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Questions tagged [italic]

{italic} is specifically about making document elements italic (or removing this font attribute). For questions about {italic-correction}, use the tag of the same name. For general questions about formatting document elements, use {formatting} instead.

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Why are my text in italic?

I'm not entirely sure why my text are in italic in Question 3. Would appreciate any advice on this. \documentclass[12pt]{article} % Libraries. \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{...
KitanaKatana's user avatar
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Italicizing a Lettrine on an Ad Hoc Basis

Consider the code: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{lettrine,xcolor} \renewcommand{\LettrineFontHook}{\color{red}{}} % for the initial argument. \renewcommand{\LettrineTextFont}{\scshape} % for ...
DDS's user avatar
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Whole PDF in Italics and Boldface when I use Fakebold and Fakeslant

I am using an imported font (Ballard Basic) and LuaLateX to generate the PDF file. However, all the text in the PDF is in italic and boldface (this is not what I want). Help! Here is the code I am ...
epistemen's user avatar
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Non-italic punctuation in theorems

With \usepackage{amsmath}, we get a theorem like: Theorem. Let $a$ and $b$ denote the legs of a triangle and let $c$ be the hypotenuse; then $a^2+b^2=c^2$ (where d^2 denotes multiplication of $d$ by ...
John's user avatar
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How to have non-italic text from \cite[]{} within theorem using amsthm and article class?

I have a tex file: \documentclass[11pt]{amsart} \usepackage{amssymb,amsthm,enumitem,mathtools,fullpage,microtype} \usepackage[hypertexnames=false]{hyperref} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=...
Akira's user avatar
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How to have italicized double-storey "a"?

The letter a is usually double-storey in Roman and single-storey in italics (and in math code), but I hope to have both $a$ and a italicized double-storey version in math code. I don't think there ...
SprinklingMoss's user avatar
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How can i fix this problem in the picture below . Whats is wrong? [duplicate]

I have encountered a problem while writing in Overleaf. Could you please let me know what might be wrong. Thank you in advanced
Yasmeen 's user avatar
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How can I do the equivalent of \DeclareFontShapeChangeRule which tests 4 targets rather than 3?

If you don't care why I'm asking, skip the first section .... Problem: No small-caps italic shape was defined in LaTeX 2e. \textsc{\textit{small-caps italic}} did not produce small-caps italic even ...
cfr's user avatar
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How do I italicize the variable "s" in the following equation?

The referee of my manuscript has asked for the letter 's' in the following euqation to be italicized. From search, I found that in order to italicize math in an equation, I must use \mathit. The ...
wander95's user avatar
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Cyrillic Italicization error for Times New Roman font from times package

I have problem with italicization using \let\eachwordone=\it for Times New Roman font from \usepackage{times}. Here is my tex document: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \ExpandArgs{c}\newcommand{new@...
pindakazen's user avatar
2 votes
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Italic small caps with fontspec?

I've seen various questions about how to get italic small-caps, which suggest e.g. using lmodern and slantsc together. However, I'm currently using beamer, and want to keep the sans-serif typeface (...
Draconis's user avatar
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Italics for subscripts (indexes) or use roman (upright)?

How do you place the indices of e.g. resistors in an electrical network? For $R_1$, $R_2$ (resistor values): here the 1 and 2 are up (roman). So should you place $R_A$ or place R_\text{A}. In most ...
MrI2C's user avatar
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How to use non-italic units in Nomenclature?

I tried using the siunitx package and converting the units to non-italic for the units that appear in the Nomenclature section as below: \nomenclature[a-av]{$a^v$}{Active specific surface area\nomunit{...
BuV8's user avatar
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how Do I Enhace (bold, Underline or Italise) texts in twenty seconds cv

I am trying to use the twenty-second CV class to create my CV, and I would like to enhance (bolden, underline or italicise) some texts, like underlining the places I have worked and bolding the key ...
Daniel James's user avatar
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\nocorr inside argument of a command followed by \textup

In the following \lex command I somehow need \textup to protect the argument from italicizing in some contexts. Could someone explain why \textup in the \lexb variant forces italic correction in spite ...
Vincent Krebs's user avatar
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Why does \mathrm give an error?

I am trying to use \mathrm to remove the italics from an equation as follows: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{gb4e} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \mathrm{tr}(...
dherrera's user avatar
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Roman alpha iso Italicized alpha in formulas

I'd like to use a Roman alpha iso an italicized version in my formula. How can i do this, since \text doesn't work.. \begin{align*} V_\text{af} &= V_\text{B} + \alpha (V_\text{max} – V_\text{...
MrI2C's user avatar
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Illegal space in \url{} using xurl

I have a problem with the \url{} using \usepackage{xurl}. I'm using LuaLaTeX. In the case I set the font to italic there are illegal spaces after "f" and "V" sometimes. When it's ...
stbu's user avatar
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Too little space between brackets and italic text in math mode

When I wrap italic text in math mode with brackets the spacing looks off to me. Consider the output of the following code: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} $f(\textit{EX})$, $f(EX)$ \end{...
wijnand's user avatar
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Italicize text (genus/species) within endnote title causes compilation to fail

I would like to italicize Homo sapiens in a cited reference in my endnotes. Unitalicized works fine. Add \textit{} and compilation fails. Minimal not-working test.bib: @online{...
Paul's user avatar
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Physical symbols (italic)

Symbols for quantities are written in italics. I know that I can use \qty{}{} for numbers and units. Is there a similar command for symbols? Or would this be okay? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
Sylvia's user avatar
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Why is the kerning of italic "Ex-Vivo" messed up?

When typesetting "Ex-Vivo" in italic, there is large apparent spacing between the dash and the V. Does this mean that my LaTeX setup is misconfigured, or am I expected to set the kerning ...
Anna's user avatar
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draftwatermark picks up italics from the top of the next page and produces Postscript, and no large smallcaps italics fonts are available in fix-cm

Feeding latex with \RequirePackage{fix-cm} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage[text={\textsc{Confidential \ Draft}}, angle=53.2, fontsize={92.4pt}]{...
user avatar
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LuaLaTeX does not print italic greek letters (\setmainfont{EB Garamond}) [closed]

Since a few days LuaLaTex does not print any italic greek letters into the PDF when using the font EB Garamond as the main font. \documentclass[a5paper]{wut} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{...
hjele's user avatar
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"\kern0pt" could correct the "\/" before comma or period in TeX?

For easier use of {\it text}, we can define a control sequence such as \def\ital#1{{\it #1\/}}, which is suggested at the bottom of page 20 of the TeXbook. Since it will add extra space, which is not ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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Vertical mode inside a Tikz node, with \textit or \emph

I want to write a two- or multiple-line text in italic inside a tikz node. But I always get an error. Please help me with this. MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{fontawesome5} ...
stargazer45's user avatar
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3 answers

Define a control sequence \ic such that ‘\ic c’ puts the italic correction of character c into TeX’s register \dimen0

On page 14 of the book The TeXbook, the exercise 4.3 is Define a control sequence \ic such that ‘\ic c’ puts the italic correction of character c into TeX's register \dimen0. The answer is \def\ic#1{\...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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Get upright italic fonts in TeX

I can get italic fonts in TeX by \it command, but I see there is upright italic font on page 13 of the book The TeXbook. How did the author achieve this style? See the words while the letters in ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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\textbf \texttt \textit is not working anymore

I am trying latex for the first time to write an essay for school, in the beginning the \textbf \texttt and \textit worked normaly. But i started to use more and more different packages and copied ...
Gijs van Asten's user avatar
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Italic Cyrillic character display as tofu characters and other weirdnesses in LuaTeX using font EB Garamond

For some reason with the EB Garamond font, italic Cyrillic characters do not appear at all with LuaTeX, even though I have the italic font installed (and it supports Cyrillic) and it works in XeTeX. ...
AmberWing's user avatar
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align env - some symbols are non-italic?

I am confused about the behavior of my ams align evironment. Minimalistic example: \documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{align*} \rm{d}x_{\tau} &= R(u) v \...
reloh100's user avatar
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\NP macro as in P=NP formula, to work for both text and math modes

I want \NP command to produce the string "NP" in both text and math (e.g. P=NP formula) modes. I also want it to be styled (even if it is in math mode) the same as the surrounding text (...
porton's user avatar
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Highlight sentences in yellow for specific commands such as italic

Aim To change the background color of a sentence in which italicized words occur that use the \textit{} command. Minimal Working Example (MWE) \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage{ragged2e} \...
kexxcream's user avatar
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Why does \usepackage[lighttt]{lmodern} change the italic font to a slanted font?

I love using the lighttt variant of lmodern to get bold-faced keywords when using the typewriter font. The problem is that it appears to overwrite the default italic style with a "slanted" ...
TheProgrammer's user avatar
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Italic text is smaller than regular text when using clearpage and the scrlayer-scrpage package

I am using Luatex and KOMA-script. I have the issue that the italic font is consistently set to size 10pt it seems, and I don't understand it. In my M(not)WE below, the issue is present, but it isn't ...
J_mu's user avatar
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Typewriter non-bold font with italic support and Greek letters

I'm explaining some code that uses Greek characters, bold, italic, and accents. The default font does not differentiate between bold and non-bold. \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} \...
Atcold's user avatar
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Binomial nomenclature: italic or slanted?

I have read about the difference between italic and slanted fonts in TeX: how do the commands differ, as well as the effect when applied on the fonts; but it seems that there has not been much ...
Futarimiti's user avatar
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Why doesn't \textit work over multiple lines in tabbing?

If I have text in italics over two lines in the environment tabbing, only the first line is italic and the second line is upright. Also, the compilation has errors. Why is that? How can I make \textit ...
matj1's user avatar
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Is there something similar to \itshape but for \emph text?

Edit: this question is misinformed and the chosen answer answers a different question altogether. \emph produces slightly better italicized text for certain symbols, e.g., punctuation. Right now, I ...
TheProgrammer's user avatar
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What's better than \emph for making my Latin terms italic?

My styleguide suggests writing Latin phrases, including e.g. "in-vivo", in cursive. \emph{in-vivo} does not feel appropriate for this since it carries a semantic meaning of emphasis. What's ...
Anna's user avatar
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How to set citations with \textcite in italic

I use biblatex and the style authoryear. I use the command \textcite to make in-text citations. Currently \textcite outputs something like: But I'd like to have it in italic (including parentheses), ...
Flobur's user avatar
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Math "f" in mtpro2

I'm aware that this might not be a very transcendental question, but I've noticed something very particular with the math fonts in mtpro2. It turns out that the letter "f" is slightly ...
Esteban Saldarriaga-Marin's user avatar
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Introductory and except theroms and lemmas... part others getting Italized

I have tried to see what is that code which is italicized the introductory part of second chapter and whatever I am writing except lemma, propositions etc as shown in pictures. But in chapter 0 ...
Lalbahadur Sahu's user avatar
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Making normal brackets inside the theorem environment

Suppose I have a simple code like the following one: \begin{theorem} This is (theorem 1). \end{theorem} When you compile this code, you find that the two brackets are italized. Is there a way to ...
Hussein Eid's user avatar
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italic identifiers with Greek letters and Arabic digits with unicode-math

We try to produce an identifier 𝜎1 in math mode, i.e., both symbols should be italics or slanted and the distance between the two symbols should be a usual inter-letter distance in a word. In [pdf]...
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How to add italic words inside highlight?

I want to highlight text, but some text inside it need to be italic. The problem is, \hl{... \textit{...}...} cause all space inside \texit{...} removed. Using \ can solve the problem, but that is ...
Muhammad Yasirroni's user avatar
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Efficient Way to Allow TOC Section Entries to be of Different Fonts

Consider the code \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{lipsum,tocloft} \begin{document} \renewcommand{\cftchapfont}{\bfseries} \renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\itshape} \tableofcontents \newpage \...
DDS's user avatar
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Why is italicise not working in the overleaf code-\emph not working here

I have written the following markup: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Title: SOP LaTeX Template %% Author: Soonho Kong / [email protected] %% Created: 2012-11-...
Tanushree Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How do I center and format a Vietnamese poem?

So I need help with formatting a poem with Hanzi characters. The fact is that I need the poem to be italicized except the chinese character within. Also it has to be center aligned. Here's my attempt ...
Adrik Ivanov's user avatar
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LaTex: Making all tables italic globally

Wondering how to make all tables italic globally? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multirow} \begin{document} \itshape \begin{tabular}{ |p{3cm}||p{3cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}| } \hline \multicolumn{4}{|c|...
MYaseen208's user avatar
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