Questions tagged [include]

{include} is about the \include command which makes LaTeX process the content of a given file, add page breaks before and after and open a new auxiliary file for the given file.

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Specify additional include directories within a tex file [duplicate]

I want my document to use class files, style files or bibliography style files located in some subdirectory of my TeX document's directory. Sometimes I can sorta-kinda- use, say, \documentclass{...
einpoklum's user avatar
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TexStudio adding custom include command

When TexStudio sees \include command in the source file it will add the included file to the document structure pane. I am using leadsheet package which defines \includeleadsheet command. Is it ...
Sebastian Widz's user avatar
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\include & graphicx

I use \include and I have the following folder-structure: main.tex Images/ Subfiles/ Subfile-1.tex Subfile-2.tex Where and how should I put my images, because the code doesn’t compile. I’ve ...
Dimitrios Sykias's user avatar
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Reftex and \include*{sections/sec} - how to get it to work?

I have a multi-file LaTeX project with statements like \include*{sections/sec1}. Reftex does not find the labels defined in the included files. When switching to the unstarred variant \include{...
Benedikt Ahrens's user avatar
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How to make an included PDF page linked to an url?

I have a PDF title page included in the main document, using the pdfpages package, as shown in the MWE code below. I know that all the hyper links included in that page are lost in the process. But ...
Cham's user avatar
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How to total item counts in multiple enumerate environments, respecting \include

I'm writing a book in which each chapter ends with a list of numbered exercises. I would like to persuade LaTeX to count the total number of exercises in the book, to be referred to with \ref or ...
Norman Ramsey's user avatar
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URL links not working from included PDF title page

I included a separate PDF page as my main front page for a large LaTeX document. That PDF page was made with LaTeX using the hyperref package, and contains several linked URL elements (source of ...
Cham's user avatar
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Figure not showing in multi-file latex project

I am trying to include a figure in a large document. It works fine directly. But when I call it in another file using \include or \input, the figure does not show. It is a simple code as below. \begin{...
Tomta678's user avatar
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\include chapter issue

I am compiling a manuscript and have been told to create a RootFile which compiles all the Chapters. However when I click Typeset only the 1st chapter shows - even if I rearrange the order, only the ...
Lucy's user avatar
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Using TikZDevice and APA 7 class: Including a figure note for a plot (including the plot by include())

I am using TikZDevice for including a R-Plot in Latex, using the APA7-Documentclass. The documentary of the APA7-Class lists \figurenote{} as "Formats figure note when placed after \...
Nikolai's user avatar
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LaTeX citation with included chapters

this is my first time asking a question at StackExchange and my first time using Latex to write something so pls excuse some form mistakes. I already invested a lot of time to find my mistake while ...
Kai Buchholz's user avatar
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Why \include doesn't include a file with space in the path name?

What is wrong with \include{"./folder/another\space folder/lastfolder/file"} that the file is not included while \input would include it?
leaffoo's user avatar
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How to include a tex file with strange characters in the path

I am trying to let pdflatex run and include a file that has several spaces in this. Somhow this fails to work. The code I have down here. The file to include is a seperate tex file. \begin{document} \...
Heijne's user avatar
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Problem with enotez and \includeonly

Compiling a latex document using \includeonly and the package enotez may result on a document with uncorrect end notes. For instance, if my document (main.tex) includes chap1.tex and chap2.tex, each ...
Mathieu Lacroix's user avatar
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Bibtex with included files

A couple weeks ago I didn't have any issue when using Bibtex on a document where the different parts were included with \include commands, but today I updated Miktex, and now it seems not to work ...
Arnaud D.'s user avatar
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How to prevent figures from appearing at the top of a page?

Why is it that, when I insert my figure with \begin{figure}, it is placed at the beginning of the paper ?
Hayet Jochebed's user avatar
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How can I use wildcards with \includegraphics?

I would like to use \includegraphics{folder/*.pdf} in this simple way, I've got a folder inside which I have different files and I want to pick only the pdf one. Is this possible ?
Andrea 's user avatar
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envelope icon disappeared after using \includepdf

I am using \inludepdf to attach a pdf file, which has an envelope icon, into a new document. After attaching this pdf file, this envelope icon disappeared in the new document. How can I fix this ...
wruiwr's user avatar
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How to use different definitions and packages in each of the included papers?

I writing my PhD thesis (using Overleaf, compile with XeLaTeX), such that each paper I wrote is a chapter of the thesis. My problem is that the definitions and packages of the different papers clash. ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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how to include a sub tex file in include file of latex

I already include file in main.tex like this: \documentclass{book} \begin{document} \include{chapter1} \end{document} how to include a subfile in chapter1.tex like this(or recursive include): \...
Dolphin's user avatar
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How do I merge a tex file with the main one?

So the simplified problem is : I have a directory called Main inside which there is my main.tex file. Then there is another folder called Supplement in which there are another file file1.tex and a ...
Andrea 's user avatar
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Use latin1 and utf8 at the same time

In the same article, I am including several section by the function \include{}, but they are encoding with latin1 and utf8. I was using \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}, but when I try to include (...
EvaMGG's user avatar
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! Undefined control sequence. \Ginclude@graphics ...\Ginput@path \set@curr@file {#1}\edef \uq@curr@file {\ [duplicate]

what mean this error and what should i do to solve it please help me (! Undefined control sequence. \Ginclude@graphics ...\Ginput@path \set@curr@file {#1}\edef \uq@curr@file {...)
Hayet Jochebed's user avatar
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Find and replace in a document consisting of many 'included' files using \include

I have parent(main) document which includes (through \include command) many (more then 100) small files. I want to use find and replace in all these latex files once (as it will take lots of time to ...
Tash's user avatar
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How to include tex files from different folders?

I have a problem in creating the math homework sheets here. What I did was creating a single folder for the math homework each day. And there are so many folder under one big folder as you can see ...
eaglezyj's user avatar
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Skipping some lines when using `input` or `include`

I would like to know if it is possible to use input or include skipping some lines in the imported source.
user12703198's user avatar
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Removing Spaces Between Documents

How can I remove spaces inserted between different documents. \include{project/Chapters/doc1} \include{project/Chapters/doc2} I want these two documents glued together with no spaces. Thank you!
Abdulmajed's user avatar
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\include file causes extra white space [duplicate]

In the code below, I included this .tex file into my document (with the relevant lines commented out, like \begin and \end{document}), but, for some reason, the plot appears on a page by itself. I ...
Joe's user avatar
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Include subitem from a file into master file

I am currently working on my resume and I am trying to make it modular. I have a content folder which has different .tex file for each section in resume such as education.tex, experience.tex, and ...
Satyam Gaba's user avatar
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INCLUDE Code on Web?

One can include another code as follows. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \include{code1} \include{code2} \include{code3} \end{document} Can I let this code to include another code in GitHub?...
Junyong Kim's user avatar
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Trying to build a latex document with latexmk and additional tex files in subdirectory

I am trying to build a complex latex document (at least it's complex for me). The directory structure looks like this: - bat.tex - packages.tex - {other tex files}.tex - content -- {chapter folders} -...
Pascal's user avatar
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Using \include(only) to produce 2 pdf-s: text and references

This is what I want to do: you keep the references in the same document, but in a file included with \include. Then you can use \includeonly to produce separate PDFs, one without references and ...
jaam's user avatar
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Pandoc: not using LaTeX packages

I am using pandoc to convert my .tex-file into a PDF, but my definitions are not being used. Example: \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[...
cheersmate's user avatar
3 votes
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How to import a tikZ figure which has images as dependencies?

I came up with a tikZ figure, which I have written in a file, lets call it A.tex. This figure uses image files (.jpg, ...), which are included as nodes using \includegraphics. Now obvisously, I'd like ...
avermaet's user avatar
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How to keep figure index number/style and \hyperref after included into another tex?

The document(supp.tex) to be included into another (main.tex) has a indexing style that start with "S": \renewcommand{\thefigure}{S\arabic{figure}} How to keep this naming style after included to ...
Zuooo's user avatar
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Dealing with strict rules for paper submission using LaTeX

My dear LaTeX users, I'm quite new to Latex and as PhD student in Chemistry at want to prepare all my manuscripts in LaTeX even though my groups is not a big LaTeX user (I'm tired of Word). ...
user avatar
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\input working but \include not showing anything [duplicate]

I am facing the following issue. I have a big project on Overleaf that I split into many separate files. All those files are included into the main.tex file using the \input command. After some time I ...
Jan Kreischer's user avatar
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The appendix word disappears from the table of contents when using \include

If you compile the following minimal example which uses the abntex2 class, which is just a wrapper around memoir class: \documentclass[ 12pt, ]{abntex2} \begin{filecontents*}{beauty.tex} \chapter{...
user's user avatar
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Include multipages pdf as picture in the center of a a two-column paper

I have a two-columns paper in which I want to put a multipages pdf as an "image", in a sheet-wide style (that is, with the pdf contenct centered on the center of the page, and not just in one column). ...
Py-ser's user avatar
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A version of \includeonly for \input

I have a pretty long paper that is getting sluggish to compile. Different sections are imported with \input. I'd like to have something like \includeonly but that works on \input rather than \include ...
badroit's user avatar
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Eliminate the extra page after use \includepdf

I have a question. I'm writing my thesis and I use a custom cover page using the \includepdf command, then I start the document, but I think this command adds an extra blank page after using it.. ...
Jetzael Cuazoson's user avatar
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recommendations for a large book with many images

I 'm writing a book with many pages (until now are 200, expected 600) and with many tikz-images. I split the book with \include and \includeonly commands for compiling speed reasons and everything is ...
Kώστας Κούδας's user avatar
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Passing parameters to \input{text}

I'd like to create an exam from several .tex files. I'd like the master exam .tex file to include (or input, etc) a file for each question. I'd like each question to list the number of points that ...
MikeTheTall's user avatar
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Something like \includeonly but for \includepdf?

Let's suppose we have a document like the one below. \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{pdfpages} \begin{document} \include{Text_A} \include{Text_B} \include{Text_C} \include{Text_D} \includepdf{...
maaattes's user avatar
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Define colors in a central file and import them to other tex documents

I'm new to LaTeX, so this might be a stupid question, but is there a way how I can define colors in one file and then use them by their name in another document? I'm thinking of something like this: %...
s6hebern's user avatar
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Compiling problem in book class

I am writing a book and I split it in to several files using \include{} and \includeonly{} commands. The chapter "chapterThomae" has the Thomae's function from here. If I use the \includeonly{} ...
Kώστας Κούδας's user avatar
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ToC for svmult with \include

I am editing a book with multiple contributions using Springer's svmult document class. To include the single contributions into one document I am making plain use of \include{}. All goes fine up to ...
supervenience's user avatar
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Read file using LaTeX

Problem I am planning to read source code of a open-source project. With a (perhaps weird) habit, I often print all the source codes according to the way they are organized (in particular, the ...
Mr.Robot's user avatar
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Problem with a child-document within a table

I ran into a problem with the \include/\input command. I want to generate a table based on the child document somedoc.tex, which looks as follow $$12.67$$ & $$6.18$$ & $$5.00$$ & $$60.33$$...
A.joh's user avatar
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How to find out the page span of a section

I have several short documents out of which I want to build a larger document, each smaller document corresponding to a section in the larger document. I want to set the footer to contain the name of ...
RGS's user avatar
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