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Questions tagged [column-width]

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Different column width of first column of \cventry within document (per section)

I use the article class for my CV and \cventry for the column entries. Is there a way to renew the command per section of how many entrys a single \cventry has, how wide the first column is supposed ...
Fantastic MsFox's user avatar
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Fixed column width and left alignment works partially [duplicate]

For some reason, I am not able to set left alignment in the third column of a table (I can make it only in the first and second columns}. Does anybody know waht is hapenning? Below you find a MWE. ...
Marcus's user avatar
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How to properly expand expl3 Macros within tblr environment (from tabularray package)

I've been working on a macro that takes a comma-separated list of lists and converts it into a table that spans the full width of the page, with specific text formatting applied to certain columns. ...
Mycroft_47's user avatar
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Aligning the Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix

I am trying to create a table in LaTeX that displays summary statistics and a correlation matrix, similar to the table shown below. However, I am encountering some issues with formatting and aligning ...
HAITHEM's user avatar
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Columns not equally spaced in tabular*

I am using \tabular* and my columns are not equally spaced. Also, the last column does not reach the border of the table. I don't want to use \multicolumn for all rows as it's so messy. But I had to ...
nadeem's user avatar
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How Can I Adjust Column Width in a TikZ Vertical Bar Graph?

I've created a vertical bar graph using TikZ. Below is the code: \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ ybar=0pt, % enlargelimits=0.15, width=\columnwidth, %...
pvti's user avatar
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Set automatically the width of a table, based on the column width in which the table appears (in a 2-column document) [duplicate]

I have a document that is split into two columns of different width. In one of the two columns, I would like to add a table that is large exactly as the width of that column. Is there an automatic way ...
Ommo's user avatar
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multiple box per 5 line

I think I've reached my solution on how to have 3 box each line, for 5 lines. this is an example. \begin{document} \tcbset{colback=red!10!white,colframe=red!75!black,size=small, fonttitle=\bfseries,...
RenatoP's user avatar
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Geting to have the appendix on all page widht just after the end of bibliography which is only on one column, all on the same page

I have the end of document with bibliography with 2 columns formatting. Now, I would like to get, just after the end of left column bibliography, the appendix which covers the full width of page and ...
foutou_10's user avatar
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How to fit a multiple lined equation to column width

I have an equation with multiple lines that exceeds the column width. I want to modify the equation to fit column width without splitting lines. I've looked at the question How to fit a math equation ...
Shelley's user avatar
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Same column width

I would like to use the same column width, how could I achieve that? \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[margin=2.5cm,headsep=7.5mm,footskip=7.5mm,bindingoffset=0in,headheight=8mm,showframe=...
taiwan12's user avatar
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tabular intercolumn whitespace

Any suggestion to fix tabular intercolumn whitespace and improve its margins Here are my code and output code: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \usepackage{booktabs,tabularx} ...
haithem's user avatar
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adjust the width of table column

I'm trying to make the third column of this table wider, so any suggestions to adjust the third column for a better look? \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry} % set page ...
haithem's user avatar
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Specifying the column width and centered vertical alignment of latex table

I have a table with multi-rows and columns. I need to specify the column width of some of the columns because the table is too wide for the page. But I can't find a way to do so and vertically center ...
Devin Dalton's user avatar
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How to force a multilayered math environment to column width

I have a multilayered math environment in a two column article. The equations go past the column width. How do I avoid that? Below is my MWE. P.S. I've loaded the breqn package, but I don't know how ...
Shelley's user avatar
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Change default column type in tabularray

Is it possible to set all tblr in the document to be \linewidth wide specifying the X column type by default?. This requires not mentioning the number of columns like it happens in colspec, as it ...
Polizi8's user avatar
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tabular - how to set column separator

Two questions about my table (MWE below). How do I make the widths of the column 'A' and 'B' the same? And how do I create some space between the \cline and the column names 'A' and 'B' so that 'True' ...
Shomu Banerjee's user avatar
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How to get the fixed column width and to break the long table titles?

I want to produce a table with a consistent format. However, since the lengths of my column names are different(a few of them are longer than the others), my table looks very weird... \documentclass[...
Snow 's user avatar
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Width border problem tabularray environment

after I got great help the last time, I´m new to latex and already tried to figure it out for some time... I hope you can help me with my problem. I try to design a table in a style like that (white ...
Sam R's user avatar
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One column is wider than the rest using multicolumn

I want the all the 3 columns under метод Ньютона and метод секущих to have the same width. Right now, the third coulumn is wider than the first and second columns It is funny because the table was ...
Maroon Racoon's user avatar
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Merge columns in Tabularx Environment

I have the following tabularx environment. \begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{@{}r@{\hskip 1mm}l@{\hskip 5mm}l@{}} \end{tabularx} My problem is that for some rows I don't have 3 columns but 2, so I need ...
Berstigma's user avatar
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How to make column width adaptive to slanted texts in a table?

In the table below, I have tried to make my long texts, in the third row of the table, slanted by Werner's answer here: \documentclass[border = 2mm]{standalone} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{array}...
user avatar
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I can't understand why the third column (N) has different width from the rest

I tried using \! or \hspace{-1em}. Here is a minimum working example: \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{xcolor,colortbl} \newcolumntype{?}[1]{!{\vrule ...
Pedro Fontanarrosa's user avatar
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Changing Column Width for betterposter template [closed]

I'm trying to change the middle column width on the betterposter template, so that the left and right columns are wider and that the middle section is a bit more narrow. I'm using the standard A0 ...
Maddie's user avatar
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xltabular \centering\arraybackslash}X alignment breaks with 20 or more columns

I am generating dynamicaly big tables (hundreds of rows and dozens of columns) from python/jinja. I found some solution to make 'subcolumns' widths even: Evenly distributing column widths So I defined ...
Pilchu's user avatar
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How to fix text size for all tables within a section?

I have several tables in my article. Unfortunately, the text size in the tables differ quite substantially. I would like to have all the tables with exactly the same text size but also with the same ...
TFT's user avatar
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Set column width for Q-column in tabularray

I have some Q-column but using a \TblrNote seems to break the auto-width of those columns... How can I re-adjust the width so columns 3-8 are of equal width? \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{...
lukascbossert's user avatar
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Longtable witdh setting ( multicolumn )

I am trying to make the follwing longtable shown in the picture below I have however two questions ? How can I center the items of the 1st,2nd,3rd and 5th column ( Rotation, Material etc..) How can ...
Anis Ferjani's user avatar
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How to make lstlisting work with tex4ht in table with fixed column width?

I am generating a table with fixed width with p specifications. In one column I need to put some text which is meant to be verbatim and can be few lines long so it will have to also automatically wrap ...
Nasser's user avatar
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Modify tabular to Stretch First Column Instead of Last Column if Needed

It appears that if the total widths of the columns is insufficient, tabular stretches the last column. In the following image note that the last column is stretched due to the heading being wide. ...
Peter Grill's user avatar
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Uniform cell spacing in 'tabular'

I need a very simple table with all the cells (except the first) of the same width. The first row has two characters in the first few cells and only one character in the last three. I am not able to ...
Fabio Campanile's user avatar
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how do I add text around a figure?

I have the following simple code: \documentclass[11pt,letterpaper]{article} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{floatrow} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \lipsum \begin{...
jerrro's user avatar
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Save position information of all existing floats

The question is a follow-up to this one. Background color for all existing floats I hope to save the generated yellow background box location information to a new TXT file, as the floating element ...
happy's user avatar
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Elegant way to auto-adjust column width

I am asking myself if there is not a more convenient, elegant way to automatically adjust every column in a table to fit into the page and to have perfect enough way for the containing text without ...
jeiglsperger's user avatar
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Overfull \hbox when \textwidth exceeds \columnwidth while using \includegraphics in a 2 column template [duplicate]

I have a 2 column template in Overleaf. I would like the figure to span both the columns (otherwise the text in the figure becomes too small). I tried the following script: \begin{figure} \...
Ritesh Singh's user avatar
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Preventing Content of Tabular Environment from Running Off the Page

Consider the right content of the 2-column tabular environment generated by the code \documentclass{book} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \Large \begin{tabular}{l l} ...
DDS's user avatar
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Table in Two Column - Linewidth

I would like to set the width of this table to textwidth or linewidth. Ho would I do that in this two column template? Any idea? \documentclass[11pt,twocolumn,conference]{IEEEtran} \usepackage[T1]{...
Paul's user avatar
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Align numbers in siunitx Table with defined Column Width

I have an issue in correctly changing the column width of a table. I want the columns to be formatted using the siunitx package. In my data, I have a mix of values that should be printed as is (e.g. 0....
Philipp P's user avatar
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Was trying to import csv table to Texmaker, the last column gives error when I try to fix the width

I was trying to import a csv table to my Tex, with csvsimple. The idea was to fix every column width and make the text wrapped around. However, whenever I change the last column identifier l to p{2cm} ...
Chengmeng's user avatar
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Image inserting issue in Article writing

Hey guys, I am writing an article using documentclass{ieeeaccess} document in two columns. But I want this image to appear in two columns width instead of in one column. Kindly help me with this.
Ch Qasim's user avatar
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Adjusting the table width with the page width and defining cell width at the same time

I am writing a text in LaTeX and I need to insert a big table in it. As it is quite wide and I wanted to adjust it to the page width, I used the \begin{adjustbox} command. However, I have a problem ...
Germán's user avatar
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Where am I going wrong in the column width?

I'm trying to create a table that has different column widths. This is what I have so far. \usepackage{graphicx} %to scale table \usepackage{tabularx,ragged2e} \newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering\...
user42's user avatar
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Why does the mdframed-box not adhere to the columnwidth in a multicol-environment?

Since it is impossible, or at least really hacky, to split a command over two arguments, I'd rather use a macro with a new environment to achieve a faster typesetting experience and consistent look. I ...
henry's user avatar
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Changing Col. Width in tabularx environment and difficulty making table appear where I want

I am trying to widen the column titled "application" so the table overall is less tall, and I also have been experiencing trouble changing where the table appears (now it always appears at ...
Winston Yau's user avatar
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How to change the width of one column in a table

This is my table: \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{tabularx} \begin{document} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.8} %Presets from my institute \newcolumntype{M}{X<{\vspace{4pt}}} %Presets from my ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Column width in tabularx environment

I have this table: \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} \IEEEoverridecommandlockouts \usepackage{tabularx,booktabs,newtxmath} \newcolumntype{Z}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} \begin{document} \...
nicope13's user avatar
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Getting rid of white space due to too wide column content in Tabularx

My following MWE works in general but it returns a white space after the second column in the light grey head row. I can avoid this if I don't apply the \mcxcommand on the column content ("...
Benson_G's user avatar
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text not fitting to column width

I have used a template for a 4 page double column format. It works for all the other pages up to the point shown on the screenshot (end of page 3 to page 4) , and I have no idea what has triggered ...
Sara Ismail-Sutton's user avatar
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Reducing the width of table cells

does anybody know if tabular has any properties where we are able to adjust the width of individual columns? I'm specifically wanting to reduce the space around the arrows and also around the text on ...
trieasyboid's user avatar
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Tabularx: Column smaller than text

So here is the minimal-code: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|X|c|c|X|} Name & Monomer & Polymermolekül &...
TornaxO7's user avatar
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