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Questions tagged [lthooks]

{lthooks} is the hook management system built into the LaTeX kernel. Questions tagged {lthooks} are about their behaviour and usage.

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6 votes
1 answer

Replacing `\everypar` with a hook

This snippet uses \obeylines and \everypar to add a number at the start of paragraphs and and \hfill. How can I replace the everypar since it not recommended to be used any longer, now that we have ...
yannisl's user avatar
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Make the instructions added to a given hook in the end applied in a different order

Let's suppose that, in the source file of a class, different instructions are added to the same hook (e.g. begindocument/end) in different (potentially distant) places, and in a certain order. Is ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to use AddToHook add code for a env after the beginning code

The code \AddToHook{env/myenv/begin} will run the code after the env group but before the beginning code is executed. How to run some code after the being code is executed? See the following example \...
xyz's user avatar
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How should I have diagnosed this? Figuring out when to insert code into hooks to alter third party package behaviour

This question seems very confused to me, so I'm not sure you will be able to make sense of it. I know how to solve this problem (now). What I would like to know is how I should have diagnosed and ...
cfr's user avatar
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How to use hook to change \parskip in minipage?

I try to use a hook to change the \parskip in the minipage environment. But my code doesn't work. Here is an MWE. \documentclass{article} \AddToHook{env/minipage/begin}{\setlength{\parskip}{2em}} \...
houzw's user avatar
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Current best practice re. cross-references to last page

I am/was using pageslts, which I know is not supposed to be compatible with current LaTeX. As far as I understand, there is no alternative offering the same functionality, but I'd like to at least ...
cfr's user avatar
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Using package hooks with hyperref to avoid package conflicts

By now only a small number of packages, need to be loaded after hyperref. Consider the code below, that creates a clist with such packages algorithm,1algorithmic,arydshln and chappg. So far the code ...
yannisl's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Set value for macro at the beginning of each page

I am trying to set the value of a macro at the beginning of each page using shipout hooks. Consider the following example: \documentclass{article} \ExplSyntaxOn \tl_new:N \g_mymodule_test_tl \...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Track all macro calls inside input .tex file (via luatex?)

If we have an input .tex file, how to find all macro invocations in it? \documentclass{article} \newcommand{\samplemacro}{This is a sample macro.} \begin{document} \samplemacro \begin{itemize} \...
Dmitry Panteleev's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

\AddToHook{begindocument/end}{⟨code⟩}\begin{document} not equivalent to \begin{document}⟨code⟩?

(This a follow up of this question about indentation of paragraphs with the standalone class.) The following MCE gives the expected result (indented paragraphs): \documentclass[varwidth]{standalone} \...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the recommended way to use \everypar now that LaTeX has hooks?

Now that LaTeX has hooks, there is a recommendation to use the hooks interface for everypar? How should this be done in l3 programs? \documentclass{article} \ExplSyntaxOn \newcounter{eplinenumber} \...
yannisl's user avatar
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Correct way to remove spaces when adding hooks to environment

Please see addendum before reading the question. I have not deleted or made major edits to it so as not to invalidate @cfr's answer. I'm trying to add some hooks to a theorem environment, and I ...
mbert's user avatar
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Test if a user command is at the end of the document

Is there any chance for a command \testcommand to test if it is the last user command before \end{document}? Since there are still hooks at enddocument, this seems a little bit tricky. I am thinking ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Adding to package hook after it's been loaded

It was my understanding of kernel hooks that adding to a hook only affects instances that follow that addition. This seems true for in-document hooks. For example, with \begin{quote} some text \end{...
mbert's user avatar
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How to test if a hook with certain label exists

The lthooks documentation says: But how should one know in advance if the hook with this given label exists or not? In my package I wish to clear the code with a given label in a hook before adding ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Using lthooks to locally hook into command

Following a previous question of mine, as an exercise I'm trying to mimic the behavior of thmtools with amsthm using l3keys and lthooks. Now I am stuck on the hooks part. thmtools defines prehead, ...
mbert's user avatar
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ltpara's new hook management and scrlayer-scrpage (for automatic paragraph counting, etc)

I have read that one should not use \everypar but rather \AddToHook{para/begin} for automatic paragraph enumeration and related operations. In principle, this works fine (mwe without counting, just ...
Felix Emanuel's user avatar
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Understanding \RemoveFromHook with label

I've realized my answer to this question about removing the effect of \tcolorboxenvironment is not ideal because it removes all content from the hooks env/<envname>/before and env/<envname>...
mbert's user avatar
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\ShowHook, but only the code for a specific label

\ShowHook and its L3 counterpart \hook_show:n provided by lthooks are documented to print in the terminal a number of pieces of information about a given hook, including "the code chunks (and ...
gusbrs's user avatar
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Cannot add to "after" hook of sectioning command

It seems one cannot add to the "after" hook of a sectioning command. For example the document \documentclass{article} \AddToHook{cmd/section/after}{\bfseries} \begin{document} abc \section{...
mbert's user avatar
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Why does \AddToHook{enddocument} create an extra page with the standalone class?

As shown in the following MWE, \AddToHook{enddocument} creates an extra page with the standalone class (with varwidth option), compared to the article class. Why, and is there a workaround? % \...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
3 votes
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\RemoveFromHook not working as expected if code placed in package file

In my answer to this question, something occurred that I don't understand about the hook system. If the code that adds a hook is directly in the main tex file (\tcolorboxenvironment in this example), ...
mbert's user avatar
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\AtBeginDocument and packages

Here is a very puzzling behaviour of the (Lua)LaTeX compiler. In the situation below, the output depends on whether some code in put in a package or directly in the main file; asking for an extra \...
Rémi Peyre's user avatar
91 votes
7 answers

Important improvements of LaTeX over the last ten years (2013-2022)

We haven't had this question since many years (2016, 2014, 2010), but especially the question from 2014 has been viewed for more than 50k times, so it seems we should provide an up-to-date answer once ...
Keks Dose's user avatar
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Caption Spacing Wrong do to Polyglossia

Consider the following example: % lualatex test.tex \DocumentMetadata{} \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{polyglossia} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \centering ...
Svend Tveskæg's user avatar
3 votes
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Access to the complete \ShipoutBox (LaTeX hooks)

The following small sample document shows the manipulation of the \ShipoutBox (mirroring as an example) using a LaTeX hook. The background is not mirrored as it is not yet part of the box. This is an ...
rolfn's user avatar
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EuropeCV fails with LaTeX2e pre-release because of loading hyperref in \AtBeginDocument

Below is a minimal example that compiles successfully with stable TeX Live 2022 pdflatex but fails with the latest (and expected to be released in a couple days I think) pdflatex-dev: \documentclass[...
scottkosty's user avatar
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4 votes
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Execute \clearpage before a section only if a certain amount of lines are already filled

I use: \AddToHook{cmd/section/before}{\clearpage} to start a new page before a new section. Is there a possibility to only execute this, if more than X percentage of the page is already filled? So ...
TrizZm4ster's user avatar
1 vote
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Gregoriotex interferes badly with fancyhdr, how to solve this?

This is a sequel to this question. But it addresses a different problem. When the above mentioned question was posed about a year ago, I had not noticed it. By accident I saw it last week, and as it ...
Pieter van Oostrum's user avatar
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Passing nested argument specifier to hook

Consider a macro that declares some other document command, but by accepting their body as an own argument (simple indirection) also adds the invocation of itself to some hook as in \...
Maximilian Keßler's user avatar
5 votes
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Command hooks vs package hooks, which is better?

In designing hook interfaces for my package. I found out that I have two methods of defining hooks: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \section*{Method 1: Use Command Hooks} \...
L.J.R.'s user avatar
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8 votes
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How to reset/clear a hook (or: how to print a background picture only once)

I'd like to add a picture in the background of a single page, but if I use \AddToHook it appears on every page of the document. If I want to clear it after it appears on that specific page (so only ...
Marius Hofert's user avatar
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how to execute commands with env hooks depending of document part?

Consider test case: \documentclass{report} \usepackage{appendix} \title{Title}\author{}\date{} \newcommand\hooktest{this shouldn't be printed} \AddToHook{begindocument/before}{ \renewcommand\...
Alex Shevchenko's user avatar
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Last page in \AddToHook{enddocument/end} not displayed

The following MWE gives only two pages, the third one not being displayed. Why? \documentclass{article} \ExplSyntaxOn \AddToHook{enddocument/end}{ 1 \newpage 2 \newpage 3 } \ExplSyntaxOff \...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
26 votes
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'Generic hook <name> is deprecated' warning after update

I have had a warning for a few days (since I updated MiKTeX): LaTeX hooks Warning: Generic hook (hooks) 'file/after/translations-basic-dictionary-french.trsl' is (hooks) ...
Didier's user avatar
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Adding a comand hook to \appendix with cleveref

I'm trying to set a hook to the \appendix command using the new hook management system. However, when cleveref is loaded, the hook fails with error "Illegal parameter number in definition of \...
gusbrs's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I use LaTeX hooks in historical versions of TeX Live?

At the end of 2020, LaTeX added support for a general hook management system. The system allows me to execute \maketitle at the beginning of a document if I am in the preamble, or immediately if I am ...
Witiko's user avatar
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\AtBeginEnvironment{tikzcd} hasn't any effect

Several babel modules (e.g. the ngerman one) make active the " character, and this is the source of troubles with the tikz-cd package and the tikz' babel library may be not enough (see e.g. this ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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How to require a LaTeX version that provides the new hooks management system?

A class of mine is loading the biblatex package if the user uses a given option. For this, the class used to rely on \AtEndPreamble{\RequirePackage{biblatex}} and I guess it used to work nicely. It ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
9 votes
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file/after hook executed twice with listings and LaTeX 2020-10-01 PL3

This morning after an update to LaTeX 2020-10-01 PL3 my test suite failed with a mysterious error. The error could be traced back to a not-so-minimal WE of the following form \documentclass{scrartcl} \...
moewe's user avatar
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How to hook in \input{foo/bar} and not \input{bar}?

Consider the following root document that imports two different files named bar and uses the file/before/... hook. \documentclass{minimal} \begin{document} \ExplSyntaxOn \AddToHook { file/before/bar } ...
Jérôme LAURENS's user avatar
8 votes
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Wrapping the document environment into another environment fails since LaTeX Update of October 2020

Since the last LaTeX Update, wrapping \document into another environment fails, possibly because of the new hook management system. The following used to work: \documentclass{article} \newenvironment{...
Thomas F. Sturm's user avatar
9 votes
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\renewenvironment and environment hooks

This question refers to the hook system of LaTeX 2e introduced in October 2020 (lthooks). How does \renewenvironment interact with its hooks? Are the hooks cleared or does the code already added to ...
gernot's user avatar
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Removing the content of a LaTeX hook (using lthooks)

In a special case (new version of the document class leaflet) I use the new LaTeX hook shipout/before to save the finished pages in box registers without output. In the next step they are combined and ...
rolfn's user avatar
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