires an ...
user11940's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

How to include a movie in a PDF? Step by step instructions

There are a few question/answers regarding the embedding movies in PDF with pdflatex and special packages. However I find the information dispersed all around and confusing. And so far, in the best ...
alfC's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Embedding videos using media9

I'm really new to LaTeX and I'm not very good with computers. I'm trying to put videos into my PDF's. I'm using media9 and I've got the following going so far. \usepackage{media9} \includemedia[ ...
Sithistorian's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Attach displayed image to the PDF without storing it twice

If one and the same image is included in a PDF multiple times it is only stored only once as an PDF object. Now I like to also attach an image which is shown in the document to the PDF to allow users ...
Martin Scharrer's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Playing movies in Beamer on many platforms

I have seen many message board posts describing hacks at movie playing capability in Beamer on a Linux machine. The main problem with Beamer's native multimedia, and with the extra package movie15, is ...
Ely's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Trouble using ffmpeg to encode a h264 video in a .mp4 container to use with media9

I can't get an ffmpeg encoded libx264 video in a .mp4 container to work with media9 and beamer. The pdf is created using pdfLaTeX. It seems to be some kind of ffmpeg issue since the following work ...
Nuttin Wrong's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Video embedded into the PDF of a LaTeX beamer document as flash makes Acrobat Reader 9.4.1 crash on slide transition

I have tried to embed a .flv video file into a PDF using either the package flashmovie or the package media9 together with beamer and pdfLaTeX, as described, for instance, here. The video is shown ...
Max Flow's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Did anybody succeed in opening a text file at a certain line from a PDF link?

In my attempt to clarify some inconclusive topics and a part of the series "did anybody succeed" (e.g. Did anyone succeed in playing embedded movies inside Acrobat in Linux?), here it is a new ...
alfC's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to add a picture on video using movie15 package or media9 or multimedia package(s) on LinuxOS

I have been experimenting with the sample of code from LaTeX beamer presentation. At this point let me clarify that I know that this is a deprecated module and that I should be using media9 and not ...
Thanos's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Video not playing

I want to play video in pdf using latex. Following is my sample code. When I try to play it, just an empty screen comes and video is not played. My basic requirement is that it should display picture ...
shivam's user avatar
  • 53
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to display both videos and JavaScript animations on a beamer-generated PDF under linux?

I use the beamer package for presentations and often complement it with animate (together with tikz) and multimedia. animate creates embedded JavaScript, playable with acroread. multimedia embeds ...
Miguel's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How can I visualize a video (any light format) in a presentation in LaTex?

I have tried with this code: \documentclass[12pt,landscape]{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{verbose,letterpaper} \usepackage{movie15} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[H]...
user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Exporting a timed presentation (automatic slideshow) to image sequence (video) with fixed frame rate?

I may be beating a dead horse here; but I hope I'll be forgiven, as I have at least a Latex MWE, and some notes about packages :). The thing is this: for a long time I've been looking for some sort of ...
sdaau's user avatar
  • 17.1k
3 votes
1 answer

How to embed a video in a pdf generated by beamer and read it independently of the file emplacement?

I would like to embed a video in a presentation using beamer. All is going well until I change the pdf location. Is there any command that enables to integrate that video in my pdf so that I can send ...
keynes's user avatar
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