Questions tagged [icelandic]

{icelandic} is for questions specific to the Icelandic language, including e.g. Icelandic letters or the implementation of Icelandic typographic conventions and standards.

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MikTeX Icelandic name in BibTeX reference

I am writing a paper and trying to cite an article by Friðriksdóttir. If I remove the icelandic character from the name, it compiles correctly. What can I do so that it can compile correctly and the ...
Samuel Rose's user avatar
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Polyglossia breaks when changing default language from English

I am trying to rework my CV a little and decided I'd just use a plain old article format. When I made the CV itself with lualatex, fontspec, and polyglossia it worked fine with \setdefaultlanguage{...
Plergux's user avatar
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