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flalign's odd behavior with double ampersands (&&)

flalign showcases odd behavior when i try to center text using the double ampersand (&&): The code with align for reference: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \...
RAnnyyev's user avatar
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How to define width of flalign environment?

I am trying to get the equation in the flalign environment to be left aligned with the text in the tabular environment above it, and to have the same width -- 0.8\textwidth. The equation is a ...
vardo 's user avatar
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Color the equations in flalign and align environments

I have two sets of equations in two different environments. I want to color few equations in both. Is it possible? MWE \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{...
SandyM's user avatar
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how to avoid going out of the page when using minipage and flalign environments

I am placing two equations side by side using both minipage and flaign environments. For a reason that I cannot figure out, the equations labels go out of the page. What might I be doing wrong here? I'...
ball_jan's user avatar
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Controlling alignment in group of equations with align / aligned

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{align} \begin{aligned} x &= 1 & y &= 233 & z &= 2 \end{aligned} \\ \begin{aligned} a &= ...
Simon's user avatar
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How to align 4 equations and enumerate them

I have 4 equations that I want to take up the entire width of the text, and I want each of the equations to be enumerated as a composite number like equation (34.1) equation (34.2) equation (34.3) ...
conrado10000's user avatar
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Equation alignment in right side

I have an equation and wanted to align in right side of the page as it is cutting into the margin. So I used an flalign environment but it still is not working great. How can it be solved? \...
supragyan priyadarshinee's user avatar
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Aligning some text and equations within the flalign environment

I'm using the flalign environment because I need to have some text (Level1, Level2) to the left of some equations. Now, I'd like to add a third equation (β1j = γ10). However, this equation does not ...
Linus's user avatar
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1 answer

How to center equations inside flalign

I have noticed that, for multiple single-column lines, flalign produces right-aligned formulas, while other alignment environments provided by amsmath produce center-aligned formulas. See the MWE ...
donjuardo's user avatar
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3 answers

Left align a single text line within a block of math equations

How can one left align a single text line ("and", in the following example) within a block of math. equations? \shortintertext{and} seems to generate larger interline spacing which is ...
AEW's user avatar
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Adding vertical whitespace after equation

\documentclass[12pt] {article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{booktabs} \def\baselinestretch{2.0} \setlength{\textwidth}{18cm} \setlength{\textheight}{21cm} \setlength{\...
Manjoy Das's user avatar
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Can't align text in flalign environment

I have a derivation with text annotation where the annotation needs to be flush to the left and the first equals sign in the equations are all centered. This is the code I am using. In principle it ...
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Stop and restart `flalign*` environment

I want to create an flalign* environment in which there are some instructions in the form of text, aligned to the left also, but not disturbing the alignment of the rest of the equation system. \...
GPWR's user avatar
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Customize math font (serif, color, etc.) in an environment

I'd like to define a math environment that behaves exactly like flalign*, except (1) the font is all red, and (2) the math is all rendered as if it were wrapped in \mathsf I've tried: \documentclass{...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
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flalign: multiple tabstops, ignore last column

After reading many align threads, I couldn't find the solution for my problem. I think it could be a quick fix, but I can't seem to get it to work. I want all the 'equal' signs as well as the arrow to ...
R. Moser's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to align an equation to the left with multiple "tabstops'"

I know how I can align an equation to the left with flalign*. And I also know how to have an equation with multiple "tabstops" (I don't know what else to call it) using align* with &&...
Hebol's user avatar
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2 answers

Equation label in center (while using flalign environment)

See the output in the given image. Question: First, I want to give the equation label (2) in center and Second move the part of equation (2) rounded by red color in right side. MWE \documentclass[12pt]...
SandyM's user avatar
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Align with long equations / join cells?

I'm having trouble using the align environment to stack up equations for a linear program. The issue I'm having is that the contents of the center column in the top row are so long that they push the ...
AirSquid's user avatar
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Remove unnecessary spacing in flalign

I would like to remove the unnecessary spacing between in the last two lines. The equal signs should be aligned but all a little bit more to the right. Thanks in advance. My code: \documentclass{...
Alex_qp's user avatar
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How to right align comments of an equation?

I want to right align (something like \raggedleft ?) the comments of each line. I am using \ \ \ \ which are not good. Please suggest me a better way to write this. Should I use splitting or anything? ...
Jahid Chowdhury Choton's user avatar
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Left alignment and no line break of equations in enumerate items

What i try to make work is effectively combining this question: Prevent line break before equation environment in enumerated list item(to have the equation on the same line as the label) with this ...
AcademicCoder's user avatar
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Aligning equations both left and right in same display

I am looking for an elegant way to achieve the following display, in which consecutive lines in math-mode have opposite justifications: I was able to do so using the following hack \documentclass[...
atzol's user avatar
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1 answer

Left align two and three columns with each other using align* or flalign*

Problem: Trying to align multiple rows and columns where the number of values differ for each row. Minimal Working Example (MWE): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{...
kexxcream's user avatar
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\begin{flalign*} equation alignment

How can I align the blue texts? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{xcolor} \begin{document} \begin{flalign*} &\color{red}f:x^2+y^2=4,\qquad \color{blue}f(3)=2&\\ &\...
cufcuf's user avatar
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2 answers

Vertically centred equation number in multiline equation while maintaining alignment with other equations in flalign environment

How do I centre the equation number of a single multiline equation in a flalign environment while maintaining alignment with other equations at the equals sign? Basically, I want this \documentclass{...
ConfusedCabbage's user avatar
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! Arithmetic overflow error with \documentclass{amsart}

I need to write a mathematical program with numbered equations and a name of the mathematical model. I tried the following code (find it here enter link description here: ) \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]...
user247149's user avatar
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Flushing right in flalign but without &&

Hi im using flalign to get the two columns in my equation. My problem is that i cant align the comments on the right. I want them aligned to the right. If I use the double && the comment will ...
Daniel Beyer's user avatar
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flalign environment does not work with longer \text{} between equations

This is a bit of a complex question because I want to align equations but also string text such that all the text is aligned to the left and all the equations' start is aligned. The two alignments ...
Toma's user avatar
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How to align many equalities on a line to the left? (there is another line below that, when I move it to the left, the line above moves to the right)

How to align this expressions to the left? and the letter y too? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \begin{document} \begin{flalign} \dfrac{\partial\hat F}{\...
Verónica Rmz.'s user avatar
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Why does Latex does not complile flalign enviroment after a certain point?

I would like to bring rewrite in an flalign enviroment what I did here with enumerate. The reason for this is to have a numbering and to label this equation. However, when I try to do it after five or ...
Pietro 's user avatar
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Avoiding blank row when adding aligned equations with flalign inside enumerate

I need to avoid the blank row in the figure below which is added when I use flalign inside enumerate. How can I overcome this problem? \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*\textsuperscript{a}.] \...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
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flalign in algorithm

This question is a bit related to the answer provided here: How can I use an align environment flush left? I use algorithm2e and mathtools to write an algorithm with an equation inside. I want it to ...
Wilk's user avatar
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Having problems with align*

This is producing really ugly output \begin{align*} \label{fourth term 0} \lim_{\Delta t \to 0}\Bigg|\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}f_{tx}\big(t_j,X(t_j)\big)(t_{j+1} - t_j)\big(X(t_{j+1})-X(t_j)\big)\Bigg|\\...
Rhombus's user avatar
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How to set text alignment while using flalign?

I am trying to write equations using flalign and I have text in my equations on the left. What I want is that the text on the left be left aligned however it is currently aligning itself to where the ...
Umesh Meena's user avatar
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witharrows package aligning equation to the left

I'm using witharrows package to document my steps in solving an equation like so: \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)] \item \begin{flalign*} \begin{WithArrows}[format=l, jot=4pt] \...
Jorayen's user avatar
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Why does a left curly brace impact the flalign alignment?

I've a pretty long text commenting several sets of short equations. This leads me to some presentation constraints that I'd like to better handle: flush the equation sets to the left (short text in ...
Eric Detienne's user avatar
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Command \upshape invalid in math mode

The problem I meanwhile solved myself, but the question remains. I forgot a \text{} wrapper in a \flalign* env and got the mentioned error. Now, the math part isn't wrapped in \text{} (duh) which ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Align flalign and itemize to top in tabularx

How do I align the fbox in the second column to the top so that the top rows of the two match? I have tried with minipage and makecell and a ton of other things but I can't make it work. Any ideas? PS!...
fast-reflexes's user avatar
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How to left-align cases inside an equation?

I am trying to left-align a cases inside an equation, like this: and I need it to be inside equation because of the number (16). When I try this: \begin{equation} \label{eq:evaluate_metrics} \begin{...
Hadi GhahremanNezhad's user avatar
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Right alignment in flalign environment

I'm compiling a list of math exercises with solutions: I would like to left-align the exercise numbers and to right-align the results. I have tried the flalign* environment, but it doesn't work well. ...
zar's user avatar
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How to left-align equations with text in a minipage environment next to a right-aligned figure?

I'm trying to get a system of equations next to a figure using the minipage environment. This is what I have come up with so far: \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{caption} ...
Quivils's user avatar
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Indent all flalign* environments

I have a rather long paper with multiple calculations done in flalign* environments. I would like for all of those calculations to be indented 15pt from the left margin. I hope that this makes sense, ...
Anon's user avatar
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Remove space after flalign* environment

I'm struggling to get rid of the indent after flalign* environments in an article document. This is an example of what I am speaking about: Lewis's approach also results in the following consequences: ...
Anon's user avatar
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Referencing equations in flalign

Hello I am using flalign as \begin{flalign} A=&3x+5xy\\ B=&6xy+3x^2y \end{flalign} I want to reference equation number of B, but I don't know how to. Anyone to the help, please. If ...
stochastic learner's user avatar
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Align within an (fl)align environment

I have a centered list of equations, and I'd like each of the equations to begin at the same margin from the left, then to have the equality signs start at the same margin, etc., whilst keeping the ...
Elle's user avatar
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How to include \Rightarrow in equations

I want to introduce \Rightarrow in the equation, but "! Missing } inserted }". \documentclass[fleqn]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{flalign} \rho = \frac{1}{\sigma} = \frac{m_0^{*}\cdot v_F}...
Mara Stefanaa's user avatar
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Enumerate and align equation

I would like to enumerate two equations in the following format (a) For all x < y (b) For all x + y < z that is I would like to tag/number them with a) and b) on the left, I would ...
CookieMaster's user avatar
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Left-align equations in the alignat environment, like in flalign

I would like to left-align a few equations inside the alignat* environment, but I am not sure how to achieve this. Essentially, what I want is something that behaves like flalignbut lets me align the ...
davebc112's user avatar
5 votes
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How do put \overbrace across an (aligned) equals sign?

I want to have several equations aligned by their equals signs. At the same time, I want to put an overbrace (or bracket) over the left- and right-hand sides of the first equal sign to write a ...
user2059990's user avatar
4 votes
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flalign - aligning terms in two lined equation

Currently the code below produces the following: The words on the left hand side are fine (i.e. I want them aligned to the left margin) and so are the equation numbers (i.e. I want them aligned to ...
jrjrjr's user avatar
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