Questions tagged [fonts]

{fonts} is about fonts and how to use them. It deals with questions about changing family, shape and weight of fonts, but also with font packages. If your question is not about a font in general but about specific symbols, use {symbols} instead. For questions about font sizes, use {fontsize}.

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How to set the KwProg arg font style with something like `\SetProgSty` in algorithm2e?

I followed some QA links like this in tex stackexchange and use this example tex code: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[algosection, boxruled, linesnumbered]{...
An5Drama's user avatar
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I wish to use "engraved font" type glyphs for set names e.g. 𝔸, 𝔹, ℂ, 𝔻,… (U+1D538 – U+2149) but struggling to find LaTex codes for them

Hopefully LaTex symbols exist for these "engraved font" type of Unicode glyphs for single letters of the alphabet [A-Z][a-z] which are included with many fonts in the Extended Unicode range. ...
wide_eyed_pupil's user avatar
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Export figures from powerpoint with latin modern font

so I want to create figures in powerpoint to integrate them in a latex document. I have installed latin modern fonts because they look similar than the latex font. I export the Figure in svg format ...
Hey Hey's user avatar
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breqn package in beamer turns \Omega into a dot

I'm compiling a beamer presentation with the fourier font set, and the result shows a dot instead of the greek character \Omega. I have found that other people had the same problem here and here, but ...
aaragon's user avatar
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Identifying font and spacing?

I am trying to identify the font for the following snippet: and also the line spacing between the lines. I tried spotty font identifiers online, but without much help. This might be also a scan, and ...
kloop's user avatar
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the scale in the macro to select the font

I am trying to define a macro ro select the font for the code within the lstlisting (i.e., using listings package). I am referring to the answer from this question What is the least invasive way to ...
liaoming999's user avatar
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Automatically calculate epigraph width

I was looking into automaticallly calculating the epigraph width while keeping the epigraph quote left-aligned and non-italic. The following code, copied from a nice solution provided on the page ...
Jansenzoon's user avatar
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unable to typeset in bold with tgbonum

I am writing a presentation (beamer class) in MiKTex and for some reason I need to use the tgbonum typeface. The issue is that I am unable to generate bold text. Actually, I do receive the following ...
gallis's user avatar
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Why does my font seem so thin? [duplicate]

My text in my PDF export just doesn't look right. This image is the best example. At 150% zoom on my PDF export, the left bracket does not look quite right. It's oddly thin. My preamble is as follows ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Scaling dsfont without scalerel (any alternatives?)

My problem is as follows: I would like to use the upright fourier package symbols together with dsfont. This produces: I therefore want to scale the dsfont symbols down to the same size as the ...
studying mathematics 's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Writing μ (mu) in the text mode using Latin Modern Roman font

Is there a way to write the literal μ character using the Latin Modern Roman font or another font with the same font aesthetics/characteristics? The following gets me this error {C:/Users/Diaa/...
Diaa's user avatar
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When to use the command `\renewcommand\familydefault\xxdefault`

This is a follow-up question of my previous question How to set the font type globally. To use helvet globally, I have to use the command \renewcommand\familydefault\sfdefault. So when I am using the ...
liaoming999's user avatar
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Using an entire font family as fallback font

I currently have Adobe Garamond Pro as my main font. I would like to use Linux Libertine as a fallback font for missing glyphs. \usepackage{fontspec} \directlua{luaotfload.add_fallback ("...
Einreinfall's user avatar
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MiKTeX isn't updating

Haven't found answer neither internet not here so going to ask. I'm using latest MiKTeX 23.10.12 with all updates. Also I want to use third party fonts with pdflatex. I have all needed font and ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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"\tenrm" is not built into TEX. but why can it be used directly?

On page 15 of the book The TEXbook : a complete user's guide to computer typesetting with TEX, Mr. KNUTH said that Each font used in a TEX manuscript is associated with a control sequence; for ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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How to set the font type globally

I am referring to these Font typefaces from Overleaf for reference. So, my question is how to set the font type globally. Example 1: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{...
liaoming999's user avatar
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How to load specific single glyph associated to \mathscr{\altr} from MathTime Pro 2?

I have the official MathTimePro 2 Complete fontset and would like to access, from a normal LaTeX document, one of its very specific glyphs, namely \mathscr{\altr}, without having to load the whole ...
Mauricio Calvao's user avatar
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Which font style in the Microsoft Office Software is the most similar to newpxtext and newpxmath

I am using the newpxtext and the newpxmath packages for the font style in my document. I also need to make some pictures with Microsoft Office Software (mainly Powerpoint), and then put them in the ...
wxwuse's user avatar
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LegrandOrangeBook class change font family for chapters in preamble

I’m really struggling to change the font family for the part, chapter, and section headings in the Legrand Orange Book class. I what that to be changed in the preamble of my main.tex with some google ...
Louis's user avatar
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Halloween and LateX [duplicate]

I got the idea of amusing my students by inserting some Halloween stuff in an assignment. Some searching gave me the realhats package, where \hat{witch}{\text{Maple}}, gave me Maple with a witch-hat ...
Hans Micheelsen's user avatar
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Weird caligraphy in Mathbb fonts

I would like to include a chalkboard alphabet font. However, when I do that the fonts look very tacky, I would like something more stylish. See pictures for reference: This is what I have: This is ...
Rubén Pérez Sanz's user avatar
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how to set alternative pk fonts destination on texlive

By default, TeXLive places metafont generated bitmap fonts in $TEXMFHOME: how do I change that to, say, $TEXMFVAR, without changing the whole $TEXMFHOME settings? Besides, I believe this change won't ...
jarnosc's user avatar
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Replacing sans small caps in LuaLaTeX

I am used to doing something like the following to replace the sans serif small caps (which don't exist in lmodern) by the ones of xmcss (which comes from sansmathfonts, I guess): \documentclass{...
Bubaya's user avatar
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LuaLaTeX adds spaces between glyphs of a font, while XeLaTeX does not

Using the IM Fell Type Fonts I ran into a problem with my document: With these fonts, the generated pdf will have additional, superfluous spaces between glyphs when compiled with LuaLaTeX. (I also ...
Wraith of Seth's user avatar
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True type font with pdftex

I want to use true type font (ttf) with pdftex. This has been discussed for latin fonts and it seems that's the problem is solved. My problem is with arabic font, for example Amiri. I learned that i ...
student maths's user avatar
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How do I get bold math with Linux Libertine in combination with ETbb (PdfLaTeX)?

The ETbb documentation suggests using libertine as the math companion for ETbb and lists the following preamble as an example. I, however, can't get the bold non-italicized math symbols with this ...
Peter H.'s user avatar
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Use "non-standard" font in Latex

I downloaded the font "Antonio" from Google and added it to the font setting (Windows 11). I know it could be possible to change the font using XeLateX, but I would like to do without ...
mat's user avatar
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Use Trebuchet font

How can I use the MS Trebuchet font in LaTeX, or in this case, tikzposter? I have tried the awnser from How to use the MS Trebuchet font? with this code: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % https://tex....
KGB91's user avatar
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Symbols like @ but based on letters other than a

I'd like to use symbols like the "at symbol" @ but based on letters other than "a". Any idea how I can get this? Handmade example based on "u":
FabJMC's user avatar
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Identify a specific font [duplicate]

I would like to identify the font in the following text (have tried with several websites with no success): Thanks
Pedro García's user avatar
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Font used by Desmos?

I was curious if anyone knows the font used by the Desmos graphing calculator. All the formulas are formatted as LaTeX, so I wanted to know if there was a way to use this font in my own documents. It ...
Julia's user avatar
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Set up a new font family [duplicate]

Can anyone tell me which font family is applied like this picture and how to set it to a LaTex document? Thank you all so much!
Hưng Trần's user avatar
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line break inside text with defined font

I'm not sure if this is the right description. I have the default font that is applied in the whole document. And I have a font that I call inside the command \teacher{}. \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{...
stargazer45's user avatar
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How to make subsection text smaller and retain numbering functionality?

I use this package for making the subsection text smaller: \usepackage{titlesec} However, for some reason, the numbering gets lost, when I use this line of code to control the subsection: \...
MySQLInjection's user avatar
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Where can I specify in Luatex-Ja the ttc-file that should be used?

I'm using Fedora 38. And for editing Japanese texts, I use the Google Noto fonts. In LibreOffice, using those fonts gives no problems. However, in LuaTex-Ja, I cannot manage to use the Noto Sans Mono ...
Ben Engbers's user avatar
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Get upright bold for Greeks

I use lgreek package for inserting Greek letter, there is a minimal working example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{lgreek} \begin{document} \...
Spectorsky's user avatar
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OpenType math font with similar script letters as computer modern [duplicate]

I'm trying to replicate a specific script 'X' that I'm seeing in a textbook: This lines up pretty well with the computer modern script X: But I'm using the unicode-math package, and the script ...
Otto von Bisquick's user avatar
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How can I use Noto Sans mono CJK iN LuaTex-Ja? (NEWBIE)

2 Weeks ago, I asked how to replace the current default Japanese font for LaTex with Noto Sans mono CJK (How can I change the Japanese font to be used). This font is installed on my Fedora PC using ...
Ben Engbers's user avatar
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Question about the IEEEtran.cls font in Texstudio

Environment TeXstudio: 4.6.3 Qt: 6.5.2 R OS: Windows 11 TeX distribution: texlive2023 Expected behavior I am using the very common class file bare_jrnl.tex to finish my journal paper IEEEtran – ...
John's user avatar
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Need help to reproduce simple CV template in latex

I've been attempting to recreate this CV: in LaTeX. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to replicate it exactly as I'd hoped, and the code seems to ...
stoicbatman Batman's user avatar
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How to create this type of resume, or original source?

I am trying to create a cv like this This is my code \documentclass[letterpaper, 10pt]{article} \usepackage[left=1in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{...
stoicbatman Batman's user avatar
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warning: kpsewhich: Ignoring unknown file type `ttf'

when I using the kpsewhich to find the system font like this: /app # kpsewhich --format="ttf" Kaiti.ttf warning: kpsewhich: Ignoring unknown file type `ttf'. is it possible to use kpsewhich ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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document class not working properly - strange font

I am having a strange problem with the "Document class" option in Lyx. Up until now, all document classes showed as "unavailable". Nonetheless, when I viewed documents as PDFs, ...
Isaac Basil's user avatar
5 votes
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From old to new Inconsolata font: shapely L missing

Recently I started playing with the Inconsolata font in LuaLaTeX. At first I was using the font provided by package inconsolata: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmonofont[StylisticSet=...
Miyase's user avatar
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What's the font used in 'Linear Algebra' by Friedberg?

I'm writing a math-related document in LaTex and want to use the font in which the book 'Linear Algebra' by Stephen Friedberg was printed. Does anybody know what font might it be? So far I've tried ...
graograman's user avatar
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The name of my Theorem is not bold when I use default amsthm package settings [duplicate]

here is what I have done. I am only doing this minimal example just to make sure that I have not done any customization to override the default setting. However, in the output I get the name of the ...
RStudent's user avatar
7 votes
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"+" and "-" not aligned in tikz in multiple math fonts

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{newtxmath} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[help lines] (-1,-1) grid (2,2); \draw (0,0) node[left] {$+$}; \draw (0,0) node[...
Firestar-Reimu's user avatar
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margins right and left are not equal

Please look at my MWE. I would expect odd and even side margins being the same but they are not. What I am doing that is wrong? I have tried all solutions that were suggested, but they haven't worked. ...
Adam's user avatar
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! Package fontspec Error: The font "標楷體" cannot be found

when I compile the latex project, shows error: ! Package fontspec Error: The font "標楷體" cannot be found. I have already put the font 標楷體.ttf to system folder /usr/share/fonts/ in linux, why ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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Why are LX Fonts Compiled Incorrectly on pdfLaTeX?

After successfully compiled the demo of LX fonts on LuaLaTeX I noticed two issues with \texttt, one on slide 6 and other on slide 12. To investigate further, I decided to use pdfLaTeX to compile the ...
miticollo's user avatar
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