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Questions tagged [chemfig]

{chemfig} is for questions pertaining to the use of the chemfig package for drawing 2D molecules and reaction schemes.

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2 answers

How do I annotate a molecule on Chemfig?

I want to annotate a molecule like the image below I have the following code for the molecule \schemestart \chemname{\chemfig[double bond sep = 4pt]{*5(((-[::180]*6(-=-=-=))(-[::-90]*6(-=-=-=)))-\...
Pen and Paper's user avatar
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Color nested bonds

In chemfig, I would like to represent the geometry of the complexes (in particular the fac/mer isomerism). I can draw the complex: no problem. However, I would like to better visualize the isomers by ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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LaTeX \chemfig{} structuring of Diisopropyl sulfate error

In LaTeX i'm attempting to create a chemical structure for Diisopropyl sulfate, it should look the image provided. However, my chemical configuration looks like: The code I used to try that is as ...
Eri's user avatar
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LaTeX Chemical \usepackage{chemfig} Clipping/Structural Issue

I have been writing a new LaTeX project that has to show chemical formula. When I enter in the code, the CHOSO_3 is clipping inside each other as shown: Here is the basic code I have used: \...
Eri's user avatar
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Inconsistency in labeling of chemistry figures when enumerated in two columns

As I think you can see, the benzene and anthracene labels are further away from the figure, while the rest, even the "testing" label on the second column. Could someone help me format this ...
Arush Verma's user avatar
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Reducing the size of a reaction scheme

I want to write the reaction balance of a reaction, specifying the names of the molecules below: for this part, no problem. In my document, I would like to reduce the whole but I don't know what is ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How to use chemfig package? [closed]

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \chemfig∗6(−[:60](−[::−60]CH_3)−[:−60](−[::−60]CH_3)−[:−60]CH_3) \end{document}
Alvaro Gonzalez Martin's user avatar
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How to control arrowhead size in chemfig?

I read through the docs of chemfig, but it seems like there is no option to control the size of an arrowhead (except you define an arrow from scratch, what I can't do yet). The closest thing I have ...
Leon's user avatar
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Using two subschemes in a single compound messes up output

In a simple chemical reaction (A + B → C), I'm trying to draw 2 vertical arrows, one exactly below the letter "A" and one exactly below the letter "B". chemfig's documentation ...
double-beep's user avatar
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How can draw the general structure of protein as in attached image?

\documentclass[border=2mm]{standalone} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \schemestart \chemfig{H_2N-C(-[2]R)(-[6]H)-C(=[2]O)-OH} \+ \chemfig{H-N(-[2]H)-C(-[2]\charge{30:-1pt=$\prime$}{R})(-[6]H)-C(...
Ghassan Hamad's user avatar
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How to implement a multiline split when using chemmacros, chemformula & chemfig with LuaLaTeX

I've explored how to use \begin{split} and \begin{multline} to break the following long equation when using \ch. None have worked. I've assembled a not-so-short (apologies) MWE that will compile as is,...
RosesBouquet's user avatar
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chemfig: placing the starting atom at a coordinate in tikz

I have two molecules with the following code, but I want their first atoms to start at the same location. Any ideas? \begin{tikzpicture} \node (first) at (0, 0) { \chemfig{-=-=} }; \setchemfig{bond ...
John Liu's user avatar
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Generate \charge arguments with a macro

I'm trying to use a macro to generate arguments that should be passed to \charge. I'm trying this: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \charge{-135:1pt=5}{C} \...
ttsc's user avatar
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2 answers

Chemfig problem with bond to charge atom

I doing presentation in beamer (also I need to use LuaLatex, because of font), but I have a problem with one structure. Well I don't know what is wrong here, but a bond between ring and charge ...
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
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How can I specify an arrow from a distant bond to another bond in chemfig

I have an issue regarding regarding using Chemfig to display an electron movement arrow from a distant bond to another. I have tried every possible arrangement of arguments but not found a solution. I ...
Jonathan-Schaefer-git's user avatar
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Making parentheses in the simplest way possible

I looked at some community posts asnwering how to use brackets in chemfig, but it was only for their specific case and looked very overcomplicated for what I´m trying to do. Here is a picture of what ...
MahoneyTree's user avatar
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Locally increase the size of an arrow

I want to show a sequence of reactions (for chemists, Cannizzaro reaction) on the same line. In my case, I have to write a long molecule (Ph-CH=O) on the arrow but I have a problem in my code: either ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Problem with delimiter using the chemfig package

This is my first post here, so please excuse me if I do anything wrong. I have a problem using the \chemleft and \chemright commands. I use LuaLaTeX to compile. Whenever I try to compile the MWE given ...
Florian R.'s user avatar
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Why is this error showing up when I run this section with a list in it?

I put a list in the section title of my document. Here is the code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumerate} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \section{My Controversial Opinions: \begin{...
Vector's user avatar
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Problem with reaction mechanism in chemfig

Why these two arrows aren't in their places? First two chemmoves lines are in properly positions, and other two are something else and I can't find a problem in code. I compiled it few times. Also I'd ...
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
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Text above bonding and bond angle

Taking this pictures as example, how can I display r_1, r_2 and theta_1 in my 'ABC' molecule in a similar way? \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \begin{figure}...
user3204810's user avatar
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3 answers

Drawing multiple arrows to the same complex with chemfig

I'm currently trying to draw a chemical reaction network in latex using chemfig, however I have got stuck when drawing multiple arrows to the same complex within a linkage class. Here is my script so ...
George's user avatar
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How to get Anki working with TikZ-based packages in 2024?

I want to learn the LaTeX language to study chemistry with chemfig package and make Anki flashcards. The problem is that I am unable to make it work with Anki (normal LaTeX works fine) I tried these ...
Fancôme's user avatar
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Chemfig error using charge macro: Argument of \charge_c has an extra }

the following code compiles for the first two chemfig macros but not for the third: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} This works: \chemfig{H-C(-[2]H)(-[6]H)-C(-[2]H)(-...
thilbricht's user avatar
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Chemfig and TikZ

How can I make a chemical graph, with empty boxes, like this: In chemfig + TikZ? Or there is some other way? Somebody try something like this before?
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
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Aesthetic of a chemical compound

I am drawing the following chemical compound \chemfig[atom sep=24pt]{\textcolor{green}{CH_3}-C(-CH_2-CH_2?[a])(-[:-45,,1,1]CH_2-CH_2?[e])-[:45,,1,1]CH_2-CH_2-[:-45,,1,1]C?[a]?[e]-CH(-[:-45,,1,1]CH_2?[...
xxxx036's user avatar
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LuaLaTeX strange error with Noto CJK and babel onchar=ids fonts

I am converting a multilingual project to LuaLaTeX when it gave a strange error in a chemfig command: ! LaTeX Error: Command \rmfamily invalid in math mode. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion ...
M. Zhang's user avatar
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How can I curve the line around a molecule in chemfig and add a floating line?

So I want to make my chemical formulars in TikZ and I have this right now: My problem is that I want to curve the yellow line below the molecule to make the text more visible and to not cut the ...
SkillerRaptor's user avatar
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How to draw Benzo(k)fluoranthene with chemfig?

Target Trial I drew benzene rings one by one. To get the rightmost benzene rings aligned correctly, I used [:0]. I attempted to use a pair of hooks ? so that the two positions will be connected. \...
4 votes
2 answers

Draw Saccharides

I would like to draw the following two pictures (source1, source2) using chemfig but I have no idea how to do it: I can copy paste the example from the bottom of page 41 of the manual (and make ...
Svend Tveskæg's user avatar
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`\polymerdelim` issue with `tikz-external` crash

Error when i have both tikz-external and a chemfig molecule \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{external} \tikzsetfigurename{figure_\arabic{part}.\arabic{section}.} % set ...
Felipe9's user avatar
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Chemical formula: Bond an atom to a bond between other atoms

How to draw this? im having trouble drawing the cycle as it must be connected by the bond, also anyway to diminish the cycle bond size (atom sep) without having to add the sep to each bond? \...
Felipe9's user avatar
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3 answers

chemfig -- \charge writes into surrounding text

\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \par ggg jjj ggg jjj ggg jjj ggg jjj \par \schemestart \chemfig{A-\charge{90:5pt=\textcolor{red}{+}}{B}-C} \...
Wolfram's user avatar
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chemfig -- How to add horizontal space around an arrow?

Trying to add space around an arrow with \qquad leads to an asymmetrical result. This can be prevented with additional braces, but why are they needed? 1. The resulting image: In the first line, the ...
Wolfram's user avatar
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Chemfig double bonds have inconsistant appearance

I have drawn the molecule meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin using the following Chemfig code: \documentclass[12pt,twoside]{report} \usepackage{chemfig} \setchemfig{% atom sep = 1.75em, stack sep = 0....
Jackpen7's user avatar
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3 answers

Shift up a bond in ChemFig

In ChemFig, the "bond join=true" option does not work with "cram" bonds (see A, it is zoomed at join). It is possible to increase the length of the bond with the "shorten"...
CrocoDuck's user avatar
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Drawing chemistry rings with charges on them

I'm new to using chemfig. I'm trying to create chemistry handouts and I want to draw the tropylium cation: However I am unable to get the charge to come out of the ring. Any help would be appreciated....
algorhythm's user avatar
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Difficult Spiro Para-Hexagonal Ring?

How can I draw the following diagram in LaTeX? this is code but it is different, \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.4,cap=round,>=latex] \draw[thick,blue] (0,0) -- (2,1.5) (2,1.5) -- (...
Liu Li's user avatar
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From chemfig to .mol file

Yes, I know this package can generate structure from .mol and SMILES files. I'd like to know: is it possible to follow the reverse path, i.e. once the structure has been drawn with chemfig, generate ...
user3204810's user avatar
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How to Draw Molecule

How do I draw the molecule Coronene, and place the ticks around the molecule with the letter H at the end of the ticks, using Tiks? here is the code ` \section{Conclusão} \begin{frame} ...
conrado10000's user avatar
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How to prevent placing chemfig pictures in tabularx producing error when attempting to externalize it?

I am attempting to put some chemfig diagrams into my tabularx. I have got the table appearing as I want it, however I just tried to externalize the tikz drawings to speed up compilation and I am ...
Cale M's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make a complex chemical diagram

I did everything possible to recreate this picture but I got stuck. My best result is SOOO far from perfect. \documentclass[border=1cm]{standalone} \usepackage{chemfig} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %...
Максим Однорал's user avatar
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How to use `\polymerdelim`

\chemfig{N-[1]N-[7]N}\polymerdelim[delimiters ={[]}, height = 45pt, depth = 40pt, indice = n]{op}{cl} May I know why it is not working? I am new to chemfig. (Also I know that this is not a real ...
11pro12's user avatar
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Adjustments to the Fe2(CO)9 structure design with Chemfig

I'm trying to draw the structure of Fe2(CO)9 using chemfig, but I'm not getting the bridging ligands of the structure quite right. \documenteclass[]{article} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \...
PEDRO SOUSA's user avatar
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Drawing a hexagon structure similar to a Grötzsch graph with TikZ

I am trying to draw a hexagon that is connected to a set of vertices and edges within the borders of the hexagon itself. It is similar to a Grötzsch graph but is a hexagon rather than a pentagon. So ...
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use of chemfig package - conflict with graphicx package

I am using the following code, which works well: \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \section{Tetracene} \vspace{2cm} \chemname[2ex]{\chemfig{*6(1?-2-3*6(-4-5*6(-6-7*6(-8-...
None's user avatar
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How to draw double line one dashed?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \chemfig{Co(-[0,,1,,very thick,dotted]Cl)(-[1]NH_3)(-[2]Cl)(-[2,,1,,very thick,dotted])(-[3]H_3N)(-[4,,1,,very thick,dotted]Cl)(-[5]H_3N)(-...
Ghassan Hamad's user avatar
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Chemfig superscript and \llap

Does anyone have any idea how to avoid the overlap between the bond and the "12"? Thanks! \documentclass{article} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \chemfig{H-{\llap{${}^{12}$}C}(-[2]...
Marc's user avatar
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How to make chemfig and xymtex chemical reaction equation look better?

I am trying to make my assignments look better. Here is the code and the current output: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[version=4,layout=stacked]{mhchem} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{chemfig}...
Aman's user avatar
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Lewis structure with chemfig inside chemformula inside align?

Hi. I am creating a beamer presentation on Lewis dot structures. I got most of my code from this question (Draw Lewis structures like a book)... But then I got stuck with BH3...(3rd reaction). I am ...
Francisco Murphy Pérez's user avatar

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