Questions tagged [knitr]

knitr is an R package for dynamic report generation based on the concept of literate programming.

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2 answers

Why are the axis labels too large when using tikzDevice and lattice?

I'm working on a paper that is to be submitted to an Elsevier journal. The official guidelines state that: As a general rule, the lettering on the artwork should have a finished, printed size of ...
lindelof's user avatar
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How to extract a series of text not in an environment, but with defined commands enclosing them

Under Windows 8, I am using R and the knitr package in RStudio with an .Rnw script. My regex skills are passable, but only in R. My document has about thirty pages with a different text section at ...
lawyeR's user avatar
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XeLaTeX + knitr + Arial = error

When I compile the following: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Arial} \begin{document} Hello. <<foo, dev='tikz'>>= library(ggplot2) qplot(1) @ \end{document} ...
Hugh's user avatar
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How to solve the error: No counter 'sectionpage' defined [closed]

I'm trying to use this answer from a previous question to get frame numbers in a table of content in a beamer presentation made in RStudio with R Markdown and knitr (see file below; in in_header.tex ...
avriis's user avatar
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xtable: extend table to both columns

Using the xtable package, is it possible to give some option to xtable function to generate a tex file which will contain following: ``` \begin{table*} ... \end{table*} ```
chao's user avatar
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Where set font in tikzDevice-plots (.Rnw)

I'm trying to use sans serif fonts for the text in plots (ggplot2) made by R, within KOMA-book. Unfortunately I'm not very experienced in managing fonts and their families. To keep things consistent, ...
Chris's user avatar
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Using Calibri with a Mac

I am preparing a document, writing it in RStudio and knitr in a Mac (OS X El Capitan 10.11.2). I would like to use Calibri (to mimic Office documents). I already have a legal version of Microsoft ...
erasmortg's user avatar
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Insert line break into knitr fig.cap?

I am using knitr and want to insert a line break in my fig.cap chunk option. Is this possible? The following is all I can think of but it doesn't work. I expect there's some evaluation option but I ...
CephBirk's user avatar
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What is the counterpart in LaTeX for the R package ezknitr and its tools for managing paths and directories

Dean Attali has just added an R package called ezknitr to CRAN. It enables those who use knitr and RMarkdown in .Rmd files to handle directories quite flexibly. His blog describes it well: path ...
lawyeR's user avatar
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Formatting text the same way knitr formats code, but outside of chunks

Back when I was using sweave, I could make my inline code look like R code by using \texttt{whatever} or \verb@whatever@. I am trying out knitr, and the format of the code chunks sure is pretty. But ...
generic_user's user avatar
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Error 43 while knitting a markdown to pdf in a R project created on mac and run on Windows

I created a R project which outputs some plots to pdf using rmarkdown::render with an .Rmd file. I shared the folder when the R project and all the relative files are kept to a colleague using Google ...
Bakaburg's user avatar
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2 answers

With knitr and LaTex, how can you arrange the List of Figures alphabetically?

What code will enable me to reorganize the List of Figures alphabetically (and keep the page number)? My goal is to include that alphabetical listing of figures in the PDF file that is created. Here ...
lawyeR's user avatar
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Knitr Plot Tooltips for ADA Compliance

I would like to use Knitr to generate plots in R that have hover-over tooltips. Here is a working example without an R tooltip: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pdfcomment} \begin{...
RTS's user avatar
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knitr code chunks in footnotes

My issue is to include verbatim output from knitr Sweave code chunks in footnotes. The BVerbatim environment (fancyvrb) gives me the formatting that I want. (NB: one needs to put \VerbatimFootnotes ...
John Maindonald's user avatar
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Extra Curly Braces when creating Xtable using Knitr, after specifiying size

I'm creating a R Markdown document using knitr and am running into trouble using xtable to create a table. My table is very large and I'm trying to reduce the size using the size command in the print ...
Rafael's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Encrypt and decrypt parts of text in a LaTeX source file

Assume that you have some text in parts of your LaTeX document that you only want people with a password to see. A reason could e.g. be a case with an guiding answer. You want to make the case public ...
Relund's user avatar
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Page margins in .Rtex

I'm using ShareLatex to write my thesis (which relies heavily on R) but the page size changes when I set my document to "main.Rtex" instead of "main.tex". I provide a minimal example so you can check ...
Jerry Led's user avatar
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Knitr markdown can't display basic symbols

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04, running RStudio Version 0.99.473. I have LaTeX installed (TeXworks) and knitting Rmarkdown documents works just fine. However, adding mathematical symbols such as $\mu$ causes it ...
D7Becker's user avatar
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Running R code from latex. (alternative to knitr)

If you want to export the output of an R script to latex and create a pdf document you can use the package Knitr with RStudio. But I guess this is only a good practise for short results. What if I ...
skan's user avatar
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Is it safe to reinstall MacTex after upgrading from Yosemite to El Capitan

I was using MacTex on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite). I upgraded to OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) and now I get the error "No TeX installation detected" trying to compile a latex document using knitr. I saw the ...
Ben's user avatar
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knitr texmaker could not start the command

I have recently upgraded to El Capitan and I can't make knitr work with texmaker anymore. I have red all the issue concerning MacTex and the change in the path from /usr to /Library/Tex but here I can'...
ClementWalter's user avatar
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knitr not working on LyX after installation of Mac OS X El Capitan

I updated my Mac to OS X El Capitan and knitr doesn't work on it. Before the update everything was fine. Now LyX is saying : "The module knitr requires a package that is not available in your LaTex ...
Kiwi's user avatar
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Encoding error when knitr -> LaTeX -> PDF

I have a document written in knitr. I can export it to HTML and docx, but not PDF for some reason. The Rmd file is here It says ! Package ...
user1603548's user avatar
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R to LaTeX with knitr and pandoc (error in a guide)

I want to follow the guide since my document need to be pushed to latex for a better read. The tex says "...
user1603548's user avatar
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References and bibliography with knitr, ESS and AUCTEX

I'm trying to get references working in a knitr Rnw document using ESS, AUCTex, TeXLive, and natbib. Here is a minimal example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{natbib} \begin{document} <<...
jrm's user avatar
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Using knitr with TeXworks

I checked out the conversation between Speravir and Yihui, and also Yihui's site and video for getting knitr to work with TeXworks. However, I am definitely not super tech-savvy and I'm having some ...
Marilla's user avatar
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Wrap text from xtable row names with knitr

I am using knitr to generate pdfs that contain tables that I'm making with xtable. How can I wrap the text in these tables? Here is my best effort so far: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} &...
CephBirk's user avatar
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How to create tikz figures via knitr forcing labels featuring LaTeX's font size modifier-commands?

Is there a way to force knitr to create tikz code which includes font size information? The output would be something like this: \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\footnotesize}] Here is ...
ToJo's user avatar
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knitr - double spacing in an html document

If my knitr output was a pdf, then I can begin my document as follows to have the text double spaced: title: My Title author: "My Name" date: "Today's Date" header-includes: - \usepackage{setspace}...
Maria Reyes's user avatar
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ShareLatex knitr install package

Sharelatex comes with a few R library's that you can query. However, it is impossible for me to install a package or query a non pre-installed package. The package I am trying to use is the arm ...
Bobe Kryant's user avatar
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SOLVED - Knitr/pandoc bibliography problem [closed]

I would try to convert the way I write my scientific articles from Sweave/LaTeX to knitr/pandoc. I've been able to reproduce almost everithing with the exceptions of the references. I googled a lot ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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knitr creating a wrong second "#" in a deep hyperlink

I would like to compile a .Rnw Document in RStudio with knitr that includes a "#" in the hyperlink (deeplink) of a float caption. See the minimum working example: (compiled with R Studio Version 0....
gosz's user avatar
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Display if the variable is NA / not-NA

I have a variable assigned as a output of a function, which returns numeric value or NA. The following code mimics it. <<>>= data <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 1, replace = TRUE) @ ...
tallharish's user avatar
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Setting width of page

I would like to control the width of the document, i was able to set the margins more the the left ( But that just moved the text to ...
Timo Kvamme's user avatar
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Print binary output in knitr

Just showing an example to represent my seemingly simple problem. i generate a variable with random TRUE/FALSE. <<>>= data <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 1, replace = TRUE) @ ...
tallharish's user avatar
2 votes
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Lyx / Knitr - R Code in chunck goes beyond set width

I use Lyx (2.1.4) with knitr (1.10.5). I have a lot of trouble having the code chunks respect the width that I tried setting through various ways: In the chunk options (width=50); options("width&...
Dominic Comtois's user avatar
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knitr example doesn't produce graphics

I tried compiling the given MWE for testing knitr: %% LyX 2.1.3 created this file. For more info, see %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass{...
Simon Kuang's user avatar
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How does knitr inject TeX code into the document?

I'm very new to knitr. How do I write R code in knitr that composes LaTeX from scratch and injects it into the document at a particular point? I'm thinking of something similar to what PHP or JSP ...
Simon Kuang's user avatar
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Formatting R chunks when using knitr

How can I apply the same formatting with R chunks that I apply to regular listings? The following example shows a nicely formatting listing and an (IMHO) awful looking R chunk. I already loaded ...
Uwe Ziegenhagen's user avatar
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Knitr pdf not working on Mac OS X error "! Missing $ inserted."

I have the following chunk in rmarkdown {r } library(psych) a <- (matrix(c(1:1000), ncol=4)) f <- fa(a) But when I try to print inline the following output: `r f$null.chisq` I get the ...
Dambo's user avatar
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Using \adjustwidth seems to break with a figure caption in knitr

I need to adjust my margins so I can place two pictures side by side. This works when there is no caption on the picture but when I add a caption the margins revert back to how they were. \begin{...
user82697's user avatar
10 votes
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Appending an empty row after every 5 or 10 rows in LaTeX table

I wonder how to append an empty row after every 5 or 10 rows in LaTeX table. Here is my MWE in .Rnw format. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks! \documentclass{article} \usepackage{longtable}...
MYaseen208's user avatar
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Redefining the knitr code chunk delimeter in LaTeX to compile .Rnw files as .tex files

I am trying to define some LaTeX commands/environments to handle the raw text in an Rnw file (R + LaTeX document compiled with R package knitr). The goal is to allow someone to rename a .Rnw file to a ...
mikeck's user avatar
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knitr Caption figure without number

I am looking for a way to caption my figures without numbering them (like \caption*{}). I am not sure how to do this in knitr. The following example shows my first attempt: <<label, include=...
tallharish's user avatar
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Iterate latex/kintr code

I am new to knitr/Sweave. I need to prepare different versions of an exam with randomly generated questions. One version per student, each with the student's name on it. Below is a simple example with ...
Primo Petri's user avatar
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Two tables (not hard-coded) side-by-side in LaTeX that will page break

I wrote my original question here: (Two tables side-by-side in LaTeX that will page break). Then, I realized I needed to revise my question, by also including an additional problem that comes with it. ...
user12211991's user avatar
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How can I conditionally reference a figure?

So here's my knitr .Rnw file: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{} \begin{document} \let\ref\autoref <<plot,fig.cap='try'>>= if(rnorm(1) > 0) x = rbinom(1, 100, ...
CephBirk's user avatar
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what does this error message suggest? [closed]

An error just prompted up when I process an .Rnw file using RSudio: Loading required package: knitr Warning message: package ‘knitr’ was built under R version 3.1.2 processing file: ...
Dadong Zhang's user avatar
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knitr: less/greater than sign displayed as (¡) and (¿)

I'm a beginner in using knitr to generate a report. I have a R script (see below for an example; BTW I'm using RStudio for all of this) that runs without error and the output is a data frame. My rnw....
Johanna's user avatar
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Conditionally print text with inline R data via knitr

I want to conditionally print a sentence that contains a \Sexpr{} in knitr. How can this be done? I know I can conditionally print text using \Sexpr{} but I run into issues when the text to be printed ...
CephBirk's user avatar
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