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3 answers

cline over multicolum and \cellcolor

I want to fix this cline over muticolumn-\cellcolor envirnoment. I have read some previous similar questions but I cant still fix it. I have used \nicetabular, hhline, threeparttable... but nothing ...
Ander de Marcos's user avatar
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What should I do so that the length of the brackets remains constant when I color the table?

\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{book} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{lmodern} %\usepackage[table]{xcolor} %\usepackage{colortbl} %\usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{...
Özgür's user avatar
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Cellcolor overlaps Table border in tabularx

In continuation of my previous question Table with multiple different colored cells, I want to resolve a somewhat minor issue. What I wanted to do is that the \cellcolor must not overlap the table ...
user3582228's user avatar
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Troubles with supertabular

For my personal documentation, I have been using latex for a long time but as usual, I encounter difficulties with tables. I mainly adopted supertabular because I can easily adapt the management of ...
PhLinuX's user avatar
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Space issue in table

I'm making several tables and I'm having troubles with this one (see the pic). The code I made to get that output is this: \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[spanish,es-lcroman]{babel} \...
Suiron's user avatar
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\cellcolor color fill in \tabular has vertical gap for cells separated with cmidrule

Experimenting with the solution presented in I find that the cells of the table are not completely filled with color: \documentclass[12pt, a4paper, ...
Markus W.'s user avatar
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Using cellcolor in new command changes cell width

I have used the latex command presented in this TexStackExchange answer to create a table with cell background color based on the cell's numerical value. The code works but it is changing the cell ...
elya5's user avatar
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cellcolor don't fill all cell

I want to fill the cell "physical badging", but when I use \cellcolor, a white rectangle appears on the right side. I don't understand why. The code is below: \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} ...
Dtinas10's user avatar
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cellcolor leaves a blank space at the right of a multicolumn

Code: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{makecell} \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.5} \begin{document} \begin{...
SpeedJack's user avatar
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\cellcolor doesn't work in my talltblr environment

I'm trying to add colour in some cells in my tab but it won't work for my talltblr environment. I want to colourize cells with A in grey. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book} \usepackage[left=30mm,top=...
Guillaume's user avatar
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How to get table with single corner cut in each cell?

What I am trying to achieve is a table in which each cell has bottom right of its corners cut away like this: The cut-away portion is supposed to be of static size. How to achieve such result?
MrVocabulary's user avatar
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Paint columns of multirows latex

I'm trying to coloring a table with multirows. I want to "Formação Candeias" cell to be gray, "Rifte" cell to be pink and "Pré-rifte" cell to be blue. Below I'll show my ...
Annie Gabrielle's user avatar
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change the background color of a multirow cell

I hope you are doing well. I've made a multi-row cell by \multirowcell. How can I change the background color of this multi-row cell? \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}\hline \...
Mojtaba Mansouri's user avatar
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Why does cellcolor not work here?

Why does cellcolor not work here? The code is from answer of my previous question here. I'm trying to color a cell of a table as the code here. \documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran} \usepackage{mathtools} ...
emnha's user avatar
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Can't format the table correctly (\hline and colored cells)

I've created this table using a table converter website online and then tweaking it until I got what I wanted. I am using overleaf to compile everything. \begin{table}[h!] \caption{Composition of the ...
Flor's user avatar
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3 answers

How to clear cellcolor for a specific cell in NiceTabular?

Assume I have a table like this: \begin{NiceTabular}{p{3.8cm}p{3.8cm}} \CodeBefore \rowcolors{2}{white}{gray!30} \Body A & B \\ C & D \\ \end{NiceTabular} \rowcolors gives the row ...
flyx's user avatar
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LaTeX table cell coloring based on values in the cell (3 color scale formatting)

I wanted to imitate the functionality in excel of 3-Scale grading formatting, which changes the background of a table cell based on its value. I wanted each cell to have a percentage value, and each ...
Roger's user avatar
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How to fill color in table cells with two lines

I am trying to make a table where cells have colored backgrounds. I am using \colorcell{}, and it works fine with one line of numbers. However, I would need two lines in each cell. To make two lines, ...
user1993416's user avatar
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How to define table cell color depending on cell text value imported from the CSV file

I am trying to color table cell depending on the text value imported from the CSV file. The CSV file has three possible text values that are "High", "Intermediate" and "Low&...
c_bfx's user avatar
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space above and below the text within a cell in a table

In the following simple table: \documentclass{scrbook} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \usepackage[table,x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\...
Fabio Campanile's user avatar
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Undefined control sequence using \rowcolor, \cellcolor and \multicolumn (packages already installed)

I am using in order to create my table. The code is: % Please add the following required packages to your document preamble: % \usepackage{multirow} % \usepackage[table,...
Joncarre's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot get \cellcolor to work on a table

i've used the following table generator site to create the below table but feel like it's a bit more complicated than it's need to be, and I cannot get the color cell working. https://www....
Ziggy's user avatar
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Latex to html : keep white space between colored cells in booktabs tables

I use a colored Table to illustrate a concept called 5-fold cross-validation. (Code is below). In latex, it looks as follows: When I convert this to html using tex4ebook cv_table.tex I get this: ...
Matthias's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a LaTeX package available for robust rendering of tables in pdf?

Four years ago, David Carlisle sketched in this answer a way to mitigate problems with the pdf rendering of lines in cloloured tables. My question: Is there now an available LaTeX package implementing ...
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
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cellcolor in array LaTeX

The gray shading in the cells leaves no white space on the left. Can somebody help me to solve that problem? \documentclass[border=5pt]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[table]{xcolor} \...
aroaneios's user avatar
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pgfplotstable: color from cellentry ##1 [duplicate]

If I have a column with entries like 0,0,red,0,green,0,0,0,brown,0,0,0,..., why does this not work: postproc cell content/.code={ \ifnum##1=0 \else @cell content={cellcolor{##1}{##1}} \fi}, ...
cis's user avatar
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A small aesthetic problem in tables: conflict between \ cellcolor and \ cline commands

As you can see in the example below, the partial horizontal lines, for which I have used "\cline", are overwritten by the gray shading with "\cellcolor". I have seen several ...
Jesús Álvarez Lobo's user avatar
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Persistent error ‘Undefined control sequence. \cellcolor’ with 'colortbl' LaTeX package

I've had a persistent error that appears with the following MWE (generated using TablesGenerator.comand tested with Texpad). The error ‘Undefined control sequence. \cellcolor’ does not appear to be ...
RosesBouquet's user avatar
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How to put tablet formats in correct way

I tried to make one table in LaTeX however my code doesn't work, do have any idea to solve this? \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{arydshln} \begin{...
Naldo Chavez's user avatar
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How to prevent overflow of row/cell colors in booktabs? [duplicate]

Based on this answer you know how to easily create rows with background colors. This also works for booktabs. Edit: This is how it looks by default with \begin{tabular}{lccc}: But we want to change ...
rugk's user avatar
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Issue combining makecell and cellcolor

I have seen similar question to this one already but none of the answers I have found seem to solve my problem. I'm trying to color the cells of the first column of my table, but I cannot find a ...
Netim's user avatar
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Procedure to produce a Latex source modifable Latex file from initially a MS Word table

Sorry to post again from the same subject I posted a few days ago. I have had an answer but impossible to reproduce the generation of a Latex source from a docx MS Word document. So, I attempt here on ...
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How do I sum CSV-values in to cells?

I am both new here on stackexchange and fairly new to TeX. I have tried searching for similar questions but found none. I am working on a document where I need to pppulate a table from a csv file. The ...
Softest's user avatar
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I can't change \hhline color with \arrayrulecolor{}

I have created a table with tabular and cellcolor, and you know what hapends: the cell color overlap the border. I have found that this is often solved with hhline. In order to change the color in ...
franarx's user avatar
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How to paste a cell from one table into a merged cell in another table in latex?

I am creating a pdf document in R markdown (.Rmd file)- using latex and R. The R data frame consists of mainly two columns- string column 'Ind' and numeric value 'value'. I need to create 2 types of ...
user3218428's user avatar
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Change cellcolor automatically according to the number in cell – "dimension too large"

I would like to change cell color based on the values. I found code from another post Change cellcolor automaticly acording to the number in cell Here is the code that works: \documentclass{article} \...
Matthias's user avatar
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Balancing two column table

I am trying to recreate the following table using LaTeX Here is what I have so far My biggest problem is with balancing the two columns height wise (same height) as is done in the picture I am ...
N3buchadnezzar's user avatar
9 votes
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Make cells from table be displayed with a different value than they are presented in the source code

The context While studying logic, I found myself creating truth tables with different numbers of propositional variables. Sometimes I need to create a truth table for propositions that contains 6 ...
gfe's user avatar
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Coloring cells in a table redux: Vertical and horizontal bars hidden in most views/zooms

When using \cellcolor or \rowcolor to shade a cell (or row of cells) in a table, the vertical and horizontal separators become randomly obscured or hidden when viewing the PDF. This is true for ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Table with multicolumn highlighted row

I'm trying to make the following table: I can create the structure easily. However I have a problem in the row colour: \newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}...
Hadri's user avatar
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Adjusting a reproduced table

I am trying to reproduce the following table in latex: For this, I am using the following code: \documentclass[12pt,oneside, brazil]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
Math's user avatar
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How to color multicolumn cells in tabularx-tables

I tried to use the answer to the question asked here: How To Color A Single Multicolumn Cell But if I use more rows with different multicolumn spacing, some of the colored multicolum-cells still have ...
NewBee's user avatar
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Color of table cells

I am having trouble coloring table cells. In the MWE below the color leaves white space at the right. Thinking that this may be due to internal length calculations I explicitly set the lenghts of ...
Richard's user avatar
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Tables - cellcolor does not work with tabu any more

I wrote a document with colored cells using \cellcolor with tabu. Unfortunately, it does not work any more. Here is an MWE: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{tabu} \usepackage[table]{xcolor} %\...
Dirk's user avatar
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Cellcolor covers alignment character in tabular

I'm aligning a range of numbers on an en-dash between two columns in a tabular. I'd like to add color to alternating groups of rows, but using \cellcolor covers up the en-dash. Note: this tabular is ...
Sue Dunham's user avatar
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color row in a table using cellcolor

I'm trying to color the title line of the table by using the following code: \documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article} %% Packages %% \usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry} \...
Ben's user avatar
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4 answers

How to use cellcolor and double backslash

This is my code which fails on the last row in the tabular. Why? \documentclass{article} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{colortbl} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{l} a \\ b \...
topskip's user avatar
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Customizing Table CellColor Heat Map part 2

I am revisiting a previous question for which we have already a solution: Customizing Table CellColor Heat Map Is it possible to have two different color definitions for two different color themes ...
togedo's user avatar
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How to combine cellcolor and rotated text in a table correctly?

I try to create a table that has a width corresponding to 1.2\linewidth, colored cells and rotated text in columns 4 to 9. I have problems with coloring the cells containing the rotated text and to ...
Guest0815's user avatar
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Tables - cellcolor does not fill the cell

I need to create a summary table for a talk. The idea is to have cells with different colours. However, I do not manage to make the colours fill for one cell. Here is a small example of my problem. ...
YplN's user avatar
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