Questions tagged [greek]

{greek} is about the proper displaying of Greek letters and the Greek language in general using (La)TeX.

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6 votes
3 answers

Greek typewriter characters with \symtt (or \mathtt)

I want to have Greek typewriter characters in math mode, using unicode-math. I use a font having Greek characters: \setmonofont{NewCMMono10}[ Extension = .otf, UprightFont = *...
5 votes
1 answer

Does a cursive script math font exist for uppercase Greek letters?

In LaTeX within Overleaf (Tex Live version 2022), I am using primarily \mathrsfso{} (in KaTeX I use \mathscr) to get a cursive script uppercase letter math font. These are often used in mathematics ...
1 vote
4 answers

How to change between languages without using a command?

I am using LaTeX to produce texts containing both English and Greek characters, with the aid of the babel package. My approach up to now, in declaring the use of another language, is to use a ...
1 vote
2 answers

LuaLaTeX sans serif math font unicode greek

I know there are a lot of posts about this here on tex.stackexchange but all I can find are pretty old (almost ~ 5-10 years old by now) and I'm not sure if they still apply. So is there a way to use a ...
8 votes
6 answers

How to make an epsilon with ebgaramond-maths

I am using ebgaramond font and trying to make an epsilon: \documentclass[10pt,article]{memoir} \usepackage[lining]{ebgaramond} \usepackage{ebgaramond-maths} \begin{document} Epilon: $\epsilon$ \...
0 votes
2 answers

fontspec breaks capital greek letters redefinition

I am unable to redefine uppercase math symbols when using the fontspec package. Here is a minimal working example: \documentclass[ngerman]{standalone} \usepackage{fontspec} \let\psi\alpha %...
3 votes
1 answer

gfsporson problem: Greek text not being displayed in XeLaTeX

I've been working on an article in English, Arabic, Hebrew, and Greek. I've had to switch from pdfLaTeX over the weekend as I realised that Biblatex doesn't work with utf8, so I switched to XeLaTeX. ...
1 vote
1 answer

longtable, how to apply greek language? [closed]

I need to have for all my tables the labels "Continued on next page" and "Continued from previous page" in greek. Is that possible? I know that for each table I can define \endhead \endfirsthead \...
1 vote
1 answer

How to Type a Scaled Greek Letter to Fit an Arched Page of a Tikzpicture

MWE (compiles with XeLaTeX): \documentclass{tufte-book} \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{PrussianBlue}{cmyk}{1,.41,0,.67} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{scalerel,scalefnt} \usepackage[LGR,T1]{...
3 votes
3 answers

How to Produce All of the Greek Diacritics Seen Here?

I am trying to replicate (as closely as possible) the following Greek (with diacritics): I am using the \textgreek command: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} \newcommand{\...
29 votes
5 answers

Force upright Greek letters with isomath

The isomath package makes it possible to typeset upright Greek letters via \mathrm and \mathbf. Is it it possible to force all Greek letters to be typeset upright unless specified otherwise, e.g. to ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I input a Greek letter in LaTeX like this?

How can I input a Greek letter in LaTeX like this picture? I tried using \psi, \Psi, and \varPsi in math mode and text mode, as well as psiup and uppsi in /fonts/pxfonts, but it doesn't work. I also ...
0 votes
1 answer

Pandoc CJK & Greek MWE's Greek alphabet spacing too wide

Background I'm preparing a series of simple document templates on my personal site. To allow readers who have never used pandoc to see the visual output, I added some  <object class="...
3 votes
1 answer

How to keep the original phi command with another name?

Since I don't usually use the "original" phi I have the following code in my preamble: \renewcommand{\phi}{\varphi} However, I'm now in a situation where I really need the "original&...
3 votes
1 answer

moderncv and Greek babel problem

I am working on overleaf and I have an issue when using moderncv and greek using the babel package. The following code shows the problem. I compile with pdfLaTeX. If I uncomment any of the mobile, ...
5 votes
2 answers

Problem with Greek language

I am trying to write an essay in Greek and I type Greek characters but it doesn't compile. I have downloaded both greektex and program Babylon but it seems that I can't make them work.
0 votes
0 answers

How to use kaobook template with greek language and XeLaTeX?

TL;DR How can I compile kaobook template with greek language using XeLaTeX? I have been trying to compile kaobook with XeLaTeX for a book in greek language without success. The template uses ...
3 votes
2 answers

Latex- Greek language

I want to write an assignement in greek. I added these commands: \newcommand{\textgreek}[1]{\begingroup\fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont#1\endgroup} \section*{\textgreek{Κείμενο}} but it is wrong. ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I arrange it so that I can use Greek characters directly in my LaTeX sources?

Support for non-ASCII characters has come a long way since the 1980s, and today we are accustomed, as users of computing devices, to be able to insert arbitrary Unicode characters via differing ...
0 votes
0 answers

Greek letter inside a listings environment [duplicate]

I have some Greek letters in my Python script that I'd like to typeset with a listings environment. I use the FiraCode font that seems to support Greek letters. But the Greek letters sometimes do not ...
1 vote
0 answers

LuaLaTeX does not print italic greek letters (\setmainfont{EB Garamond}) [closed]

Since a few days LuaLaTex does not print any italic greek letters into the PDF when using the font EB Garamond as the main font. \documentclass[a5paper]{wut} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{...
8 votes
3 answers

Writing μ (mu) in the text mode using Latin Modern Roman font

Is there a way to write the literal μ character using the Latin Modern Roman font or another font with the same font aesthetics/characteristics? The following gets me this error {C:/Users/Diaa/...
0 votes
0 answers

How to remove errors like Undefined control sequence. $\upalpha, Undefined control sequence. $\upalpha$-fe$\less$sub$\greater etc

My code was running smoothly, but suddenly this error popped up, and my PDF file wouldn't load. Please help. I usually write the text in an online editor and then paste it onto the latex file. My code:...
3 votes
2 answers

how to output the τεχνική symbol

When I am using this code to compile: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} τεχνική \end{document} when I am using this command to compile the document: xelatex demo.tex the pdf did not output ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to write subindex with subset in greek letters

I'm having a hard time to write a "a vector of parameters with subindex". Here is what I have: $\underset{\sim}{\hat{\theta}_0}$ %or $\underset{\sim}{\hat{\theta_0}}$ %or $\underset{\sim}{\...
1 vote
1 answer

Get upright bold for Greeks

I use lgreek package for inserting Greek letter, there is a minimal working example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{lgreek} \begin{document} \...
0 votes
1 answer

how can I fix this interaction of the dialogue package and the textgreek package?

I'm trying to use the dialogue package and the textgreek package together, and something is going wrong. I'll confess I'm not super-familiar with either package, so it may be something obvious that I'...
0 votes
1 answer

How to change greek letters in MathPTMX package to default font?

I really like the greek letters of the default LaTeX font but I want the rest of the characters to be in Times New Roman using the Mathptmx font. I find the greek letters of the mathptmx package ...
0 votes
0 answers

Add greek letter in column header kable and add %-sign in rowname

I had some questions when making a table using kable in Rmarkdown. My output has to be a pdf document, so my header is the following: output: pdf_document: latex_engine: xelatex ...
10 votes
1 answer

How can I get the English words in this mostly-Greek document not to render in Greek characters?

I'm trying to set a book in polytonic Greek with English sprinkled here and there throughout, but for some reason, when I try to switch to English, the characters stay Greek. Here's a MWE: \...
1 vote
1 answer

Using Demotic Alef unicode character with Noto font package and pdfLaTeX

I'm editing some documents for my institution and need a few Demotic (ancient Egyptian script) characters: Alef: ꜣ and Ꜣ; Unicode: U+A723 and U+A722. Ayin: ꜥ and Ꜥ; Unicode: U+A725 and U+A724.^1 It ...
0 votes
1 answer

Title over multicolumn array and side-by-side arrays

I want to add in a presentation (beamer) 4 multicolumn (4 columns each) arrays side-by-side and give a title over each array. What I tried for my article was this \documentclass[12pt]{extbook} \...
4 votes
2 answers

How can I get Greek bold letters?

I like to wrap linear algebra (matrices/vectors) with \mathbf{}. However, this doesn't appear to work with Greek letters (and who knows what else?). Is there a fix for this? I'm open to a range of ...
5 votes
1 answer

XeLaTeX and pdflatex compatible code (problem with bold)

I am trying to use pdflatex and change the font to greek by using both XeLaTeX and pdflatex. XeLaTeX works perfect and inside section title it uses bold selected font for greek. But pdflatex fails ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to get a non-cursive minuscule kappa in \textgreek{fusik'h} (physics)?

I'm trying to write "physics" in Greek by using "textgreek". It replaces the input text "k" with the cursive "kappa", but I want the more common non-cursive minuscule kappa. \documentclass[a4paper,...
3 votes
2 answers

wrong letter transcription with babel greek

I am writing a thesis with single ancient Greek words. I am using babel and greek.polutoniko for ancient Greek. It seems to make a slight spelling mistake at some point. How can I get a correct output?...
1 vote
2 answers

Ignoring Greek text in Small-Caps Titles

I was using package mathptmx to produce Times font, which is requested by my publisher. The problem with that font is that the ancient Greek text is replaced with Computer Modern font since mathptmx ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to use sans-serif italic greek letter in math mode?

I am typing \mathsf{\eta X \eta^\top} to represent 3 matrices multiplying together. I choose to use sans-serif fonts as matrices, but the greek letter \eta cannot be displayed as sans-serif fonts. I ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to use acronym package to use greek letterswhile using unicode greek letters in regular text

I haven't been able to look up an answer for this. The idea is to use the acronym with the greek letter alpha or gamma for example, while using the regular unicode greek character in the text. The ...
5 votes
2 answers

STIX two math cannot use \mathrm

I'm using Stix two math font in Latex in Matplotlib for my plot. At the moment i'm restricted to Stix two math, to match the equation-font in ms-Word. The test that i show here is using tex engine in ...
0 votes
2 answers

Greek letters within \mathsf, \mathsfit, \mathbfsf, and \mathbfsfit without using unicode-math

There are now a number of OpenType math fonts (or font families) available with Greek sans serif letters in all combinations of upright/italic and regular/bold. Stix 2 is a prime example (although at ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to use cmbright for just greek letters

I am using the tgheros and sansmath package for my document. That changes the text font to sans-serif and all the parts of the math that are supported, meaning greek letters are still typeset with ...
0 votes
2 answers

Undefined Unicode characters

I am having trouble understanding Overleaf's seven complaints about the following code. It seems to be saying that I am using some undefined Unicode characters, but I'm not sure which ones are ...
4 votes
1 answer

XeLatex and greek quotation marks

Background: «» are the greek analogues of the English quotation marks "". Goal: To be able to write "quote" in my .tex file and have XeLateX render it as «quote». Minimal test case that fails for me:...
0 votes
1 answer

How to use the upper-case sum from mtpro2 with newtxmath? [duplicate]

The \sum provided by newtxmath is nice, but it just doesn't look as clean as the one from mtpro2, or perhaps the default computer modern font. Is there a way that I can import that symbol so that I ...
10 votes
2 answers

Specifying a different font for polytonic Greek in pdfTeX with Babel

I am writing my master’s thesis with the ulthese class, which is now part of MiKTeX and TeX Live. This class is based on memoir and is fairly flexible, but assumes the use of pdfTeX and sets the font ...
0 votes
2 answers

Greek characters not shown in pdf file!

I have a huge problem, I don't know what happened but suddenly Greek characters are not shown in the PDF file after the compilation! I even did copy-paste in old TeX codes that worked fine and now ...
1 vote
2 answers

Greek Language Issue

I am writing my master's degree thesis in English. Although, I have to include abstract in Greek and I would like also to include it at the table of contents. Below the main code of tex is portrayed. ...
60 votes
6 answers

How to typeset greek letters

I want to write a sentence like "physics (from ancient greek φύσις)". But I don't know how to typeset the character "ύ" properly. Also I am not sure, if it is a good idea simply to use math-mode here ...
1 vote
2 answers

non-italic Greek letters

I wander if Greek letters can be normal - non-italic. Variants such as The length is 10 \mu$\text{m}$. or The length is 10 $\text{\mu m}$. are not accepted. Only The length is 10 $\mu \text{m}$. is ...

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