Questions tagged [adjustbox]

{adjustbox} package allows to adjust general (La)TeX material in several ways using a key=value interface. It got inspired by the interface of \includegraphics from the graphicx package. This package also loads the trimclip package whose code was once included in this package.

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3 answers

Fit table into page

I have been trying to create a (simple) table via tablesgenerator with unsatisfying output so far. I would like to create the following table (Table 4. Summary of Selected....) but it wont fit into my ...
Galopito's user avatar
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Table Fit Between Title and Bottom of Page

I am new to LaTeX and I've been learning a lot in the last 4 months. Unfortunately I have recently encounter a problem with a large table, that I am trying to fit within a page, and I can't find a ...
Focha's user avatar
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How can I make an adjustbox enviroment with margins fit in textwidth?

I am trying to create an enviroment with colored background. I have defined it in two ways: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage{adjustbox} \newsavebox{\savedbox} \...
Tera's user avatar
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\adjustbox with XeLaTeX misplaces hyperlinks

This is minimal (not) working example that comes from much bigger document: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{adjustbox} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \newcommand\hreftt[2]{% \href{#...
patryk.beza's user avatar
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2 Tikzpicktures, 2 Subfigures in 1 adjustbox, 1 slide and some errors

I'm having problems with my beamer presentation, I would like to insert 2 Tikz subfigures into only one slide. For that I'm using an adjustbox but I'm having errors. When I put each tikzpicture ...
Víctor Mario Noble Ramos's user avatar
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\BVerbatimInput and \adjustbox : the information is cut at the end of the first page

\VerbatimInput calls a test.dat file, and produces the following output, where the long lines are not entirely seen: A solution for this is use \BVerbatimInput together with \begin{adjustbox}. This ...
DavidC.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to use adjustbox and qtree in the same document?

Using the packages adjustbox and qtree simultaneously causes the error: Package graphics Error: Division by 0. \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{myimage.bmp} Minimal working example: \...
Ollyver's user avatar
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6 votes
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Centering wide 2x2 figure using adjustbox

I have four large figures which I would like to tile 2x2. These figures will need to go beyond the \textwidth boundaries but I still want the 2x2 tile centered in the page. Looking at Center figure ...
user3756's user avatar
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How can I put a program listing in a beamer column?

I want to use a program listing in a beamer columns environment, changing slightly the with of the listing, if necessary. In the other column, some explanation comes. The code below shows my attempt. ...
katang's user avatar
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How to adjustbox trim logo in preamble?

I have an official logo, which has white background and much margins around. So the logo does not look good without trimming at the top-left corner of Berkley theme in Beamer. Code \documentclass{...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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How to Get Two Plots in Float to be side by side and proportional?

I am using the following code to get two figures side by side. The code (MWE) is: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usepackage{adjustbox} \usepackage{float} \begin{...
EoDmnFOr3q's user avatar
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How to rotate image 90 if height overful?

I think the approach can be with adjustbox but not sure. Pseudocode: If height overfull, turn the image 90 degree clockwise, apply all images the width constraint now Do not pass max width (= \...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
2 votes
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tex4ht produces corrupted output when using \Configure{$}{\PicMath}{\EndPicMath}{}

In the tex4ht configuration file, I have these 2 lines: \Configure{$}{\PicMath}{\EndPicMath}{} \Configure{PicMath}{}{}{}{class="math";align="absmiddle"} These have been the .cfg for 5 years ...
Nasser's user avatar
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how to align a two column box

I would like to ask you to share your idea with me regarding to align the following text inside the box. Thank you in advance \pagenumbering{gobble} \noindent\fbox{% \parbox{\textwidth}{% \...
Oliver's user avatar
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How to display text on the right and change its font style?

I'm writing a dedication in my report. I the last of the dedication I want to write my name on the right with different font Style. Do some one know how to do this please ?
pietà's user avatar
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adjustbox missing endgroup inserted. How to fit longtable to page width?

I am working on my thesis. The appendix contains 2 large tables that span multiple pages. These tables are wider than the page height in landscape mode. When using the \begin{adjustbox}{width = 1\...
Panchito's user avatar
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3 answers

Automatically resize tabular to avoid it being pushed to next page

Context My document has one title phrase and one table containing texts. I would like to have them both on one page. The table's content may change (sometimes more or less 2-or-3-lines-texts cells), ...
zezollo's user avatar
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\maxsizebox resets color in TikZ \node [duplicate]

While trying to fix an issue in menukeys I think I found a possible bug in adjustbox: It seems to reset the text color in the node. In the following picture all words in the first line should be red, ...
Tobi's user avatar
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Minipage are not at same height with textbox

while using minipage, in the second column there is a text box. When I've used fbox in the second column then the text of the first column goes downward so height not remained same for both sides. ...
cst's user avatar
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delete predefined character area

Hey guardians of knowledge, I need to create special symbols by stacking letters and a reversed version of \u{}. The problem is that diacritics like \u{} come with a predefined character area (try \...
dessert's user avatar
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2 answers

Left Justification of Table Caption in Adjustbox Package

I want to change the position of table caption to left, i'd appreciate if someone could help, \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{caption} \captionsetup[table]{singlelinecheck=false} ...
Rizwan's user avatar
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listing in two-column mode

I want to place a listing, with colored background, in a two-columns document. For safety (for cases when the width of listing only slightly exceeds column width) I put the listing in a \maxsizebox. ...
katang's user avatar
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Making includegraphics placement conditional on width of graphic

As shown in the MWE below, I am using graphicsx in conjunction with adjustbox. I have a document with many figures and would like to automate the "inner" (as opposed to "center") placement of figures ...
user86012's user avatar
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How to limit the size of figure+caption?

I do have my figures (and tables) sometimes with several lines long caption. I am trying to fill out my pages optimally, so I put the payload content in a \maxsizebox. In most cases it works fine, ...
katang's user avatar
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Problem with Tikzpicture and Adjustbox

I would like to place four tikzpictures on the same horizontal line but I am not able to set the tikzpictures on the same horizontal line (see the LaTeX code below). Using the code reported below, ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 answers

Centering text in \adjustbox minipage with \hfill

I need to center text in a adjustbox package with a minipage keyword (see code below). I found I can do this by using two \dotfill or \hrulefill commands on either side of the text. Surprisingly, ...
MarcinKonowalczyk's user avatar
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Various table formatting problems

I've been trying to format a table for my thesis for two days and it just doesn't work. I've already searched everywhere for answers but couldn't find them and/or understand them. Here's what I want ...
Romain's user avatar
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How to left-align a table in LaTeX with nonstandard document class

I need to align my table with the left margin of my page. The adjustbox package looks to be the solution, but I'm having difficulty implementing it. I realize my question is potentially a duplicate to ...
Edward's user avatar
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How to change this table so that it fits in the available text block?

I'm trying to insert a table. If I scale the table via \resizbox, the glyphs are not readable as they are too small. How do I fit it so the contents are easily readable? \begin{table}[] \small\...
Shaheer's user avatar
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2 answers

Align itemize text with graphic and use caption

I would like to align the top of the text with a figure and add a caption with a label to it. But as soon as add caption=test,figure to the adjustbox the picture floats above the text. How do I ...
simonides's user avatar
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Wrap a few lines of Algorithmic in a box

I have some pseudocode where I want to reveal an algorithm little-by-little. Currently I highlight the code that is revealed by coloring it red and this looks good onscreen. However, on print, this ...
hakoja's user avatar
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Fit table to textwidth AND textheight

The table below was too long to fit the textheight and not wide enough to fit the textwidth. I would prefer the height of the table to conform to the height specified by the commented-out line '\...
David S's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

tcolorbox: How to create layout of single box on one side, multiple boxes on other?

I have three tcolorboxes where I would like the layout to be similar to this: I can make the titles of the first and second box align using the adjustbox package (as seen here), but I'm unsure how I ...
luser's user avatar
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Documentation for \newadjustboxkey

The documentation for package adjustbox has a brief section describing \newadjustboxkey, but it provides no examples. I tried searching the internet, but Google provided only three results for the ...
Yossi Gil's user avatar
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Background color around paperwidth figure

The question could have been subtitled: "how to force a caption to appear always on top of object float". I have a complex set of configurations and commands which I could resume to that MWE. % !TeX ...
nadous's user avatar
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Referencing figure in adjustbox

I have rotated my figure to 90 degrees using adjustbox as follows: \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{adjustbox}{addcode={\begin{minipage}{\width}}{\caption{% My caption }\end{minipage}},rotate=...
Sadiksha Gautam's user avatar
4 votes
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Control the size of an equation (in display mode)

There are several ways to show an equation. I'm trying to put a big equation in display mode (i.e.: \[ {\equation} \]) and to keep it's dimensions within the size that is reasonable, using adjustbox. ...
Trylks's user avatar
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minipage layout not correct

I want to generate a document with graph at left and tikz code at the right. I try to use two minipage but it seems it always layout it as up and down. The minipage is 0.45\textwidth, why latex still ...
Beatlej's user avatar
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error '\clipbox already defined' when use package adjustbox

I am trying draw table. I use adjustbox package. I loaded this package in separate file. That separate file contains the packages I use. \usepackage{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx,color} \usepackage{...
Vijay's user avatar
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How to switch off "figure" in algorithm2e only in certain cases?

Suppose the following situation. Algorithm2e should have the global option "figure", i.e. an algorithm is included in Figures. However we need to switch off this property only in certain cases (to ...
Vladimir Parkhomenko's user avatar
7 votes
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Resizing table when using package {threeparttable}

I'm using the {threeparttable} package because I want to use table notes, but I'm having a problem resizing my tables. If I use {adjustbox} to enclose {tabular} (or {tabularx}), I get an error message:...
Mark Birtwistle's user avatar
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Adjustbox MWE does not compile [closed]

This is taken from the adjustbox manual: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{adjustbox} \begin{document} Before \adjustbox{padding*=1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex,frame,margin*=1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex}{Text} After \end{...
f.boc's user avatar
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2 answers

"adjustbox" with Export option seems to break page selection (in "pdfpages")

I'd like to include some pages from a separate PDF with the right half trimmed off, but I don't know in advance the exact size of the pages. I tried a solution, using pdfpages to include from the PDF ...
Alex Watson's user avatar
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Adjustbox do not scale up smaller image does not work

I am trying to set the max width of an image by using the adjustbox package. What I want is that an image only scales DOWN to \linewidth if needed. But if it smaller than \linewidth then it should NOT ...
JoachimR's user avatar
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customized caption and label for adjustbox

The question is a follow up of the question posted here how to make adjustbox work correctly . \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{adjustbox} \usepackage{wrapfig} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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How to make adjustbox work correctly with wrapfigure?

I have an adjustbox environment which gives colored background to content. It doesn't play nicely with wrapfigure. It overlaps with the content. Below is the mew. \documentclass{scrartcl} \...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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How to add vertical rule between two horizontally aligned minipages?

I need to have a vertical rule between the text and an image. paracol package breaks across pages. I do not want to have that. \documentclass[a5paper]{scrbook} \usepackage{adjustbox} \usepackage{...
sandu's user avatar
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Add rotated comment on margin

this is my MWE: \documentclass[a5paper]{book} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{ucs} \usepackage[utf8x,utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign} \usepackage{...
Moldevort's user avatar
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adjustbox and includegraphics page selection

I want to use the adjustbox package to include graphics in beamer presentations. I prefer it over graphicx because it has max size option which only scales the figure when its size is larger than a ...
Ignasi's user avatar
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rotate table (90 degrees) and stretch to fill whole page

I'd like to rotate a table (90 degrees) and stretch it to fill whole page. That's what I've got so far: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{adjustbox} \begin{document} \...
Moldevort's user avatar
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