Linked Questions

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The symbol "~" is not showing up [duplicate]

I am trying to type the symbol "~" in normal text, but it is not showing up. Why is this?
Random Stuff's user avatar
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What's the alternative for the standard verbatim environment that can be used inside argument/does not change catcode?

How can I get something to typeset the output identical to that of a verbatim environment, e.g. of this code \documentclass[12pt]{article} \begin{document} before \begin{verbatim} 123456_789$^% \end{...
user202729's user avatar
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How to input \Sexpr{ as verbatim in Sweave?

Building on my question here: Include Sweave input as verbatim Is there a way to include the term \Sexpr{ in the Sweave document as verbatim. For example, to write: R code can be evaluated inline ...
Sacha Epskamp's user avatar
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Timing response of externally called commands via write18: blocking or not?

I was wondering: when we use \immediate\write18{...} to run commands in an external shell from Latex, is the \write18 a blocking call or not? In other words, will it wait for the external code to ...
sdaau's user avatar
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How to correctly use siunitx to align number in the center of a table for number with preamble

I would like to have my numbers aligned left but centered in a table as in this solution, which I also tried to apply. Now my numbers are of the form ~24%. For a correct alignment I tried to protect ...
Tanja's user avatar
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Question on writing symbols (~, tilde)

I was wondering if anyone can show me how to write ~ in Latex as I am new to Latex and trying to write my statistics notes in a neat format. I've surfed around the web, but could not find it.
PandaNinja's user avatar
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Package to run multiple iterations of a variable, with compilation?

I guess this is somewhat similar to Animations in LaTeX, except what I would want is something like this: Say you have a .tex document, which uses some macro \tester as parameter. I'd like to load a ...
sdaau's user avatar
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Why does not Latex show the symbol tilde ~ (non-breaking space) before a citation or reference?

When I try to put non-breaking space before citations, Latex does not show the symbol tilde (~) before the citations in rendered pdf. Here is what I would like to see: According to xx (2013)~[refID] ...
bbasaran's user avatar
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How to insert a vertically centered tilde into a URL?

I need to insert a vertically centered tilde into a URL in text mode (not inside the \url or \href commands). I've tried the solution proposed here but I can't get it to work. Any ideas? Here is my ...
Tonechas's user avatar
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How can I expand a word? A command without a backslash?

In my source code I would like Snap! to be automatically replaced with Snap\textit{!} \newcommand{Snap!}{Snap\textit{!}} Errors with "missing number, treating as zero"
minseong's user avatar
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How to type "~", the curly symbol used for "Home" in Linux, in latex? [duplicate]

I'm sorry if this is duplicate; I couldn't find it.
Guillermo Mosse's user avatar
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\string\noindent outputs a quotation mark " instead of a backslash \

I used \string\noindent to output a command \noindent, but the result is "noindent. I also tried with \verb|\noindent| and \texttt{\noindent}, but the results are the same. I found a question may ...
Qiang's user avatar
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what is the the latex code for a wave line above a word? [duplicate]

I wish to write a wave line above the "ch" as described in the following picture, how should I do this?
sweetyBaby's user avatar
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How to write character \ [duplicate]

I would like to write the character "\" in Latex but since it is a keyword I am struggling in doing so. Is there a way to write it somehow?
Rexam's user avatar
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