Questions tagged [breqn]

{breqn} is package to facilitate automatic line-breaking of displayed math expressions. The package also makes \left, \right constructs to work as one would expect whether or not there is an intervening line break.

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4 votes
1 answer

Clash between mhchem and breqn. Any way to dodge or fix?

The use of breqn causes the subscript numbers in chemical expressions, formatted by mhchem, to be exlargened and perhaps moved slightly making it look ugly. Is there a way to avoid this or should I ...
Darling's user avatar
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Using breqn in unnumbered equation in LyX

I finally found a way to use automatic line breaking in long math formulas in LyX from the last post in: I soon realized (...
PhHEP's user avatar
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8 votes
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Flush equations left with breqn

I am using the breqn package to automatically break equations, like this: \begin{dmath} a = b + c + d + e + f + g + h +i + j + k + l + m + n + p + q \end{dmath} I would like to have all my ...
Piyush's user avatar
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Nested bracket in breqn doesn't work

I tried to use the latest version of breqn package to break this equation; The result shows that it can't break the equation at Level/depth greater than 2 even by using \setkeys{breqn}{breakdepth={4}},...
Mohamed Talaat Bakr's user avatar
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How can long formulas be written more beautifully?

How do you write a long formula in a more beautiful manner for the better, all my formulas in lines with the same length. formulas are long with slightly smaller text. Is it better to be done ...
sayros's user avatar
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Long equations breaking without using breqn

How to achieve nice (non-automatic) long equations breaking, like dmath environment from breqn package does automatically, but using a more common environment, e.g., multline, multlined (from ...
troubler's user avatar
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breqn and lineno incompatibility

Journals often require line numbering for the review process. This is achieved using lineno package. Next, it seems like a good idea to use breqn package (dmath environment) to auto-break long ...
troubler's user avatar
7 votes
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breqn package is not working

I am using the breqn package, but it is not working. \begin{dmath} \sqrt {-{\frac {-4\,c-k_{{2}}{x}^{2}+{x}^{2}\sqrt {4\,c+{k_{{2}}}^{2}}}{c}}}\sqrt {{\frac {4\,c+k_{{2}}{x}^{2}+{x}^{2}\sqrt {4\,c+{...
ashwa's user avatar
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9 votes
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Writing equations within dgroup environment

I am having a problem with writing equations using dmath and dgroup in my article. the packages I am using are \documentclass[a4paper 12pt] {article} \usepackage{breqn} The codes I am writing are -...
Sazzad Hossain's user avatar
5 votes
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Automatic linebreaking inside displaymath

Yes, I know of the existence of breqn, and I am very excited about this package. I am trying to write a mathematics paper, that will be typeset in two different styles (different page sizes, and ...
jmc's user avatar
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Is there an incompatibility between the packages breqn and subcaption [closed]

When I try to typeset with both the packages subcaption and breqn, I get the following error: ! Package caption Error: The `subcaption' package does not work correctly(caption) in compatibility ...
Kirbies's user avatar
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Breaking an array of equations

I wanted to break long equations in an array environment. To do this, I used dmath environment from breqn package but it did not work. How can I write long equations in an array environment with line ...
ubaabd's user avatar
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breqn does not automatically break lines

I am writing a two column journal in which I am listing the components of a vector. The vector is too long to fit in one column, and I am using the \left and \right around the brackets that enclose ...
Rich's user avatar
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breqn in journals

I read the breqn manual, and I love the ideas in it (semantic markup for equations, automagic line breaks in math displays). I would like to use it in my work (I am a research mathematician, so I ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How to split optimisation problem over two lines?

I have this expression involving minimisation. How do I split it over two lines? The problem is \min seems to be separated from the objective function. breqn does not seem to work, as this is not an ...
Bravo's user avatar
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internal error in breqn package with dseries/dmath* pair

As an experiment, I took some equations that I'd manually split using aligned like so: \begin{equation}\label{eqn:fourierSeries:30} \begin{aligned} \int_a^b \phi(x) e^{-i \omega m x} dx &= \sum ...
Peeter Joot's user avatar
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colored equation numbers with breqn package?

I was experimenting with the use of breqn for a few unwieldy formulas, but wonder how to maintain the equation number coloring I'd been using, based on the following questions: Changing the ...
Peeter Joot's user avatar
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Why does dgroup not create equation numbers?

I have a tex file: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{breqn} \begin{document} \begin{dgroup} \begin{dmath*} 0 = x + y \end{dmath*} \begin{dmath*} 3 = 2x + 4y \end{dmath*} \end{dgroup}...
Christian Wolf's user avatar
18 votes
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Automatic line break in alignat

Consider the following example from \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \newcounter{eqn} \renewcommand*{\theeqn}{\alph{eqn})} \newcommand{\num}{\...
student's user avatar
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symbol "-" not shown in any of "listings" after compiling together with "breqn" package

After compiling my "-" symbol in every single listing environment dissapears. I found out that "listings" package must somehow conflict with "breqn" package. Below is a minimal working example. Try to ...
71GA's user avatar
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breqn and \brace

I was looking forward to using breqn, but it mysteriously fails with the following piece of code: \begin{dmath*} {2 \brace 3} \end{dmath*} However, this construct outputs a "Missing delimiter" ...
Mike Hordecki's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

breqn: specifying the characters at which equations can be broken

Is there a way to force breqn to break at a certain character in favor of another. For instance, in the following example, one might prefer that the line be broken at a + sign rather than at a \cdot. ...
user001's user avatar
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breqn package incompatibility

Edit: For clarity about what this post is asking, I have placed the specific questions at the beginning of the post. I would like to understand the technical details of the incompatibilities of breqn....
user001's user avatar
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How to make breqn work across multiple pages? [closed]

I'm creating a document programmatic and use breqn to automatically break equations across multiple lines. But when a single equation is larger then a page it fails. \documentclass[11pt,fleqn]{...
ben's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Multiple tensor indices with breqn package

When I try to use the tensor style file to create multiple tensor indices with the breqn style file, I run into the following problem shown in this (minimal) code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
qgp07's user avatar
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Long formula alignment inside breqn with tabs?

It aligns the formula to the left-hand-side but I would like to get tabs here-and-there. How can I get tabs inside breqn or is there some package to do it automatically? $ cat test.tex % breqn -pkg ...
hhh's user avatar
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Applying breqn in bulk to typeset a math book for my kindle?

I'm trying to typeset this book for my Kindle: Unfortunately some of the equations result in overfull hboxes, and I can't read them. Though I've managed to manually convert ...
nothingmuch's user avatar
9 votes
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breqn with superscript in a newcommand

I am getting unfortunate behavior with the the most recent version of breqn.sty with regards to how it handles a newcommand that begins with a superscript. Considering the following code \...
qgp07's user avatar
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Braket and breqn formatting issues [closed]

I ran into a problem formatting things with breqn and the braket style file. A minimal example that illustrates the problem is: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{braket} \usepackage{breqn} \begin{...
qgp07's user avatar
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3 answers

Cleveref and breqn packages don't play nice together

I have been using the breqn and cleveref packages independently, and I think they are both excellent packages; but recently I have tried using them together, but it appears that cleveref cannot ...
Craig's user avatar
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Has a dmath environment (breqn package) a maximum size?

I have the problem, that I need some quite long formulas and therefore I use breqn. Up till now, there was no problem doing so. But now I have a formula that seems to be too long for breqn. I get some ...
Christian Wolf's user avatar
14 votes
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How can I tell AUCTeX that breqn is a math environment?

I have recently been trying to use the breqn package to automatically break up my equations. However, I use emacs (and/or Aquamacs, depending on the machine I'm on) with Auctex, and it does not ...
qgp07's user avatar
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Is it possible to tweak the alignment of an equation when it is broken using breqn?

I have a looooooooong displaymath that I'm using breqn to break into smaller chunks. As there are no actual relation symbols, I've manually added \allowbreak everywhere I'd be happy for one to occur (...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
7 votes
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Odd interaction between hyperref, breqn, and underscores

My problem may have a similar root cause as this question, and although I've got a working solution I'm happy with, I'm puzzled as to why this happens at all. MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
Mike Renfro's user avatar
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41 votes
1 answer

Breaking equations with breqn

I am new to using the breqn package. It looks good, but I get an odd behaviour when an equation can almost fit in the page but not quite: the alignment gets completely wrong. Is there a way to fix ...
Bruno Le Floch's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Minus signs vanish with listings and breqn - any solutions?

When using listings and breqn, the minus signs (or dashes, according to the unix.SX site then there's some controversy about which it is) disappear from code listing. Here's an example: \...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Does amsmath provide any medium to auto-break equations?

I'm writing large equations in texlive with amsmath, and I want them to be automatically broken at the end of the line. Is there any way to do that with amsmath? What would you recommend me to do ...
Tomas's user avatar
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10 answers

How can I split an equation over two (or more) lines

I am having the following equation: \begin{equation} Q(\lambda,\hat{\lambda}) = -\frac{1}{2} P(O \mid \lambda ) \sum_s \sum_m \sum_t \gamma_m^{(s)} (t) \left( n \log(2 \pi ) + \log \left| C_m^{(s)} ...
Peter Smit's user avatar

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