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Questions tagged [include]

{include} is about the \include command which makes LaTeX process the content of a given file, add page breaks before and after and open a new auxiliary file for the given file.

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1 answer

Adding pdfs from custom directory inserts only one page

When I put the "ToBeInserted.pdf" file in my latex project folder (XeLaTex, TexLive 2024), it inserts all the pages. However, if I put into any other directory it inserts only one page! Why ...
massisenergy's user avatar
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Using æ, ø and å in \include files [closed]

In include files I get error if I use \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} and if use \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} get æ. , Ã, and Ã¥ insted of æ, ø and å.
Arne Lakså's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify directories to search files in them and relative imports in files in these directories

In project folder, I have directory tex from which I would like to import files without specifying directory name. For this, I added this directory to input@path. tex directory actually contains other ...
Intolighter's user avatar
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Can I include pdf (using pdfpages pack) and automatically get the number of the inserted pdf

I make long technical (building engineering) documentation. In those docs, the standard is to explain stuff in the main doc and put a reference to a detailed calculation at the end. So I would like to ...
22decembre's user avatar
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Include all chapters, but compile only one?

Instead of one big tex file, I put the chapters into separate tex files for faster compilation. My main tex file now looks like this: \include{ch-abstract} \include{ch-acknowledgments} \include{ch-...
Blau's user avatar
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Difficulty with template for multiple chapters

Folks: I am a Latex newbie. I have a book consisting of 24 chapters in word. I would like to be able to work on each chapter separately, but compile them as one Latex file. I copied code from ...
gandolfo's user avatar
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Importing a section from another document (with begin document)

I have two different latex files, which I would like to import one to another file. Here's what I've searched previously in older posts. This one Another one To understand my case, I provide the ...
Wilory Lu's user avatar
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problem compiling the " \include" in apa7

Can somebody help me with my code. Everything was working perfectly until 4 days ago; it does not run anymore. I present a troubleshooting about \include . here my code: \documentclass[table,a4paper,...
Chamanga's user avatar
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How to include a preamble file in a main file

I have a main01.tex file for a training course with a pretty big pre-amble. I have a main02.tex file for another training course with the same pretty big pre-amble. I have a main03.tex file for yet ...
MrI2C's user avatar
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TeXstudio: create chapters in subfolders and figurtes in subsubfolders

I'd like to setup my document as such: /folder/main.tex %includes the preamble info /folder/chapter1/CH1.tex /folder/chapter1/Figures/<all_Ch1pictures.png> /folder/chapter2/CH2.tex /folder/...
MrI2C's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

`\settocdepth` followed by `\include` incorrect order in ToC file

I can use \settocdepth to change the depth of the ToC min-document. This works as expected in the MWE below when I comment out the \include statement. However, when the \settocdepth command is ...
Tommiie's user avatar
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5 answers

How to include result values in a LaTeX document?

We are often in the following situation: a lengthy (data analysis) computation spits out a bunch of result values. Imagine a Python or script or an R script doing some resource intensive calculations. ...
lumbric's user avatar
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Problem with command `\includeonly` on Overleaf: `.aux` files are deleted automatically after some time

I am writing a paper on Overleaf (free version) that is starting to be a little long, so to optimize the compilation time I decided to put each section in a separate .tex file, and use the command \...
Lorenzo Pompili's user avatar
-1 votes
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\today not showing other than "0"

Good evening, I cant figure out how to get the proper date on my first page, and I've already done it without \maketitle in the past without problems. Big document, so nested: root: -> title -...
Fr3d's user avatar
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3 answers

How to fix page numbering and page references in the table of contents?

Hey in my table of contents appendixes display incorrectly The chapter "List of tables" is actually on page 40, but "Appendix A" (In the picture named as "Dodatek A", &...
Pawel's user avatar
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\addcontentsline misplaced in ToC when followed by \include

I seem to have hit a bug in LaTeX concerning the table of contents. Apparently, if a \addcontentsline is followed by an \include, all the headers in the included file are printed in the table of ...
user15343006's user avatar
2 votes
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\Include working on mac, but not on windows

I am working on a big LaTeX document (thesis), that's broken down into multiple .tex files, and I thus have only a thesismain.tex file to compile that uses \include. On a MacBook, compilation goes ...
Kal8578's user avatar
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Beamer: Show frame if it is defined

When constructing larger presentations with beamer, I often split them into several files on which I work individually. For the sake of an MWE, it might look something like this: \documentclass{...
Frunobulax's user avatar
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\includeonly{} not Working with Precompiled Preamble

Summary of issue I followed the guide linked in this answer, and it works perfectly for me. However, I find that if I use a precompiled preamble, and then specify \includeonly{}, the full document is ...
Joe.S's user avatar
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Compiling one file

We are collaborating on a project, each member is responsible for a topic. The file structure is like this. Aiac-paper is the main file, and I added every file with \include{...}. My question is, is ...
Barbaros Teoman Kosoglu's user avatar
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Are header guards necessary for LaTeX packages? If so, how to implement one?

A header guard is used in some programming languages to avoid repeatedly importing the same file. Here's one example of this scenario in LaTeX: Let's say we have header1.sty, header2.sty and main.tex ...
Long Horn's user avatar
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Citations do not show correctly in the \include{} text

I am writing my thesis, and I use \include{} command so I could write each chapter separately and then combine them in the main document to have a more clear structure. However, I find that the ...
wxwuse's user avatar
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Getting LaTeX to ignore a number in \include

I am writing a book (using Memoir class in LaTeX if it matters). One of the chapters is titled RT_June_13 when I put \include{RT_June_13} in my main file, and then PDF it (using WinEdt, if it ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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2 answers

chapterbib with subfiles for sections

I'm using chapterbib for a long document and the creation of bibliographies for each chapter works fine. Each chapter is in its own file that gets included. Is there any option to split the chapter ...
gothicVI's user avatar
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Overleaf 'forgets' user defined commands in different tex files [closed]

I am working on my master thesis and thus have a lot of different tex files which get included in main.tex (using \include{}). However I now face the problem that all commands I define in the preamble ...
BrakkoFTW's user avatar
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Testing the appartenance to a list

I want to have a command \myInclude{} doing the following thing: \myInclude{} does nothing (if the argument if empty) \myInclude{file.tex} includes the file named file.tex if it has not been ...
Colas's user avatar
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\include{Glossary} does not work [duplicate]

I am writing the final version of my PhD thesis. Everything works fine except that the Glossary external file I created is completely ignored by the program. I am using Texstudio to compile it. The ...
Federica Tonti's user avatar
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Can't build an included file, using texstudio [closed]

I'm doing my thesis in LaTeX, and have multiple chapters, separated in different .tex files and included in the main.tex using \include{}, which worked normally, and I can build it, without returning ...
JJP's user avatar
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Please suggest which method is correct to proceed

I'm using the following tags to generate a project: \documentclass{book} \begin{document} \frontmatter \include{fm} \mainmatter \include{ch01} ... \include{ch10} \backmatter \bibliographystyle{...} \...
GowriSaro's user avatar
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Reference an entire environment with its content

I have big-book.tex containing many exercises in \begin{problem} environments, and I want to make a homework.tex for students selecting only a few of them. Here are some methods I can think of: Copy-...
AvidSeeker's user avatar
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problem with \cite{} in multipart article with separate bibliographies for each \include{} file

I've got a little problem with the consistency of \cite{} across multiple \include{} files, where each such file gets its own bibliography. Just to be clear: I'm not using natbib. Each \include{} file ...
Tim02130's user avatar
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how to reduce vertical space before parts and increase chapter size in table of contents

currently writing a Geometry textbook and the start of the table of contents looks like this: With this code, using the tocloft package for my TOC: Edit: Here is what the beginning of each chapter ...
Nate's user avatar
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Import a table and figure from another tex file

Is it possible to include the whole content of the table and figure in another tex file? Let's say we have A.tex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} write something here. \begin{table}[tbp] ...
yangtzech's user avatar
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What is the correct way to import files within subfiles?

The subfiles docs explains that it handles path issues when main files and subfiles are in different directories and subfiles contain paths relative to their own directories using the \import package. ...
socialscientist's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do (relative) paths work with the subfile package?

I am trying to understand how (relative) paths need to be used with the subfiles package. In particular, it's not clear how content that I usually would include with \include, \input, \includegraphics,...
socialscientist's user avatar
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Is there a way to `\includeonly` when the memoir document is monolithic?

When writing a memoir document it's easy to focus on just one chapter by using \includeonly. \documentclass{memoir} \title{title} \author{author} \includeonly{chap-3} \begin{document} \include{chap-0}...
Sam7919's user avatar
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Make a list of labels from other included chapters

I try to automatically generate a list of relevant \label in the form of hyperrefs. I almost managed to do what I want, using a solution proposed in this topic: List of all labels with hyperlinks Here ...
user290444's user avatar
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Why does \WithSuffix\providecommand overwrite command already defined by instance of thmtools's restatable environment?

Consider the output of this MWE: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{thmtools} \usepackage{suffix} \declaretheorem[numberwithin=chapter, style=plain,name=Theorem,refname={theorem,...
Linear Christmas's user avatar
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\input function doesn't work: trying to include contents of external text file

I want to include the contents of an external text file into my LaTeX document. I've tried \input{./message}, but all I get is an error containing the very last line of the text file: (./message.txt ! ...
GPWR's user avatar
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How to define path for use with /input, such that TeXStudio can detect the location of the file using global command

Background I am writing a large document (main.tex) with several chapters (Introduction.tex, LiteratureReview.tex, etc). I use TeXStudio to compile the document. Each chapter is included using /input (...
Bernardo's user avatar
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Avoid page break between section title and included subsections [duplicate]

When I apply the following code, I have a page break between the \section{*} and the \include{chapters/*.tex} (the chapters are composed of subsection). I would like to have no page break between the ...
C. Guff's user avatar
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Import Information into Several Documents from a Master Document

Context: I'm a university lecturer and therefore facing the same tasks whenever I prepare for a new semester. One of them is creating course material with LaTeX which includes a syllabus, slides for ...
macright's user avatar
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Export parts of tex file separately

I'm writing a longer document and need this version, where everything is put together, and a few parts of the file in seperate pdfs. For example it might be that I need subsection 1.2 as a standalone ...
Hannes's user avatar
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RequirePackage and usepretex from latexmk change output file to texput.tex

I want to compile a larger file completly based on a toggle (my@final) from the commandline using a makefile. My .tex-file looks like: \documentclass{scrbook} \begin{filecontents}[overwrite]{01.tex} ...
lukascbossert's user avatar
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How to put everything in front of \begin{document} in a separate file?

So as I am doing a lot of similar documents I tend to always use the same preamble for all of my documents. But as I sometimes add new commands, it gets a little iffy to always remember which document ...
curies's user avatar
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Can I \include sub-documents that employ gregorio?

I'd like to better manage a large latex document that incorporates many gregorio scores, by breaking it down into a main tex document and a number of sub-documents, incorporated into main with \...
Ian Williams's user avatar
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Avoid New Page before and after include

I'd like to have some chapters on the same page without page breaks. Here you are my code: \documentclass[twoside]{report} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{biblatex} \begin{document} \...
Eminent Emperor Penguin's user avatar
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How to introduce another tex file with its own preambles into a main tex file

My coauthor and I have a tex file for the paper (main.tex), and another tex file for tables and figures (tables_and_figures.tex). Previously, we would compile main.tex, and then compile ...
John Kim's user avatar
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Insert PDF form with values

I would like to include a filled PDF form in my document. My current workflow is as follows: Fill the form using Adobe Acrobat Print to PDF (to make the editing functionality go away and "bake&...
puchm's user avatar
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2 answers

Add caption to figure in multicolumn

I need to add a caption to three images placed as follow: I did it by adding the caption command as you can see in the following snippet, but it doesn't work: \begin{figure*}[ht] \begin{center} $\...
Fabio's user avatar
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