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Column spacing when using multicolumn

Trying to make a binder plate for a report but one person has an excessively long title which is throwing off the spacing of the bottom rows. Ideally the logos and adresses would be the same size for ...
Will C's user avatar
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How to color a cell in easytable

\documentclass[border=20pt]{standalone} \usepackage[thinlines]{easytable} \usepackage[table]{xcolor} \begin{document} \huge \begin{TAB}(e,2cm,2cm){|c:c:c:c:c|}{|c:c:c:c:c|} \cellcolor{black}1 & ...
Vinod's user avatar
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Vertically center text in table [duplicate]

How is it possible to vertically-center the text of the cells? \documentclass{article} \usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|...
Iccu-Maths's user avatar
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In a header containing a table, how is one column appearing below the horizontal bar?

The following code defines a header with a logo, a course title, an quiz title, and boxes for the student to enter in their name, id and section. I will comment out the image since it works and does ...
Dov's user avatar
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decrease table wrapped text spacing

I was working on some tables and thought about having the text for the leftmost index wrapped on two lines. However, I wish to have the linespacing for cells with text wrapped – Connected components ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Logic proof - Boxes inside a table

I want to create a table as below: But I only came up with the table code, with no clue of how to add the two boxes. \begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{lll} 1. & $(\...
Ida's user avatar
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How to make a from= , to= argument work in Tikzcd in compatibility mode?

For some reason, which will probably be too much work to fix without breaking something else in my document, Tikzcd only works in my document in compatibility mode with the "Alternative syntax ...
Felipe Dilho's user avatar
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help with text alignment within table cells

im using tabularx and have my tables formated to the size i want but the text in each cell is alligned kinda weird - words are spilling over to a new line but I would rather the whole word go on a new ...
Haim Kalsi's user avatar
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Tabular: Aligning cell content on the top left (including an image)

I am having trouble aligning the contents of the cells in a table in the upper left corner. The problem seems to be caused by the SVG file, since everything works fine without it. Also, once I'm ...
Vulpecula's user avatar
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Reducing vertical margin, increasing the top margin in the cell and centring the elements in the cell

In the code I am using, \documentclass{article} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % stretching row height \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{tabulary} \newcolumntype{K}[1]{>{\...
mikebuba's user avatar
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How to right justify a table cell using package tabular

\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{booktabs} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{p{0.5\textwidth} p{0.5\textwidth}} \toprule ...
chazr's user avatar
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With tabularray package, add vertical lines between a few specific table cells, with command in cell itself

I’m using the tabularray package, and I’d like to insert vertical border segments between just a few specific cells in a table, as shown in the left-hand table below. As seen in the MWE code, I can ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
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Latex Table in Wordpress

I want to display a Latex table on wordpress page. I am using following code for this, but the code is showing one empty cell of the left hand side column at the end of/bottom, \begin{tabular}{ | c | ...
Ajit's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a table like this one?

I want the cells to be vertical middle aligned.
DineshMA MIT's user avatar
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Cell lines are cut when using multiple rows

Working in a large project with some commands defined for usage in a table. I list them below. Using them, I am trying to create a table which has multiple rows and still aligns the other cells ...
nyw's user avatar
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Reduce the width of cells in a table using talltblr

Does anybody know how to reduce the width of cells? I couldn't find it. Here is a preview of the problem. The width is too important for the datas. Here is my MWE: \documentclass{article} \...
Guillaume's user avatar
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Creating specific enumaration inside LaTeX table

I´m wondering if creating a LaTeX table that allows for specific enumeration inside one of its cells is possible. For instance, something like this: I have tried using certain environments, but I ...
David Moldes's user avatar
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\cellcolor doesn't work in my talltblr environment

I'm trying to add colour in some cells in my tab but it won't work for my talltblr environment. I want to colourize cells with A in grey. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} \usepackage[left=30mm,top=...
Guillaume's user avatar
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Text not vertically aligned in tabularx cell

I've run into a problem that I can't seem to find a solution to. I am using the package tabularx since I work with small pages. My table has a mix of figures and text, and I would like the column to ...
Juju's user avatar
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Latex table cell linebreaks expands to whole row

I have this table, and making \\ line breaks in first column, but this affects also the next cell, which is unintended. How can i stop this behavior? I have tried a lot, at this point, but i feel ...
Mr Flamefire's user avatar
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Table with different number of columns after some rows

I want to create a table with different number of columns after a specific row. This is what I've accomplished so far: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|...
JmlGmbn's user avatar
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How to modify single elements of PGFPlotsTable?

I want to create a table with some values. Afterwards I want to replace one element of the table and display a plot. The nearest I get, you can see below in the minimum example. So there are two basic ...
Alex's user avatar
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Aligning chemical + and arrow with vline of tabular

I would like to reproduce this figure: So far, I have managed to come up with this code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[french]{babel} \...
Nora NICOLAS's user avatar
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Vertical centering in tabularx after forced \newline

I am having troubles with a vertical alignement in cells after forcing \newline. Consider this MWE: \documentclass[12pt,oneside]{report} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{...
Ludovico's user avatar
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How to center merged cells vertically in a table and stretch the merged border to cover all of the cell?

I am using the code: \definecolor{atlas}{RGB}{11,128,195} \newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{| l | C{2cm} ...
Stamatis Tzanos's user avatar
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text in table cell wrap

1st picture is the expected way in a table cell, 2nd picture is the failed outcome using the following table rules. 1st picture's table cell items can be written in two lines, but in the 2nd picture ...
Ishrak's user avatar
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Remove vertical space above list in cell with color

When a list is the first item in a cell, it has a big vertical space above. In order to remove this space, classical answers are based on inserting \@minipagetrue before the list. Unfortunately, this ...
Jérôme LAURENS's user avatar
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How do I break the text in a table-cell? [duplicate]

I am using Tufte book. For the table below, I want to add a line break in the first column. I want "Nr. of transactions" to be in one line and "pre-processing" on the second line. ...
Limpan's user avatar
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Is there a way to automatically set the cell width to achieve the shortest table within the page?

I want to automatically set the cell width to allow the table height to be kept minimum. There might be 2 or 3 lines of text in a cell, so this is no problem if the table height is the minimum in such ...
Mike K.'s user avatar
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Set the width of \TextField to the width of the table width

I want my \textfield width to fill the width of the table. For now I have this: \documentclass[a4paper,2pt]{article} \usepackage{hyperref}% load last unless you know a package should be loaded later \...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
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How I can add color arrows in a table cell?

I would like to replace each + and - with green and red arrows, respectively, in my table like table below: My table code: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c| } \hline 50 & 30.5 & +19....
Hamzah Al-Qadasi's user avatar
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How to add company logo to the merged cell of table?

I am making a CV and in experiences section, I would like to have a logo (normally a small image) before the designation and the company name. This logo must be in the merged cell of first raw second ...
Const's user avatar
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space above and below the text within a cell in a table

In the following simple table: \documentclass{scrbook} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \usepackage[table,x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\...
Fabio Campanile's user avatar
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Why is the line alignment off between the first and second column in this table?

The line alignment between the first column is off. The cells in the first column start a line higher. I use overleaf, and I have tried to make a minimal example below. \documentclass{article} \...
Volmer Jahnsen's user avatar
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beamer: uncover table by row when number of cells is not constant

The first row of the table has one cell, but the second row has 2. \documentclass{beamer} \RequirePackage{array} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \cline{1-1}% a \\ \cline{1-2}% \...
Jérôme LAURENS's user avatar
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Long arrow into a twocell diagram

Through the code: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{memoir} \usepackage[all,cmtip,2cell]{xy} \UseAllTwocells \begin{document} \xymatrix@R+20pc@C+3pc{ \bullet\ruppertwocell^a{\hspace{....
gibarian's user avatar
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Uniform cell length with centered text in a table where L is the line width, K is the number of cells, and each cell is L/K long

I'm trying to recreate this table. I would brute force the width with p{kcm} where k is just some number. But the text is not centered. I have tried many other solutions. But none of the work. And ...
TheGreatJRB's user avatar
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I want the sentence (number of IRS Elements to be fit inside the cell)

\begin{table} \centering \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{} &\multicolumn{11}{|c|}{Number of Users / Number ...
Alex Dirc's user avatar
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tabularray individual cell colouring

I am attempting to colour specific cells in a table. I have tried recommendations such as color only a cell of a table and Efficiently colouring block of table cells, but when I try the code, only a ...
user249942's user avatar
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Settings for individual cells in nicematrix

The MWE is: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{nicematrix} \begin{document} \begin{NiceTabular}{X[2,l]X[r,m]}[hvlines, cell-space-limits=5pt, width=0.5\textwidth] text 1 & text 2 text 2 text 2\\...
Alx's user avatar
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Aligning text/cells in a table within a specific separator

I'm doing list of MAC addresses. I have used tables, but I don't know how to manage the space (before or after) the hexadecimal value. For one device the different MAC addresses are not properly ...
Fanny Mae's user avatar
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How to center text on multiple row within table?

I have produced the following table: By using the following code: \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{Dati principali del velivolo \texttt{Lockheed C-130J Hercules}.} \begin{tabular}{...
g_don's user avatar
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Lines between array cells

I'm looking for a natural way to selectively add horizontal and vertical lines between the cells of an array. Here is an example. +-----------+ | A B C | D E | +-------+ | F G ...
azimut's user avatar
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\cellcolor overrides borders even with \hhline, how do I fix?

Here is a minimal working example of my code. When I compile it using overleaf online TeX editor I get the expected result and everything works fine, while when I compile it using texstudio here is ...
Baffo rasta's user avatar
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Package diagbox ruins my \hline

Preamble: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[a4paper, total={190mm, 280mm}]{geometry} % Greek \usepackage[LGR, T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[greek]{babel} \usepackage{...
leech's user avatar
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Adjusting the table width with the page width and defining cell width at the same time

I am writing a text in LaTeX and I need to insert a big table in it. As it is quite wide and I wanted to adjust it to the page width, I used the \begin{adjustbox} command. However, I have a problem ...
Germán's user avatar
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Centering a table in a cell of an other table

I have this table: \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{tikz} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \usepackage{cite} \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} \usepackage{...
nicope13's user avatar
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Colouring individual cells [duplicate]

I would like to colour individual cells of a table based on quantity. For example if the cell value is <5 then the colour should be green. if >5 but less than 10 should be orange, and red for if ...
Charlie Cameron's user avatar
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Full width row on a tabular - cell occupying multiple cells

I am trying to recreate this table on Latex: but I can't figure out how to have a cell occupying three cells instead of just one (for the Tritanomaly percentage entry for example). This is the best ...
Heavenly Journey's user avatar
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unwanted black background generated in first cell of table

I know there's already been a similar question, but I still can't solve this problem by myself... Following you find my preamble: \documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside, BCOR=12mm, DIV=18, parskip=half,...
franzi's user avatar
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