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Questions tagged [align]

{align} is an environment provided by math packages that permits multiple related equations to be aligned at a common reference point, usually a sign of relation. For general questions about aligning document elements, use {horizontal-alignment} or {vertical-alignment} instead.

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Remove white space at the end of a line above a list environment

Why is there a space on the right side of 'A', but no space on the right side of 'B'? How can I remove the space on the right side of 'A' so it is in line with 'B'? \documentclass{article} \...
Z Gu's user avatar
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Align tikzpicture plots (subfigures) horizontally and vertically

I have these four tikspicture plots as subfigures. I want to have the axes aligned as well as the subcaptions (a,b,c,d). Also, I want the plots to have the same size and the subcaption letters to be ...
Fantastic MsFox's user avatar
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Line with symbol after integral [duplicate]

I'm trying to do line and $t_b$ exactly as on the image, but couldn't find out how.
Chemistry's user avatar
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Line-breaking equations in a tabular environment

The following code produces error ! Missing \endgroup <inserted text>. What is causing the error? It seems that the breqn is not working inside tabular environment. \documentclass{article} \...
user61681's user avatar
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How to align rows of text vertically outside of table environment?

I have many rows of text that need to be aligned with one another, similarly to Blast text output: Query 1 MASETPRVDPTEISNVNAPVFRIIAQIKSQPTESQLILQSPTISSKNGSEVEMITLNNIR 60 MASETPR+...
con's user avatar
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Left aligning a group of lines

I want to make the following. But I am able to make the following. MWE \begin{align*} &\left. \begin{tabular}{l} $u$ \text{(up)} \\ $d$ \text{(down}) \end{tabular} \right\}\rightarrow \...
darkphysics's user avatar
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Automatically fit equation in align environment in page width

I have an issue in a system I am working on where long equations go beyond the page width. The LaTeX is automatically generated by an algorithm and I would like to have a way to make it fit in the ...
Tsaras's user avatar
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Place item number inside math mode

In the following excerpt of a write-up, I would like to have the item number (i) at the same line as the first equation that follows it, to avoid the empty first line. I cannot find any way to ...
AEW's user avatar
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How to center align /makecvheader in AltaCV template

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This is an sample CV template created using altacv.cls % (v1.6.5, 3 Nov 2022) written by LianTze Lim ([email protected]). Compiles with pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. % %% It may ...
Rahul Khandait's user avatar
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Text after nested bullets not aligned

As shown in the picture, the text after the (a), (b), (c) column are all not aligned on their left. The code used is: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[a4paper, portrait, margin=0.5in]{geometry} \...
EnergeticElectrification's user avatar
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Center term inbetween aligned signs

Edit: Only after I researched and posed the question, another question answering most of my issue was recommended to me. The cdot-alignment issue is still one I'd like to find a solution to though. I ...
Tree's user avatar
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Equations alignment white space

In the following excerpt, I would like to align the set of equations as indicated by the & or && symbols, except that I need the left-hand side of each equation to be attached to the = or \...
AEW's user avatar
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how to set right align of "p{}" in table

I want to have a list of texts in a document, and I use the "longtable" package to make the list. The codes as as following. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{longtable} \begin{document} ...
wxwuse's user avatar
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Center an expression between two signs

In the following excerpt, I was wondering how to center the expression J'_{+}(x^*)(y-x^*), located in the second column of the first line, between the \leq and = signs. I tried to insert \hfill with ...
AEW's user avatar
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custom sized Tabular: Align text vertically to the top

I want to make a two column list with non-manual multi-line support without any special packages. This is as best as I got it: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[hidelinks]...
Mickey's user avatar
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Forest folder in forked edges tree spacing problem

The expected behavior of the following code would be that nodes descending from a myFolder node are positioned below the parent node with some indentation. As you can see from the image, however, it ...
Datboi's user avatar
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Triple aligment for multiple equations with cases

I'm trying to perform triple alignment for equations that involve cases environment \begin{alignat*}{3} \gamma_t(i,j) &= f(s_t = i, s_{t+1} = j \mid X, \lambda) \quad && = \sum\limits_k \...
thesecond's user avatar
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How can I do automatic line breaks in LaTeX math mode? [duplicate]

i have a Latex document with some very long equatations inside an align* element. They overflow the page width. My question is: How can I tell Latex to automatically insert linebreaks when the lines ...
axolotlKing0722's user avatar
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Repeated value in align environment with pythontex

In following MWE, I expect the value of Amb. Temp. to be 50 but it doesn't. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{units} \usepackage{pythontex} \begin{document} \begin{pycode} ...
Bahman Mirzakhani's user avatar
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How do I set the distance between equations to be equal to the distance to the surrounding text?

I would like to display a set of equations divided into subsets, where the spacing between two subsets is the same as between the first line and the text above (and between the last line and the text ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Equation with error Misplaced alignment tab character &. and hbox overfull

\begin{equation} \label{Vivi2} \dot{r}_{i}^{\text{in}} + \sum_{\omega}^{\Omega}(f^\omega\dot{r}_i^{\omega, \text{in}} -f^\omega\dot{r}_i^{\omega, \text{out}}) = \dot{r}_{i}^{\text{out}} \quad\...
Samantha Marie Rebolledo's user avatar
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Multiple alignments of different equation types in math mode

I was wondering how to correctly align the following equations at the & signs. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{alignat*}{3} &a_0 &= f^{\...
AEW's user avatar
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Centering pictures in subfloat and overpic [duplicate]

I am currently writing my master thesis. To embed two images side by side I use subfloat and for the caption in the images I use overpic. However, I have a problem with the alignment of the second ...
Woifi's user avatar
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How to align numbers in list of figures

I have a nasty overlay between the numbers and the captions of my LOF when I go beyond 10. Has anyone had the same issues? My MWE: \documentclass[spanish, a4paper, 12pt, twoside, openany]{book} \...
felipe's user avatar
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Double left-alignment in a big bracket

I'm trying to write 2 lines of inequalities contained in a big bracket. Thus I use \left\{ and \right. Additionally, I hope to write 2 inequalities in one line (i.e. 2 "<" symbol), and ...
Steve Jacob's user avatar
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Aligning matrices in a nice way

Can the two matrices generated using the following code, be aligned more nicely? In this code, the left parenthesis of two matrices is aligned. Is it possible to make the top matrix lie around the ...
Rakesh's user avatar
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How to properly align equations in widetext environment

How to align the equations inside the widetext environment as given in the following code? \documentclass[twocolumn,float fix, prb, aps, showpacs]{revtex4-2} \usepackage{graphicx,amsmath,amssymb,color}...
Rakesh's user avatar
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Merging rows in align environment

I'm looking for a way to merge two rows in an (amsmath) align environment. Here is what I'm trying to achieve (photoshopped): Here is a MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{...
Bart Wolleswinkel's user avatar
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Aligning \operatorname's with \phantom

Consider the following MWE. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{align*} A&=\sin x +{}\\ &\phantom{{}={}}\sin y \end{align*} \end{document} If instead of \sin ...
Delfad0r's user avatar
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Align equations within a list

I was wondering if there is a good solution to align math. equations separated by text items within a list. Below is my trial. Thanks. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathtools} \begin{document} ...
AEW's user avatar
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How to align all the text after "where" statement? and How to wrap the text?

I am using LateX for the 1st time (just started yesterday). Can someone please share how do I align everything after the "where" term? I wish to describe each term of the equation. Also how ...
VooDooDarkMagic's user avatar
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How to center or align cells in the table if the cell text is in multiple lines?

The code I am using centers horizontally and vertically all cells. But if the cell text breaks in multiple lines (cells under the Summary column), the left cells are not centred horizontally any more (...
mikebuba's user avatar
4 votes
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How to remove the vertical spacing in align

I want something like this : My code \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \noindent Et pour tout $x$ de $\left [ \alpha, 1 \right ]$ on a : \begin{align*} ...
math bac's user avatar
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2 answers

Moving itemize to the right margin of the page

I am looking for this desired effect (hrule is to show the margins of the page): As shown in the picture, I want the itemize environment to be moved to the right margin of the page (exactly like \...
EnergeticElectrification's user avatar
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Reduce horizontal spacing of aligned equations with normal text in math mode

In the following example, I was wondering how to "properly" eliminate (or reduce) the horizontal spacing between "minimize"/"subject to" and the corresponding equations, ...
AEW's user avatar
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How to disable alignment of individual lines in an align environment?

I often write definitions like \begin{align*} f &: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} \\ f(0) &: 0 \\ f(x) &= \frac{\sin x}{x} \end{align*} (Yeah, I know this could also be written with a ...
leftaroundabout's user avatar
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Aligning lines of text while \raggedleft

Here is an example of the desired effect (hrule to show margins of the page): As shown in the picture, the text consists of two columns - each line in the left column ends together while each line in ...
EnergeticElectrification's user avatar
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Different alignments with alignat

\begin{equation}\label{eq:f_formulation} \left\{ \begin{alignedat}{3} \E(u,z) &= \int_I(u_N,z)_{L^2(\Gamma_N)}+ \int_I(u_V,z)&\\ &\text{for all } z \in W_{,0D} \text{ with } z(T)=0\\ \tr ...
Lilla's user avatar
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Line issue with table, how to center on multirow

I am trying to create a table, but some things are off. I am new to LaTeX, so even to get to this state was not easy. The following image shows the adjustments I would like to do. The lines marked ...
OppositeDragon's user avatar
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Align with three &

Consider \begin{align} \text{the} \quad & \text{quick} \\ \text{brown} \quad & \text{fox} \end{align} \begin{align} \text{jumps} \quad & \text{over} \quad & \text{the} \\ \...
Lilla's user avatar
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Nicematrix and aligned math

The following document \documentclass{article} \usepackage{nicematrix,mathtools} \begin{document} \begin{equation*} \begin{split} \alpha^{d+i}_i &=\begin{...
Bubaya's user avatar
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Top align two tabular placed side by side

How can I top align these two tables, and possibly prevent them from overlapping each other? \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{subcaption} ...
user3713179's user avatar
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Left align a single text line within a block of math equations

How can one left align a single text line ("and", in the following example) within a block of math. equations? \shortintertext{and} seems to generate larger interline spacing which is ...
AEW's user avatar
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Conflict between [table]{xcolor} and {align} inside table

I am trying to put some equations inside an align environment in a cell inside a table. However, when I activate the \usepackage[table]{xcolor} option, my code inmediately crashes. EDIT: I modified ...
Diego Andres Alvarez Marin's user avatar
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Aligning equations in article class

I am writing a paper in article class. It contains a few equations that I am trying to align. I want the alignment to look like this: I am having trouble centering the texts "eq.(1)" and &...
V Kahn's user avatar
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Fix tag indentation in 'align'

I have the following equations (see latex below): My problem is that tag (1) is between the 2 lines, whereas I would like it to be aligned with the 2nd line. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in ...
Revirator's user avatar
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Adding explanation next to the successive equations in latex

How can I add such descriptions next to the successive aligned equations using LaTeX?
Zeki Can Özkanlı's user avatar
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How use flalign to align the equations on the left?

I am writing some algebra notes and unfortunately I have some problem with the alignment of some equation: exactly the equation appears aligned on the right whereas I would like they are aligned on ...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
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can i use resize box in align

I have this equation that goes off page when complied. its so large that \tiny doesn't cut it. I need to use resize box but the equation is in an align environment. equation needs to be labelled as a ...
Megamind's user avatar
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Aligning a linear system of differential equations

How do I align a system of linear differential equations in latex? I can use \begin{cases} x_1'(t) = x_1(t)-x_2(t)+2x_3(t)\\ x_2'(t) = -2x_1(t)+5x_2(t)+2x_3(t)\\ x_3'(t) = 8x_1(t)-5x_2(t)-2x_3(t)\\ \...
Jompa's user avatar
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