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Questions tagged [horizontal-alignment]

{horizontal-alignment} is about aligning document elements horizontally, e.g. typesetting paragraphs using \centering or \raggedright or adjusting the horizontal position of several equation or table components. If your question is generally about (horizontal) white space, use {spacing} instead.

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1 answer

Creating aligned tabs similar to ms word and libreoffice

One feature present in Microsoft Word is the tab settings (right click->paragraph->tabs). This allows tab stops to be created, where you press the tab key and it will move the cursor to the ...
thenickman100's user avatar
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Can cells in a matrix be merged? (Something like colspan in HTML.)

I am trying to create readable LaTeX formulas on a Wikimedia page. matrix and & are generally helpful to align symbols. But in the following example I would like to align the plus signs in the ...
Watchduck's user avatar
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1 answer

How to align rows within cell in Latex?

I am a kind of new user in Latex and there is a problem I am trying to fix. Here is my latex code for that; \begin{tabular}{p{3cm} p{8cm} p{6cm}} {\rmfamily\scshape \textnormal{CONTACT \newline ...
mzkrc's user avatar
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Left-aligned and centered text on same line (not equations) when text is too long and overprints elements

In a previous post, I was given an answer which mostly works very well. \NewDocumentCommand{\datefeast}{mm}{% \par \noindent \makebox[0pt][l]{#1.}% \makebox[\textwidth]{\Large #2.}% } ...
DomMocquereau's user avatar
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Align figure against outside (or inside) edge [duplicate]

I am preparing a twoside document with wide margins, where I am placing both margin notes and figure captions (using the sidenotes package). I would like my figures to be aligned so they are directly ...
Heisenbugs's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I align this figure with the page numbering?

Hello I'm trying to align the figure with the page numbering. When I use \begin{center} I don't have problem usually. I have tried other things like begin{figure} or \begin{scope} but nothing. \...
Richard's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying a text in the center of the page

In the following example, I could display the text in the center of the line: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \centerline{Example.} \end{document} And I would like to display it in the ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Even horizontal spacing in enumitem inline lists

I would like to have an equally (horizontally-)spaced inline list, like (1) 0.4 (some spaces)             (2) 12.372 (some spaces), so that each [item and its spaces] will take account of the same ...
DML's user avatar
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1 answer

Centering tikz graphic in OpTeX

I make this graphic with tikz in OpTeX \fontfam[Fira] \margins/1 a4 (3.5,2.5,3,3)cm \typosize[12/18] \load[tikz] { %\centerline{ %\begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:4] \tikzpicture[domain=-1.045:5.25] ...
juanuni's user avatar
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3 answers

add images in \longtable and remove justification

I'm a beginner in LaTex but i've used longtable before. Now i'm trying to add images inside the table but i can't make them fit the cells. I don't want to make them smaller, i'd like to make the rows ...
Lids's user avatar
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1 answer

How may source text, after epigraph text, be left justified?

The question is more precisely articulated in the following MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{epigraph} \setlength{\epigraphrule}{0pt} \begin{document} \setlength{\epigraphwidth}{0.69\...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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How to shift/center a tikz grid?

I have this code which draws a 15x10 grid with 10mm cells: \documentclass[dvipsnames,parskip,a4paper]{scrartcl} \usepackage[margin=1.5cm]{geometry} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{...
indjev99's user avatar
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How to change vertical spacing between two minipages? [duplicate]

As you can see, in the image I included the pictures on the right are too far apart, resulting in the page they're supposed to be in to be skipped. The method I use is to wrap the different minipages ...
Pheo's user avatar
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\centering does not work for a particular table but forcing individual cell >{\centering\arraybackslash}p{5cm} does it

I have this code: \documentclass[a4paper,man,floatsintext,12pt,donotrepeattitle]{apa7} \usepackage[spanish]{babel} %Paquete de diccionario en español \usepackage{graphicx} %Paquete Habilita pegado de ...
CodeWritter's user avatar
3 votes
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'How to use LaTeX for sequence alignement' Follow-up question

I found this great solution from 'David Carlisle' regarding the question: 'How to use LaTeX for sequence alignment' Unfortunately I am new to this forum (and latex) and cannot comment directly to ask ...
Kim's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How can I center multiple alignment points in an equation inside an align environment?

Courtesy link: How can I center an equation inside an align environment? A single equation in align is centered, so with gather you get both equations centered; otherwise, nest align inside gather. \...
Arunabh's user avatar
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1 answer

Line-break within cell, midrule length and text alignment with \cite in cell

I have some troubles with a table with citations in the cells. I want the text line-break to be earlier. The text is not aligned in the centre (horizontal). The text is not aligned in the centre (...
BFolkers's user avatar
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Centering first line in Tikz node

You can place multiline text in a tikz node by setting align as follows: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[align = left] [draw] { Title\\ ...
xAlien95's user avatar
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Justify switch after centering switch

What is the switch to return to fully justified text after a \centering or \raggedright switch? The expected justify or justifying are not it. Looking for the default latex solution with no extra ...
Bob's user avatar
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3 answers

Alignment of the currency symbol in a tabular environment

I'm typesetting a table of monetary sums in LaTeX. So far, I have the following code: \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{array} \newcolumntype{k}{>{\$\hfill\,}r} % currency columns \begin{document}...
impresso's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

microtype and \RaggedRight creating friction and hard to deal with overfulls

I previously asked why exactly \RaggedRight was causing overfull and underfull issues, and this was answered almost unanimously with a "microtype is usually the first option`". I want to ...
Ferrius Undermine's user avatar
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\Centering causes underfull boxes when using titlesec

When I use ragged2e with \Centering, this causes underfull errors when used in titlesec. As far as I know, I broke no functionality using the titlesec package. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
Ferrius Undermine's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I make a table take all space inside a tcoorbox so the it leaves no margins?

I'm trying to use this code to make a box with two differently coloured sections inside: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \usepackage[table]{xcolor} \begin{document} \begin{...
Luca Ballanzeddu's user avatar
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1 answer

Center longtable in landscape environment horizontally when viewed in portrait mode

I am unable to center a longtable inside a landscape environment (package pdflscape) horizontally when viewed in portrait mode and when the table spans more than one page. Note, I have a two-sided ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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Image vertical alignement with tabularx

I have two (02) columns in a table, with width as linewidth so I used tabularx. First column has mixed text (Arabic and French), aligned to the left. Second column has an image. I would like to have ...
Khaled Sofiane LAMANDÉ's user avatar
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How can I center my LaTeX text block in double sides printing?

I need to print double sided a5 from a translation of a book in LaTeX. Just bought an HP LAserjet 209 only to find out it does not do a5 D-S. So I need to print a5 block on a4 paper and therefore need ...
Ulf Ehrenmark's user avatar
3 votes
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How to horizontally align horizontal boxes in a vertical box?

In vertical mode, horizontal boxes are stacked one on top of the other and aligned to the left. How can I get the boxes to align to the right instead? \vbox{ \hbox{short line} \hbox{looooooonger ...
Ernest A's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Fixed column width and left alignment works partially [duplicate]

For some reason, I am not able to set left alignment in the third column of a table (I can make it only in the first and second columns}. Does anybody know waht is hapenning? Below you find a MWE. ...
Marcus's user avatar
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2 answers

Align enumerate label with left margin

This should be a simple one, hopefully. I like to align the label of the items in my enumerate environment with the left margin. I can do this with the option [labelsep = *] from the enumitem package. ...
Sverre's user avatar
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Re-center text after string substitution

What I want to do I want to display the date (year / month) on the cover of my document in Japanese. I have used the datetime2 package in other places in my document to print the date in English ...
Patrick's user avatar
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4 answers

Avoid underset text overlaping

As you can see, underset on right hand becomes overlaped. How can I avoid this? This is my MWE \documentclass[14pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \newcommand{\lunderset}[2]{\...
user3204810's user avatar
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In a multiline equation, how to align from the right in a second-level split?

I have a long equation, where I want to divide the expression into 4 parts, 2 of which are & aligned, and the other two are child to the former, and should be aligned from the right. I am nesting ...
Donn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to left align chemical equations with tags?

I have a set of chemical reactions I am trying to write using mhchem. I need to left-align the equations and right-align the tags. Here's what I have done so far: \begin{align} \ce{AB -> A + B} \...
navajyothmp's user avatar
1 vote
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Latex Beamer - Add left padding to table of contents

I have changed the style of my table of contents in a beamer template, but now I want to add an horizontal padding to the left of this frame. How can I do it while keeping my custom configuration? \...
mupfelix's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to Create a Fully Centered and Adjustable Multiline Table in LaTeX?

I am unfortunately quite a LaTeX noob and am having difficulties putting together a table. My goal is to center the content of each cell both vertically and horizontally. The table is aligned ...
bolli's user avatar
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Horizontally Align Lists in Proofs

Is there any way to make the 1. and bullet point align with the rest in the proof environment? \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm} \begin{document}...
Dian Sheng's user avatar
4 votes
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Non-standard alignment of multiline equation

In the old days when people used typewriters instead of LaTeX it was fairly easy to achieve the following non-standard multiline split Now that we have environments like align and alignat it is not ...
Ted Black's user avatar
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Left-aligned and centered text on same line (not equations)

In the style which I'm sort of copying, dates are printed against the left margin and the entry's heading (which doesn't need to conform to LaTeX sectioning commands) is centered. I have borrowed code ...
DomMocquereau's user avatar
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Aligning conditions in pairs of cases [duplicate]

Is there any way to align the conditions in more than one cases environment? (the "u=0"/"u>0" below) $$\begin{aligned} x_1 &= \begin{cases}Z & u = 0 \\ ...
Jason S's user avatar
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How can I fully justify spaces inside enumitem description labels?

I will start with a picture that says more than a thousand words: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{blindtext} \begin{document} What I currently see is this: \begin{...
Christoph Thiede's user avatar
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Center first page title in exactly the middle of the page

I have the following code to create the front cover of a book: \documentclass[11pt,twoside,onecolumn]{memoir} \pagenumbering{gobble} % Remove page number \title{\fontsize{34pt}{34pt}\selectfont{ This ...
ellat's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I fit a paragraph on the right hand side of an item?

How do I get text in this arrangement? The lines are the margins of the page. "x = y + 1" is a line of math in a box, as wide as the text inside. The paragraph extends from the right side of ...
Glyn Webster's user avatar
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Handling with tabularx and tikzpicture

The goal is Generate a centerd-aligned single cell tabularx large as document width Insert a tikzipicture MWE: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{...
user3204810's user avatar
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Aligning equal signs and brackets at the same time

I wish to have the following . This is the code to generate the image above. \begin{align*} \vec{a}\dvec{B} = \vec{a}(\vec{b}\wedge\vec{c}) \\ \vec{a}(\vec{b}\wedge\vec{c}) = (a_x\hx + a_y\hy ...
Octonions's user avatar
-3 votes
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Simple Question [closed]

How to write the image below in latex?:
muzan muzan's user avatar
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Why does centering work in AMS article but not plain article?

I have a command for images. It also centres them. I mostly just used it in amsart but today I tried using it in article and the centering that previously worked in the AMS article no longer works. ...
scribe's user avatar
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How can I write this on latex? [closed]

How can I write: On latex, I used \[ \] math command for the __ __ and \phantom for the spaces: but i cant seem to get the "set of choices" directly under it in the desired fashion: How ...
muzan muzan's user avatar
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Left-Align Section Title After Using Wraptable

I created a table that is placed next to some text: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[font=small,labelfont=bf]{caption} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage[graphicx]{realboxes} \usepackage{siunitx} \...
s28's user avatar
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1 answer

Center the word "Appendix" and make it bigger

Is there some way to make the word "Appendix" bigger, so that it covers the page in the center, instead of a small "Appendix" in the upper left corner? I use this code: \...
Eirik Nordland's user avatar
2 votes
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Quote Equation number with horizontal alignment

I have using quote with displayed numbered equation. But the eq number (1) not moved from right to left. Can anyone advise me how to fix. Source TeX code is: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{...
KGSR's user avatar
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