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Questions tagged [ltablex]

{ltablex} is a package that defines a tabularx environment which has the same syntax as the longtable environment but allows X columns and page breaks.

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2 answers

Caption in tabularx environment

can someone explain me, why the gap between the caption and the table is so huge? \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{...
tro_latex's user avatar
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Only one row in a multipage ltablex

I use a long table which goes over multiple pages. In some situations, only one row is on a separate page, but it should be fit on the page before. Here is the MWE: \documentclass{scrreprt} \...
Micha's user avatar
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ltablex caused the content to exceed the bottom margin of the page

For some reasons, I need to use tabularx to typeset tables, and I need to be able to cross pages. So I choose ltablex to meet these demands at the same time. However, I found that the content near ...
Clara's user avatar
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tabularx table not taking page width after importing ltablex

I want some tables to take up the page width. I was able to do this using the tabularx package and the X parameter. Here is an example of what a table looks like: However, I need to use captions but ...
refresh's user avatar
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tabularx does not fill full textwidth when using ltablex

I had several tables in my document, some longer than others, but all of them defined using tabularx. In one moment I decided I needed a way to break tables across pages, so I found out about ltablex. ...
José Tomás Tocino's user avatar
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fill page(s) with (long) table //move long tablularx to the left of the page [scrlttr2]

I tried to move the table to the left of the page, but was not successful. The table did not move at all. If I prepend a normal text with \hspace, it works as expected. How can I move the table to the ...
user239572's user avatar
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svjour3: Appendix table numbers increment +2 using table and tabularx

I know that my question below may be similar like this one, nevertheless I kindly ask you for your patience, as I am using some different tabular environments. The appendix of my document based on the ...
PWillms's user avatar
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Tabularx continuing over multiple pages

I have a tabularx table (6x2) with figure+text in all of its cells except the head. I've been trying to continue/flow this table over to the next page using packages like ltablex and xltabular, but in ...
Roqx's user avatar
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Using packages adjustbox and ltablex together

I am creating a long table spanning multiple pages using the ltablex package. I would like to accommodate more content in the same page using the adjustbox package to shrink it a bit and increasing ...
Latte for Life's user avatar
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Tabularx X column doing the opposite of expected and becoming incredibly narrow

I'm a bit of a noob to Latex. I'm using tabularx to create a table of many rows, for which I'm also using ltablex to extend over multiple pages. The below code represents the issue I'm facing, where ...
Dbercules's user avatar
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Long multi-page table with even-odd page splitting

I am a complete newbie at LaTeX and I would like to reproduce the following (exemplary) layout: The key requirements are: The table must span multiple pages vertically; The table must be split on ...
MrVocabulary's user avatar
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How can I format multiple tables to be in proportion? [duplicate]

I'm trying to create an Appendix of SPSS tables in APA6 (12 pt) format. The issue is that some of the tables are greater than the width of the page. Any way I can think of to shrink them scales them ...
hii's user avatar
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Make ltablex inline rather than centered across textwidth

I'm using ltablex to make a long tablularx environment. I notice that it seems to centre the table across the page rather than putting it inline like tabularx does. This causes problems for me because ...
David Purton's user avatar
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numbererd tabluarx inside tabulars

I am generating tex documents automatically (HTML -> pandoc(tex) -> postprocess -> XELATEX), and my general table environment is tabularx (with usage of package ltablex, so these are ...
olidem's user avatar
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clash of tabularx and conditions

page table coming from a csv file. My problem: there is an error arrising in the condition before the table. Do you know how I can fix this problem? (Not all the data is shown but it is important ...
Elia's user avatar
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Multi-pages long tables : how to deal with itemize listing?

I would like to create a multi-pages table similar to this answer on stackexchange ( ) but with the following differences : I have 4 columns ("Site", "...
jy95's user avatar
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Columns in long table repositioned on next page

I've created two long tables with two columns which stretch over several pages. I would like the columns of both tables to be aligned in a vertical line. However, whenever one of the two columns ...
Nereus's user avatar
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Full width table with multicolunm

I have a problem with creating a full-width table with multicolumn. The code is: \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{longtable,booktabs} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{ a4paper, left=20mm, ...
Michael's user avatar
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Table causing issue [duplicate]

I am trying to make the following table.... \begin{landscape} \pagestyle{empty} \small \setlist[enumerate]{nosep, wide, label=\textbf{\arabic*}., ...
Mihan's user avatar
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Long tabularx, problem with spacing using setspace

I am using setspace to control the spacing of my text but I don't want it to affect my tables. Now I run into a problem when trying to have a table that spans over multiple pages because the spacing ...
Georg's user avatar
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How to define a two-column definition environment that breaks across pages

Related questions: How to make a table on more than one page by using the table environment TabularX and \Newenvironment{} with Page Break Description-like environment with fixed labels ...
Julian's user avatar
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Why is the table drawn over footer instead of being moved to the next page?

On the second page the table is drawn over the footer instead of being moved to the next page. But the first table does get moved to the second page instead of being drawn right after \lipsum[1-2], ...
MadCake - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Force pagebreak behind hline in longtable

I try to force the pagebreaks only behind \hline and not behind a \hhline{|~|----} The first MWE shows the wrong behavior \documentclass[fontsize=12pt,twoside=false]{scrbook} \usepackage[ngerman]{...
Pascal's user avatar
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How do I prevent poor formatting when using ltablex package and nesting tabularx environments?

I'm preparing a long table (> 1 page, so I'm using the longtable package) that is set to take up the full \textwidth of a page. I aim to produce both letter- and A4-sized versions of the document, but ...
Travis's user avatar
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Ltablex doesn't break multirow

I built a multipage table containing multirows using the ltablex and multirow packages. My question is, how can I now prevent Latex from breaking such a multirow? \begin{center} \begin{...'s user avatar
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Table with 2 panels is causing the table numbers to skip

I created a table with 2 panels using 2 tabularx's. That caused the following table to have the table number skipped, meaning the table number went from Table 2 for the table with 2 panels to Table 4 ...
Asaf Cohen's user avatar
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Why is the caption not being displayed

I using ltabulex for my long table. The table is coming out fine, but the caption is not being displayed above the table. Does anyone know why? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tabularx} \...
Asaf Cohen's user avatar
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ltablex hack in LatexML?

I need to access to ltablex-like functionality within the confines of the packages available to LatexML. Namely, a long table that needs to have wrapped text in columns. Ordinarily, I'd do something ...
Mark's user avatar
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ltablex caption causing errors

This code seems to work without \caption \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{ltablex} \usepackage{caption} \newcolumntype{Y}[1]{>{\hsize=#1\...
Mzq's user avatar
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Adjustwidth not working for shifting ltablex table to the left

I want to shift my table slightly to the left of the page (exceeding left text width boundary). After many googles I however keep having trouble and can't manage to get ˙\adjustwidth` to work: \...
user21398's user avatar
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Ltablex errors in long and wide table

Good morning everybody. I have an issue with trying to make a multi-page table inside my thesis by using the package ltablex. The issue is that the table doesn't continue in the next pages; the code ...
Rov's user avatar
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Override margin settings of revtex4

I would like to modify the left and right margins around the table in the following "code": \documentclass[a4paper,preprint,aps,unsortedaddress]{revtex4} \usepackage[top=2.5cm,bottom=2.5cm,left=3.5cm,...
Roloka's user avatar
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Tabularx is increasing the table numeration even without \caption

I'm using ltablex and threeparttablex for my long tables across 2 or 3 pages. However, into the text body I use tabularx without the intention of numbering, but the tabularx environment is increasing ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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Package ltablex ruins memoirs "ell" chapter style

The package ltablex ruins memoir's ell chapter style. So for example this is how I want it to look: \documentclass[12pt,oneside,a4paper]{memoir} \chapterstyle{ell} \begin{document} \chapter{Test} \...
BrainStone's user avatar
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Error with own environment using ltablex

I am trying to get ltablex to work using the following code based on this answer: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ltablex} \usepackage{blindtext} \keepXColumns \newenvironment{test} {% \...
epR8GaYuh's user avatar
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Pagebreak doesn't work with floats and ltablex [closed]

I have the same problem as described here: Pagebreak doesn't work with floats and longtabu I tried the provided solution approach - but it does not work. I have created a new longtable.sty and ...
leif's user avatar
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ltablex package unalign my document and do bad boxes

On the question How to write a table, a little larger than the paragraphs, with centered columns and no warnings? I learned to align my documented centered. Now, I added ltablex to my document guided ...
user's user avatar
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Horizontal alignment of a tabularx environment inside a figure

I'm making some figures that must have with a little description in a tabularx environment. I'd like to align the tabularx to the left margin, however it continues appearing in the center. I'm using ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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Show footnotes on each page for footnote in ltablex

For footnotes in a long ltablex, the default configuration gather all the footnotes in the last page in the table. Is that possible to show footnote in their corresponding page, instead of having it ...
Eana Hufwe's user avatar
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Problem with table notes in a landscape ThreePartTable [closed]

I have a long paper with a landscape table, spread in 2 pages. For that table I'm using afterpage ltablex threeparttablex and threeparttable packages. I made a MWE, however it worked perfectly. So I'm ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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How can I put lines covering all table

I have the following table \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[ top=2.5cm, left=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, right=2.5cm ]{geometry} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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Example about the \keepXColumns or \convertXColumns on ltablex package?

From Another feature that has been added is to treat the X columns like ‘l’ columns if the table contents would allow that to happen ...
user's user avatar
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Longtable, ltablex and ThreePartTable - rows misaligned

I collected fragments of several answers to arrive here, but still there is some problem in my code that I can't find. I'm trying to make a long table (2-3 pages) with text width using the ltablex ...
Elijah's user avatar
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Nesting tables using ltablex package

I am creating a large table which contains smaller tables in some cells. I was able to do this simply with the tabularx package, which allowed me to automatically size columns and wrap text. However, ...
hcummin's user avatar
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Table number not right after using tabularx

I just found that after I used tabularx, the table number in my document is not right, shown as follows where the first four tables were done using tabularx and they are all even numbered, despite ...
Zhifang Hu's user avatar
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Combination of booktabs and ltablex fails if cell starts with bracket

My document contains several tables, one of which spans several pages. Following this question, I tried to use the ltablex package for that. However, my document doesn't compile anymore if I use that ...
Schmuddi's user avatar
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pythontex and ltablex overunning expected line width

I'm trying to use pythontex with ltablex to output a table that gets output from a python script. I've done a simple example below: \documentclass{article} %\usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{ltablex} ...
Ross W's user avatar
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Problem with multirow, tabularx and ltablex

I am trying to make a table in LaTeX but I am failing. I have tried loads of things but I don't get a result. Despite using tabularx, words do not fit the columns. \documentclass[]{article} \...
Víctor's user avatar
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Double increment of table counter

I am currently setting up a skeleton for my thesis. I am using the KOMA Script report (scrreprt) documentclass: \documentclass[titlepage,fonsize=10pt,a4paper,parskip=half,index=totoc,glossaries=totoc,...
Martin's user avatar
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TabularX and \Newenvironment{} with Page Break

I am reffering to How to make a table on more than one page by using the table environment and Implementing page break in tabularx environment. I am trying to create a symbols list in tabular ...
magicdivadd's user avatar