Questions tagged [braces]

Conventionally { and }; used to delimit groups or arguments in (La)TeX code.

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Cannot compile file with tikzmark

in my example below, I cannot compile the file as I get the error: LaTeX Error: Command \tikzmark already defined. Or name \end... illegal, Can you help me get my file to compile? ...
Joe's user avatar
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Side margin text and brace across multiple pages

hopefully a simple question to ask, not sure about the answer... Given the MWEs \documentclass{report} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{lipsum} \newcommand\BrText[2]{% \par\smallskip \noindent\...
nate's user avatar
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Sublimetext highlighting of braces

In SublimeText 3, the syntax highlighting for latex documents in math mode has the following (unexpected?) behavior. Consider the following: \{sometext\} versus \{ sometext\}. The syntax ...
Gabriel C. Drummond-Cole's user avatar
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How to only show the note of the math underbrace, and hide underbrace bracket?

How can I hide the underbrace curly bracket and only show the overhead note (note here) (and not n times shown underneath)? Better yet, is there a TeX command that only does the note, i.e. an overhead ...
develarist's user avatar
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Get bigdelim effect with tabularray

Simply I would like to include braces across multiple rows within a table using tblr environment in the same way as bigdelim allows in a tabular environment.
JoMo's user avatar
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How to typeset a right brace which has exactly the height and depth of contents it braces?

I want to design a right brace contents whose height and depth are equal to the contents it braces. It is possible to design it using \left. \right\rbrace, but I actually want multiple braces to align ...
Al-Motasem Aldaoudeyeh's user avatar
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Can I replace begin and end of an environment with a new definition with only braces

Can I replace the begin and end of an environment just with a pair of braces {} where the left brace { will take care of the \begin{} part and right brace } will function like the \end{} part? This is ...
hbaromega's user avatar
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Is the preferred use of tilde command with braces?

It looks like the standard way of using the \tilde is as in $\tilde{a}$. However, I saw a latex document in which the usage was $\tilde a$. Will the two ways of defining a tilde produce the same ...
Andre's user avatar
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Why does \texttt not work on braces?

Why does \texttt not work on \textbraceleft or \{? Is there any solution to solve this? \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \texttt{\textbraceleft} \texttt{\{} \verb|{| \end{...
M. Logic's user avatar
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How to decrease the vertical spacing in cases environment?

I have a few lines of code. I want them to align at the equals sign, and also shrink the brace for phi using cases environment. The curly brace sticks out at the top and bottom, which is a little ...
happyboat's user avatar
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How can I insert a large vertical brace in a single cell of a one column and two rows table?

I need a fixed size table of one column and two rows per page, where I can contain a large vertical brace surrounding a series of items in each cell (x2). Here's what I have so far: \documentclass[...
Thesevs's user avatar
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File ended whilst scanning use of \@writefile... also Goto Error just takes me to \begin{document}

This may be a basic question, but I have been using LaTeX on and off for many years and am used to finding missing braces, I have tries %'ing out my document but still cannot find an error? Are there ...
Simon Bradley's user avatar
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minuses used in an exponent are shown as spaces

While editing some formula in Wikipedia (LaTeX) , the minus signs are shown like blank spaces when used between the braces of an exponent. here's the code: \begin{alignat}{2} \varepsilon_0 & = \...
ebram's user avatar
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