Questions tagged [linguistics]

The {linguistics} tag can be used for questions about packages designed primarily for linguists or about typesetting of linguistics-specific material.

25 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Continuous numbering of examples with gb4e in both main text and footnotes

I would like to continue the numbering of the examples with gb4e from my main text in my footnotes. I guess that this has something to do with resetting the counter for \ex in footnotes, but I do not ...
milvala's user avatar
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Leipzig and glossaries: compatibility problems, and glossary does not appear

I am using the leipzig package, which provides shortcut macros for linguistic gloss abbreviations, and interfaces with the glossaries package to index these abbreviations. I am compiling properly (...
Lefteris_the_linguist's user avatar
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Prevent linebreak if word begins with hyphen

Words beginning with hyphens such as suffixes in linguistic texts can break right after the hyphen which is undesirable. To prevent this I know I could do \exhyphenpenalty=10000 or what the answers ...
jan's user avatar
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gb4e: overwrite italics in first line

Dear Stackexchange community, For my dissertation I use gb4e for my examples. To get the first line in italics, I use the following code: \let\eachwordone=\itshape In some examples, however, I ...
user101921's user avatar
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Preventing page break inside gloss environment

Because of my research interests, my documents are usually filled to the brim with examples in a language that needs to be glossed. For some reason, a lot of my expex glossed examples are split at ...
Bernat Bardagil's user avatar
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How to automatically generate a list of linguistic examples with package linguex?

I am using the linguex package to present linguistic examples. However, I would like to make an appendix at the end which contains all the examples I've used and the page information. I am asking ...
Sai's user avatar
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Fontenc and tipa

I am layouting my PhD theses in linguistics and I am struggling with the layout of the linguistic examples. Thanks to StackExchange, I could solve the problem of font size (see here). Now, however, I ...
ahasse's user avatar
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leipzig package gives glossing abbreviations but does not print glossary

I used leipzig when typesetting my paper to get glossing abbreviations in smallcaps more easily and to automatically generate a glossary. However, I didn't get the package to work as it did for others....
Marcel Lyu's user avatar
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More than two glossing lines linguex

I am new here. I need some help with the use of linguex. I want to be able to make more than two even up to four glossing lines with that package like in the pdf here. But I fail to do it. Would ...
Silué Lacina's user avatar
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parcolumns and qtree

I need to create two columns with different widths. I am trying to use the parcolumns package, but I can't make it work properly. Here is the code and the result: \documentclass[12pt]{amsart} \...
RobertP.'s user avatar
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Movement arrows in gloss (part IV)

In reference to this question: Movement arrows in gloss (part III) I have one more question: Is it possible to get four arrows: Two beneath the text in both directions and two above. Up to now ...
K.B.'s user avatar
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Cross-referencing custom labeled examples

I'm having trouble with linguex cross-referencing examples with an optional argument as in: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{linguex} \title{Title} \begin{document} \maketitle ...
bozidarka's user avatar
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Problem with XeLaTeX xdv2pdf mode and font compilation

I recently upgraded to TexLive2013 (Basic) and this broke the setup I use for letters of recommendation. I need to use a legacy university font which requires XeLaTeX in the mode xdv2pdf. MWE is below ...
cbowern's user avatar
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How can I remove the space between the lines of linguistic examples?

When a linguistic example is very long, the defined format of such long examples in the expex package looks like this. How can I make the first part and second part of this long example align? \ex[...
Kelvin Hu's user avatar
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Two inputs in an ot-tableau with numberbed inputs and candidates

I'm intending to make a tableau with tikzpictures as candidates. Now I want to make both inputs (1 and 2) and candidates (a,b,c) numbered – I've tried using mcand but it says it's undefined. The ...
Han Li's user avatar
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Please suggest what went wrong in my code

My code are follow: \documentclass{book} \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} %\newcommand{\cmark}{\ding{51}}% \newcommand{\xmark}{\ding{55}} %\usepackage{kpfonts} %\usepackage{mdwlist} %\usepackage{fixltx2e}...
MadyYuvi's user avatar
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Glossaries \printglossary suddenly not working (0 entries accepted, 3 rejected)

I'm trying to use the glossaries package to make a list of abbreviations used in glossed linguistics examples (for which I use the package gb4e). Basically, the problem I'm getting is that my ...
clant's user avatar
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Devanagari example with package linguex

This is an MWE formed with package linguex, for having numbered examples. I have also added an English example for the comparison. %!TeX TS-Program=xelatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
Niranjan's user avatar
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Easiest way to make long passages of glosses

What's the easiest way to do a long passage (like a full page or 2) of glosses? Would be great if I can convert directly from a spreadsheet like a CSV or something. If I can make a 2 column ...
user125234's user avatar
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Attaching text box to tikzpicture (syntax tree)

I'm looking to attach some text to a specific node in this syntax tree with an arrow. Currently, I can't get the text to span over multiple lines, so it just cuts off once it reaches the right margin. ...
sebastian05's user avatar
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Footnotes not working with linguex and leipzig package

The question says it all. I am using package leipzig for glossing and linguex for examples. This is the code. \documentclass[8pt]{article} \usepackage{leipzig} \usepackage{linguex} \begin{document} \...
Niranjan's user avatar
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alignment between an example in gb4e and the bracketed gloss

I need to have the words on the first line not so wide apart as in ex. 1 (ovaj and zadatak) and ex. 3 (je and vazan). Also, if possible, I'd like to have the bracketed second line more aligned with ...
daniela's user avatar
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Linguistic formulae including feature matrices

I need to include linguistic formulae in my documents. The formulae look like this: <[X C ]i ↔ [N, sg]i ↔ [SG[SEM]]i > ≈ <[X C əz]j ↔ [N, pl]j ↔ [PL[SEM]j> The i's and j's should be ...
Andreusz's user avatar
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Drawing bare phrase structure trees with the forest package

I need to emulate these two trees and I've been trying different things but I can't get them exactly right. Every time I try the nice empty nodes option the tree ends up too elongated vertically, but ...
user242292's user avatar
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How to cause tonal accents to replace tittles in TIPA?

The tittle (dot) in letters like i is replaced by the accent in normal TeX. When TIPA is used to create tonal vowels like í from characters like i and ɨ using \textipa{\'i}, the accent is placed above ...
Quint's user avatar
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