Questions tagged [integral]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Integral limits placement with unicode-math

I'm struggling with integral limits placement when the unicode-math package is used (both under LuaLaTeX and XeTeX). The following example illustrates the issue: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \...
Sergei Golovan's user avatar
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Get the integral symbol provided by the minionint option of the minionpro package for use with LuaLaTeX

As the title mentions, I'm looking to get the integral symbol that is activated when using the minionint option of the MinionPro package, without having to install it. It's possible? I'm not sure ...
juanuni's user avatar
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How exactly are parentheses (and other special symbols) rendered in LaTeX? How do they relate to the font used in the document?

I am compiling this sample document: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \(\sqrt{\left(\frac{2}{3}\right)}\) \(\int_{a}^{b} \sqrt{\left(\frac{2}{x^2}\right)} \,dx\) \(\left(\frac{2}{\frac{2}{\...
Ecco's user avatar
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Punctuation spacing in math that ends with a differential \dd{}, and the physics package

It seems the physics package adds an extra (thin) space after \dd{x}, before my punctuation (usually "," or ".") and I don't want this. This is a common scenario for me, especially if I'm displaying a ...
Calvin Khor's user avatar
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Using Symbol font for extended integrals in LaTeX

I wish to make my integral symbols in pdfLaTeX documents appear the same way as in the following example: The integral symbol comes from the Symbol font which is shipped with Microsoft products, and ...
Zac's user avatar
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How to change commands, math mode

So, that's a silly question, but, nevertheless, I'll ask it. Thing is, my integral signs are quite small, so I used the package bigints. Two problems: (i) How do I write multiple integrals using that ...
Johann Wagner's user avatar
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Writing Integrals in LaTeX

I am learning how to use LaTeX to write double and triple integrals. The issue is about style. There is a difference between the normal integral and the double and triple one: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...
MathHack's user avatar