Questions tagged [justification]

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Problems with text alignment in paragraphs when creating a LaTeX template in RMarkdown

Although I have a lot of experience with R, I'm fairly new to LaTeX, and it's proving to be quite a challenge. I work as a biologist and my current project is to automate the creation of labels for ...
Nico Echarren's user avatar
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How may the epigraph be justified?

\documentclass[dvipsnames,12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{epigraph} \setlength{\epigraphrule}{0pt} \begin{document} \section{Introduction} \setlength{\...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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The text is not (right) justified when using "paracol" in a 2-column document

How to justify the text on the right side when using paracol for a 2-column document? Here following I show two MWEs where, in some rows, the text goes "out of the right margin", not going ...
Ommo's user avatar
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Table caption cannot be justified using the caption package [duplicate]

I am trying to justify the caption of a table instead of centering it. I found many questions (including this one) explaining that the caption package proposes the option justification=justified. This ...
AlMa's user avatar
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Push inline math to next line without manual line break (maintain justification)

In my theorem, you can see that the placement of the math expression on the first line of the theorem is exceeding the margins. I don't want to break the expression, and if I put a line break before ...
hodop smith's user avatar
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Justify columns in xltabular with Arial font and ragged2 package

I am using Arial font and the ragged2e package. Although the text of the paragraphs is justified, the text inside the tables is not. I tried to remove the ragged2e, but the I obtained several warnings....
David Moldes's user avatar
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How to Left Justify a Part of a Letter's Closing That is Also Centered

I am trying to mimic the following closings as seen, for example, in the following excerpt: The following MWE provides an approximation to the first part of the closing; but, it's the second---which ...
DDS's user avatar
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From two-columns portrait to one-column landscape: Force the text and the page number (in the landscape mode) to the left margin

Please help me force the text Hola and the page number 2 to the top-left margin of the rotated page in the next code. Note: I am working with a two-column portrait document and need a temporary change ...
alexyshr's user avatar
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Justification, hyphenation

I am a PhD student writing his thesis on overleaf. My supervisor told me to remove hyphenation as it can be distracting however now some words go over the margin (See pic). Could anyone help me modify ...
dvverdo's user avatar
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Rogue code destroying the default justification--Please help

With my beginner's knowledge, I could identify the portion of the code responsible for the destruction of the default class justification structure (Commenting that portion removes the problem). ...
Bukaida's user avatar
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Extending the lenght of text to the margin (in a minipage)

I wanted to extend the length of the last line in a minipage, so it touches the minipage margin (creates a perfect box of text). I doubt it has any practical use, but im trying to recreate a poem in ...
Kajetan Czerwiński's user avatar
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Fixing combined cell justification

I'm trying to fix a table I've made. The code I have is % !TeX program = xelatex % !BIB program = biber \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[spanish]{babel} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{...
Suiron's user avatar
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Justify text lstlisting

I would like to justify text in lstlisting. If the line gets too long, there doesn't seem to be any way to automatically add a new line. Is there a way to justify text?
Dunno's user avatar
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How to justify text width in latex like in a Word document [duplicate]

I faced a problem that in LaTeX it is not a trivial thing to apply a text justification based on line width like in Word. I have tried \usepackage[hyphenate]{microtype} and \usepackage{ragged2e} with \...
MaYar's user avatar
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Shift some lines of text to the far right

How can I shift some lines of text to the far right, as in the following figure? Minimal working example: \documentclass{article} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} A paragraph of text. \...
AEW's user avatar
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Text does not justify by default in paracol

When I use package paracol, my text does not justify by default. I have checked several other questions related to this, such as How to Justify Text in Paracol. I have also tried the standard remedies,...
Andrew's user avatar
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Justification with even space between words and after punctuation [duplicate]

I'm writing a book and I'd like to have the text justified. Nevertheless, I notice the spacing between words and after punctuation is different (red short, blue long). Is there a simple fix for this? (...
Fabbio's user avatar
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How to break a content in verbatim to make it appear in a justified manner?

Unable to get a nice appearing justified output using verbatim. The long lines are not getting broken. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{verbatim} The following is ...
mathslove's user avatar
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How to automatically align and center a string of chord diagrams with a word beneath?

The following code, when compiled, produces two side-by-side chord diagrams with the word 'Major' off-center beneath. Is there an automatic way to get the word perfectly centered below the chords? \...
Noah J's user avatar
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How to change caption setup for appendix?

I am writing a paper with an appendix (for master thesis) and for the paper I want the captions to be aligned to the left. But for the appendix, the captions should be centered. For the paper, I used ...
Anne Derks's user avatar
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Justification in paracol environment

I would expect full justification in latex unless otherwise specified. This does not work always and it is especially problematic in the paracol environment. Is there a way to automatically force it ...
Haim's user avatar
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How can I detect that \centering is in effect?

I need to detect if the user has typed a \centering before a command. Currently I am detecting it with the following code: Is there an edge case I am missing? Is there a better way and can someone ...
yannisl's user avatar
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Stretch xskak chessboard to the width of a multicol column (inside a twocolumn article itself)

With the following code : \documentclass[a4paper,twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{xskak} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{parskip} \usepackage{multicol} \begin{document} \lipsum[5] \begin{multicols}{...
halogenr's user avatar
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I am unable to justify text in latex [closed]

when I add \usepackage[document]{ragged2e} 17 errors pop up. The document class I am using is \documentclass[a4paper]{aitthesis} as I am writing my thesis. Can anybody help me resolving the matter ?...
Sumbel Ijaz's user avatar
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How to Realign an Unnumbered Enumerate Item

UPDATE This question is not a duplicate with Resuming a list In this post, I am asking to align the text of an unnumbered enumerate item directly under the previous (numbered) item and not under the ...
DDS's user avatar
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How to justify the last line of a footnote in microtype style?

(I’m using the microtype package.) I wanted to justify the last line of a footnote because it was very close to be full. Here is what it looked like: The first two lines are from the same footnote, ...
SpleenRain's user avatar
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How justify text in custom curriculum template

I download from the Overleaf store the following template (customised-curve). I modified the first section of the template: &...
Giammaria GIORDANO's user avatar
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text justification with paracol and enumitem

While thinking about an answer to this question involving a side-by-side translated text with numbered paragraphs, my initial (naive) solution works fine, except for the fact that the column text is ...
mbert's user avatar
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How to Improve the Appearance of Aligned Typewriter Text in a Minipage

Consider the code: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{microtype} %\usepackage{ragged2e} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \begin{LARGE} \begin{minipage}{5.75in}\leftskip\...
DDS's user avatar
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How to Increase the Vertical Spacing Between the Last Two Lines of This Macro Aligned Output

Consider the code \documentclass{book} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \LARGE \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{5.75in}\leftskip\fill\rightskip-\leftskip\parfillskip\stretch{2}% \textbf{How to ...
DDS's user avatar
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Is it possible to left and right justify a long number that occupies several lines, not including hyphens? [duplicate]

Example: 17....
Jesús Álvarez Lobo's user avatar
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Set position of equation for cases

My equation has several cases and therefore I use the dcases environment that is embedded in an align and split environment. However the first line is right-justified. How can I left-justify the ...
granular_bastard's user avatar
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Justification of header text

I want my long header text to be justified. In the picture below: I have inserted a red line such that I want all the text to be on the right side of that line (justification). How do I achieve that? ...
itc's user avatar
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Centering an Arabic Section Number Above Justified Title Text

Consider the code \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{titlesec} \titleformat{\section} {\sffamily\Large\bfseries} {\thesection}{1em}{} \renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}}...
DDS's user avatar
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How can I get my Burmese text paragraph justified properly with LuaLaTex?

When I use \XeTeXlinebreaklocale "my_MM" \XeTeXinterwordspaceshaping=2 options in XeLaTex, I could get my paragraph properly justified. How can I get similar justification using LuaLaTex. I'...
Pyi Soe's user avatar
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ConTeXt: Full text justification using \definefont

Background Looking to make speech bubbles autofit the text using ConTeXt LMTX. Problem The right padding on the framed text changes depending on whether the macro for \definefont is used. In the ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
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How to force words that start with an italic uppercase letter "W" to be better aligned agaist left-hand edge of minipage

Is it my eyes or has anyone else noticed that the left justification of an italic W in a minipage environment does not appear to be as "flush" as other left justified letters? Consider, for ...
DDS's user avatar
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A Minipage Environment Where the Content is Left-Right Justified Except for the Last Line Which is Flushright

Consider the code \documentclass{book} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \Large \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{5.75in}\leftskip\fill\rightskip-\leftskip\parfillskip\stretch{2}% \textbf{``The ...
DDS's user avatar
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How to Left Justify the Lettrine Only with the Text After Inserting Opening Quotation Marks

Consider the code: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lettrine,xcolor} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[tracking=true]{microtype} \input GoudyIn.fd \renewcommand{\LettrineFontHook}{\usefont{U}{GoudyIn}{...
DDS's user avatar
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Forcing a wireframing font to justify

The libre font Redacted has a nice look for visualising the wireframing of a text heavy document. However, in LaTeX, I can't seem to get it to justify, and I'm not quite sure why. The code below, ...
luaplaying's user avatar
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How to achieve such justification?

I want my text to be forcibly justified on the left and right and not just centred on the page. I know this, \begin{center} Elizabeth it is in vain you say "Love not" — thou sayest it in so ...
scribe's user avatar
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how can I justify the entire body of the document

this my code. I want the body text to be justify \documentclass[table,a4paper,man,floatsintext]{apa7} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{amssymb,amsthm,mathtools} %........ \setlength{\parindent}...
Chamanga's user avatar
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How to Justify the Text in a Minipage Environment within a Tikzpicture

Consider the following code--- \documentclass{book} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{mwe} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[preaction={fill=black,opacity=1....
DDS's user avatar
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typeset subsection-entries in TOC as justified text in scrbook

Typesetting a TOC is pretty straightforward, and so is customizing it. I would like to know if there is a simple way to turn this three-level TOC into this on the subsection-entry-level: Background: ...
Kubo's user avatar
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In Texworks, while the texts were aligned for the first couple of pages, it suddenly is no longer justified in alignment, and indention is not working

Edit: When I try the paragraph in a new texfile without the front page, it is perfectly aligned. So it seems the problem could be in my cover page. I am adding the code and the error messages below- \...
Tomalika Ullah's user avatar
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Applying the distributed alignment to the context on Figs

How to apply the distributed alignment to the context on Figure? I tried to apply \justifying, or caption package and \captionsetup function. However, they break the journal caption template. \begin{...
Soyeong Kim's user avatar
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Horizontal Tabbing Justification within Res Document Class

Consider the code \documentclass{res} \setlength{\textheight}{9.5in} % increase text height to fit on 1-page \newlength{\imagewidth}\setlength{\imagewidth}{4em} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{...
DDS's user avatar
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tabularray: justified text instead of ragged alignment

\documentclass[paper=a4,fontsize=12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Verdana} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{tabularray} \begin{document} \noindent\begin{...
tstone-1's user avatar
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Is it able to justify fancychap?

Hi to many LaTeX experts! I am using fncychap (Bjornstrup). I would like to know if it is possible to align (justify) the title name inside of the square (explanatory photo attached. Since I have ...
Junjing Wang's user avatar
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How do I justify the text using subcaptions in the attached code?

I am using revtex4-2 formatting, and have 2 columns. I would like to have 2x2 subfigure, each labeled by a different alphabet. And I want the caption to be justified. However, the attached code ...
Ghanasyam Remesh's user avatar