Questions tagged [mathpazo]

Font package to be used in equations.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Different math font for captions in LaTeX

I have two fonts in my LaTeX (not XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX) document: Serif font: used in main text and math environment (mathpazo). Sans-serif font: used in titles and captions (pag). Math symbols in ...
baister's user avatar
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Using mathpazo with sc but still have small caps for bold titles using tgpagella?

I have found this link to code to get this working but doesn't work for me. I still don't get bold small caps even with switching the font like done in the example. Is there anyway to keep the sc ...
J Spen's user avatar
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Control stargazer table output in combination with mathpazo and siunitx

I like the idea to control all my numeric outputs with the smallest number possible of packages. I use mathpazo to control my fonts and siunitx to control formatting. Yet when I knit a LaTeX table ...
Francesco's user avatar
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fplmr font is not created

I am compiling a latex file and I am getting the error kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 0+480/600 --dpi 480 fplmrmktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for fplmr. ...
Máté Wierdl's user avatar
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The palatino font does not allow for the mathtypesetting

I use TeXlive with TeXMaker on a Debian system. The palatino font does not allow for the mathematics type setting. Here is a minimal example. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathpazo} % Use the ...
superAnnoyingUser's user avatar